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HOME> 実践問題>センター英語2003本試験




第2問 次の問い(A〜C)に答えよ

A 次の問い(問1〜10)にいれるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれの下の@〜Cのうちから一つずつ選べ。

The coffee shop opens at 7:30 and serves breakfast [空所] 10 o'clock.

@ within  A by  B for  C until

when we arrived at the birthday party, [空所] nothing left to eat or drink.

@ they were  A it was  B there was  C we were

I'm going to use e-mail to keep in [空所] with my friends in New Zealand.

@ exchange  Amind  B touch  C relation

Dr. Miller was unable to give his speech [空所] the late arrival of his plane.

@ according to  A due to  B in place of  C in case of

[空所] is the scientific study of forces such as heat, light, and sound, and the way they affect objects.

@ Politics  A Chemistry  B Physics  C Geography

I still can't believe that the young man [空所] at the restaurant was Frankie. He's grown so much!

@ should have seen  A saw  B have seen  C might see

Let's go ahead and do it. Nothing [空所] by just waiting.

@will be gained  A will gain  B has gained  C gains

My grandfather always said you should sweat to reduce the [空所] when you have the flu.

@ medicine  A illness  B fever  C pressure

Getting used to a foreign culture is a [空所] that takes some time.

@ career  A characteristic  B policy  C process

When I told Misako the news, she seemed [空所].
@surprising  A to have surprised  B to surprise  C surprised

B 次の問い(問1〜3)の会話の空所にいれるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の@〜Cのうちから一つずつ選べ。

Alice: I have to go now. [空所]
Cathy: It was my pleasure. Please come around again soon.

@ I hope the dinner was all right.
A Did you enjoy the dinner?
B Thank you again for the dinner.
C How did you like the dinner?

Mr. Chen: Now, I'd like to say a little more about our plans.
Ms. Mori: [空所]
Mr. Chen: Sure, go ahead. What would you like to know?

@ Excuse me. Could you speak up, please?
A I'm sorry to interrupt, but may I ask a question?
B I'm sorry, but could you repeat that, please?
C Please excuse me. Is it all right if I leave now?

Greg: I'm from Edinburgh in Scotland.
Masa: Really? I spent a couple of weeks in Britain last year, but didn't have a chance to visit Edinburgh. [空所]
Greg: It's a beautiful city, but the wind can be quite cold!

@ How about it?
A What's it like?
B Can you tell it to me?
C Do you know it?


問1 He arrived early at the ticket office only [空所] [ 20 ] [空所][ 21][空所] for the show had already been sold out.

@ to be A that B the ticket C told Dall

問2 When I heard [空所][ 22 ][空所][ 23 ][空所] home, I stopped immediately to find out what was wrong.

@ while A the back of my car B a funny noise C coming from D driving

問3 Oh no, I left my purse at home! Is there [空所][ 24 ][空所][ 25 ][空所] some money until tomorrow?

@ of A any chance B you C me D lending
