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HOME> 実践問題>センター英語2003本試験




第5問 次の文章とグラフを読み、下の問い(A・B)に答えよ

Terry, Pat and Andy have arrived at a campground.

Terry: Let's send up the tent we get the barbecue going.

Andy: Yeah, we'd better do that. Why don't we put it close to the lake near the camping sign? We'll have to have the entrance facing away from the lake, though, to keep the wind out.

Terry: I don't think we need to. It's not so windy. If we set it up facing the lake, we'll get a nice view.

Andy: OK, let's do that.

Later, after setting up the tent...

Andy: Now, where should we put the barbecue?

Terry: How about behind the tent?

Pat: All right. If we put it near the water tap, it'll be easy to wash the vegetables.

Andy: ( 1 ) It's kind of muddy over there.

Terry: Year, you're right. How about in front of the tent?

Pat: But that would block the entrance. I know, why don't we put it at the side? That way it's still not too far from the water tap.

Andy: ( 2 ) You're the boss, Pat. Terry, can you get the barbecue ready while I go and get the tings from the car? I'll be back in a few minutes.

Terry: OK....Ouch! I'm getting bittern. There seem to be lots of mosquitos down here by the lake. Have you seen the insect spray anywhere, Pat?

Pat: I think Andy had it. I remember he said something earlier about getting bittern.

Terry: Did you see where he put it?

Pat: Maybe by the camping sign?

Terry: I don't see it there. He must have put it away somewhere.

Pat:( 3 ) He put it in one of the backpacks.

Terry: Which one?

Pat: The big one.

Terry: Where in the backpack?

Pat: In the side pocket.

Terry: The side pocket? Which one, top or bottom?

Pat: The bottom one.

Terry; Let's see... Now, I can't find it. Are you sure it was this backpack?

Pat: Oh, sorry, it must have been the other one.

Terry; The other one? Ah, yes, here it is, but it's in the top pocket. You'd better put some on, too, and then we can start getting the vegetables ready.

A空欄(1)〜(3) に入れる3つの表現が、順不同で次のA〜Cに示されている。意味の通る会話にするのに最も適当な配列のものを、下の@〜Eのうちから一つ選べ。[38]

A. Oh, now I remember.
B. That's not a good idea.
C. If you say so.

@C-B-A   AC-A-B  BA-B-C


問2 虫よけスプレーがバックパックのどのポケットに入っていたかを示す絵として最も適当なものを、次の@〜Eのうちから一つ選べ。(ただし、絵の中で黒塗りの部分が虫よけスプレーが入っていたポケットを示している。)[40]

C 会話の内容とあっているものを、次の@〜Eのうちから二つ選べ。ただし、解答の順序は問わない。[41] [42]

@ Terry and Andy set up the barbecue before they set up the tent.
A Terry first suggested putting the barbecue behind the tent.
B Andy prepared the vegetables while Terry went to the car.
C Pat was bitten by mosquitos when he was talking with Terry.
D Pat put the insect spray in the backpack while Terry and Andy were putting up the tent.
E Terry finally found the insect spray in the backpack.
