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- 2001年9月5日 20時49分
- Sep. 5th(fifth), Wednesday Bangkokから帰ると本格的秋〜〜〜!
Society has never been experienced this phenomenon of the knowledge
hierachy being flipped on its head. But it is definitely happening.
And the situation is magnified with each new innovation. University
students in their teens share childhood memories of having to explain
to their parents what a mouse or CD player was. The challenge in these
episodes was not only how to explain the new technology but how to [something/their
parents/convince/even heard of/they needed/they'd never].
2)"not only how to explain" とあるから、"but (also) how to convince ・・・"と続くハズ。
4)convince の入試重要構文は下記(5)〜6))のどれかである。
5)convince A of B=「AにBのことを確信させる」
この受動態が A is convinced of B =「AはBのことを確信している」である。
6)convince O(主に「人」)that(省略可能) S+V ・・・
=「人に that 以下を確信させる」
7)それにしても that以下が”ごちゃついていそう”なのは、『後置修飾』があるからだ!頻出だよ、それくらい。「『後置修飾』を想定せよ」だ。にっぶいなあ。とっろいなあ。とろとろトロトロ「登呂遺跡」!とろとろトロトロ「トロイの木馬」!
8)正解→ ・・・ but how to / convince their parents (that) they needed something
(that) they'd (=they had) never even heard of
9)省略されている2つの"that"のうち、一つ目は「接続詞」(私は思うに・・・= I think that S +V)、二つ目は「関係代名詞(目的格)、これも省略可能だよ」。
11)[・・・・・]内の "they"は、二つとも”their parents"である。
12) 「えっーーー!日本語(全訳)を読んでもわかんないって? 読む気にさえならないって?」 「”Out of the question!=You're
definitely impossible!”だね。まずは、センター英語に集中しようね。センター、センター・・・・・」
1.He stopped (-----) in front of the gate.
Are you all (-----) today?
Keep to the (-----).
2.The ground is (-----) covered with snow.
I was tired, but I (-----) walked on.
You have only to sit (-----) on the chair.
3.Keep my words in (----).
Do you (----) if I open the window?
He did not change his (----).
4.There is a hospital at the (---) of the street.
He will (---) his concert with our favorite song.
Money is an (---) in itself for the politician.
5.What (----) of the US do you come from?
She played an important (----) in our business.
He had to (----) with the jewels at last.
(正解)1)right 2)still 3)mind 4)end 5)part
《TA追記》 まずは、5問中4問正解を狙え。
(追追記) 平成4年度(1992)入試では、文字数指定のヒントは無かった。
残念ながら、合格できなかった諸君は、めげずに頑張ろう。2〜3週間の骨休みはOK。Never give up!
- 2001年9月5日 09時20分
- Sep. 5th(fifth), Wednesday Bangkokから帰ると本格的秋〜〜〜!
TA:どうしよう?どうしよう・・・・・ Good day!(ごきげんよう=Have a good day![命令文])
生徒:Please don't leave me.(見捨てないで下さい)
TA: I'm not saying I'll leave you. Just saying I'm busy as hell with
my report on our inspection tour to Thailand...
May I ask how many times?
TA:1回ずつ!やりっぱなしーーー?Repetition(レパティション=「繰り返し」)is VEry imPORtant as I say
in every language class. Repetition plays an important role just like
「毎日まいにちマイニチ、九九の表のように、不規則動詞変化表のように、くりかえし、くりかえし、くりかえし〜〜〜〜〜 Got it? As
a male member of R High School you've already known the pleasures (and
repentance) and importance of mas・・・? Well,good day!
REVIEW[復習]: 次の英文1〜14の中から、間違っているものを5つ選び、その番号を答えよ。(高校入試)(R高T類→5分;R高V類→3分;完全解答のみ可)
1.You will know it is important to learn a foreign language.
2.The sun rising in the east is very beautiful.
3.I don't know where you are going.
4.Please return me the book when you will come next time.
5.I want some friends to play with.
6.Have you ever learned how to use this machine?
7.We clean our room by ourself.
8.He was so fond of drawing that he drew pictures every day.
9.He and I help with each other.
10. We have had much snow this winter.
11. My dictionary isn't as good as you.
12. I like tigers better than any other animal.
13. The boy who speaks English very well is my brother.
14. This book is too expensive for me to buy it.
(正解) 4,7,9,11,14
(合格への手引き)落ち着いて(Take it easy),自信のある問題から手をつけよ!
まず、7は by ourself→by ourselves(私達だけで)
次に、11の、My dictionary isn't as good as your dictionary のはずだから、→ ・・・ as
good as yours(君のもの=君の辞書)
そうだ! Can I help you? と言うから、 9の、with は不要。
→ He and I help each other. (彼と私はお互いに助け合う=SVO)
もう少しだ! 4.は、「副詞節内では未来のことも現在形」だから、
→ ・・・when you come next time(あなたが次に来る時に)
あと一つ! 14.だ! to buy it→to buy
This book is too expensive for me to buy.
= This book is so expensive that I cannot buy it.
やった〜〜〜!(I made it!)
TA's Comment(COMment):中2〜中3レベルでした。Have a good day!