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2003年3月21日 11時16分
March. 21st(twenty-first), Fri. 2003、開戦2日目!東寺弘法市。




”開戦!=War! ”(その2)

あ)巡航ミサイル=cruise missile
  ロシア語直訳では、「有翼ミサイル」="winged missile"
い)"coalItion force"=同盟軍=米、英、オーストラリアの3カ国のみ。豪州軍は3000名(?)

”BBC News in world edition”;Last Updated: Friday, 21 March, 2003, 02:05 GMT

→ http://news.bbc.co.uk/

Blair calls for unity over war

Mr Blair addressed the nation
Tony Blair has urged the British people to put divisions over war with Iraq behind them and unite behind the UK's armed forces as they go into battle to remove Saddam Hussein.
The prime minister's message to the nation came as British forces were engaged in a US-led assault on southern Iraq from air, land and sea.

Royal Marine Commandos launched an aerial and amphibious assault on strategically important 'Red Beach', providing a foothold for an assault on Baghdad.

He made the plea for unity as thousands took to the streets up and down the country to voice their opposition to the military onslaught against Iraq.

In taking all these risks, Mr Blair cannot say he was not warned from virtually all quarters to think again

Click here for analysis of Blair's message
British artillery units have been shelling Iraqi positions, after around 10 missiles were fired into Kuwait on Thursday.

Mr Blair praised the British armed forces.

"As so often before on the courage and determination of British men and women serving our country the fate of many nations rests," he said.

He stressed the plight of the Iraqi people and reminded the British public of the record of Saddam Hussein.

There was no choice, he said, but to go to war after 12 years in which Saddam had consistently refused to comply with UN demands to disarm.

Retreat might give us a moment of respite but years of repentance at our weakness would follow

Tony Blair

Full transcript of Blair's speech
And he had a special message for the Iraqi people in which he stressed the UK's commitment to their country after the war would be "total".

"Our enemy is not you but your barbarous rulers," he told them.

Mr Blair warned that the world faced the threat both of "brutal states" armed with weapons of mass destruction and terrorist groups.

"My fear, deeply held, based in part on the intelligence that I see is that these threats come together and deliver catastrophe to our country and our world," he said.

"My judgement as prime minister is that this threat is real, growing and of an entirely different nature to any conventional threat to our security that Britain has faced before," he said.

He added: "I know that this course of action has produced deep divisions of opinion in our country but I know also the British people will now be united in sending our armed forces our thoughts and prayers - they are the finest in the world and their families and all of Britain can have great pride in them."

The prime minister stressed his and President George W Bush's commitment to restarting the Middle East peace process.

And, in what will be seen as a bid to silence critics of the US, he said revenue from Iraq's oil would be put in a UN trust fund for Iraq's benefit only.

Earlier, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw tried to steel people for civilian deaths in the conflict and Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon warned that the war might take time.

It was the same rhetoric that we have been hearing for weeks now. There was nothing new in this broadcast.

Natasha, UK

On Thursday, RAF Tornados flew a series of missions over Iraq, dropping laser-guided bombs on military targets.

The Marines' assault on Red Beach - at the head of the Persian Gulf on the strategically important Al Faw peninsula - took place less than an hour after a massive artillery bombardment on southern Iraq.

There are also reports that British submarines stationed in the Gulf have fired "several" cruise missiles at military targets in Baghdad.

The Queen sent a message of support to troops in the Gulf. Members of the Royal Family are planning to visit military bases in the UK.

2003年3月21日 10時58分
March. 21st(twenty-first), Fri. 2003、開戦2日目!東寺弘法市。






Some villagers were going to celebrate an important wine festival in a few days' time, so they borrowed a huge barrel from the nearest town, put it in the village square, and determined that each of them should empty a bottle of the best wine he had into it, so that there should be plenty at the feast.

One of the villagers thought he would be very clever. "If I pour a bottle of water in, instead of wine, no one will notice it," he said to himself, "because there will be so much excellenct wine in the barrel that the water will be lost in it."

The night of the feast arrived. Everybody gathered in the village square with their jugs and glasses for the wine. The tap on the barrel was opened---but what came out was (p---) water. Everyone in the village had had the same idea.









(正解) → "pure"(ピュァ)=「まじりっけのない=純粋な」


(小テスト)Put into English.=英訳せよ。但し、文字指定あり。









1)celebrate(CEL-にアクセント)(-ateの2つ前の音節にアクセント)(関連:-ite, -uateも同様に、 -ite, iuateの2つ前)   2)borrow (覚え方は、borrow A from B⇔lend A to B 「AをBから借りる⇔AをBに貸す」)、(関連)rent A from B ⇔rent A to B 「(お金を伴って)BからAを借りる⇔(お金を伴って)BにAを貸す」 3)square(スクウェァ)  4)circus(サーカス)(関連)円形広場でやる大道芸(だいどうげい)が「サーカス=circus」 5)village

6)villager(ヴィリジャァ) 7)determine(deTERmine=デたーミン) 8)empty(Emp-ty) 9)clever × Your son's very clever. →○ Your son's very bright/smart. 10) pour(発音頻出:ポァ)

11) poor (頻出:プゥァ) 12)poverty(ポヴァティ)(poorの名詞形) 13) notice(のゥティス) 14) barrel(ばレゥ) 15) jug(ジャグ)

16) bottle 17) instead of 18) plenty of 量   19) so that 〜   20) say to oneself

9.Be optimIstic!

2003年3月21日 09時50分
March. 21st(twenty-first), Fri. 2003、開戦2日目!
Yahoo!ニュース - 3月21日(金)9時19分;主要ニュース
・米軍、バグダッド空爆再開(読売新聞) - 3時41分
・米海兵隊、イラク領内に進攻…CNN報道(読売新聞) - 4時1分

・英軍もイラク攻撃に参戦…ブレア首相がTV演説(読売新聞) - 7時39分

前後の記事 - [海外]
スペインでも抗議デモ 1万7000人が参加(共同通信) - 7時54分
米外交官がまた辞任 イラク抗議で3人目(共同通信) - 7時49分
米英軍に徹底抗戦 フセイン大統領が重ねて表明(共同通信) - 7時37分
パリ・リヨン駅ロッカーから有毒物質リシンを発見(読売新聞) - 7時29分













