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2003年3月22日 10時22分
March. 22nd(twenty-second), Sat. 2003、開戦3日目!
Yahoo!ニュース - 3月22日(土)9時58分
・バグダッドに大規模空爆、大統領宮殿が炎上(読売新聞) - 4時20分
・フセイン大統領、着弾点にいた…米紙報道(読売新聞) - 3時0分
・米国防長官「イラク政府は混乱を深めている」(読売新聞) - 6時1分
・NYダウ2か月ぶり8500ドル台、イラク戦優勢で(読売新聞) - 8時20分
・NY円急落、1ドル=121円65―75銭(読売新聞) - 8時25分
・<イラク戦争>ノースウエスト航空 従業員4900人削減(毎日新聞) - 9時51分
・<イラク戦争>イラク国連大使が米英、国連を批判(毎日新聞) - 9時51分
・<外為・株式>LDN市場16時 1ドル=121円40〜50銭(毎日新聞) - 9時51分

Sorry! 「東大1名(0+1)」は誤報!

2.京大83名(17 to go)[純粋T類現役2名!]:全国ランキング1位!


3位:洛星[京都] 65名




TA追記:What's the use of 速報阪 while the U.S. and the Britain are at war?[英語教師の自嘲]







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6.Time flies!=× 時のハエ
  ○ 「[諺=ことわざ]光陰矢の如し」=Time passes quickly.


9)Be optimIstic!




2003年3月22日 09時24分
March. 22nd(twenty-second), Sat. 2003、開戦3日目!




”〜読めば読むほど味のでる!? 伝言板 webバージョン〜”

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全国の未来派世代、そして何かに向かって もがき苦しむ全ての若者に、このスルメを捧げます。 いざ、スルメワールドへ!

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”What's new!”


新シリーズ 「はじめての半歩 その1 カタツムリ族」


【本日のお題】 自分が何に向いているか、何からはじめていいか、がわかりません



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2)[2003.3.15] 「タイスルメ その2」

2003年3月15日 02時13分15秒

バタのタイ通信 その2


バンコクの繁華街を歩いていて気づくのは、外国人男性とタイ人女性のカップルと思しき人々。しかもそれはホテルのロビーでもよく見かける。もちろん、純粋にカップルの間柄の人も当然多くいるでしょう。でも、そうではない「怪しいカップル」もまた、このバンコクでは見かけるのです。その男性の目的とは・・・、そう、受験生の青年諸氏には生々しい話ですが、PROSTITUTEそのものなのです。バンコク最大の繁華街パッポン通りに限らず、われわれのホテルの近くにだって、派手に着飾ったタイ女性が通りの観光客に声をかけるバーや、もっといえば上半身裸の女性が踊っていて、その女性を連れ出すことが出来る「ゴーゴーバー」と呼ばれるような風俗店が、夜になるとかなりの歓声を挙げて繁盛しています。血気盛んな男性諸氏は、国籍や年齢に違わず、そういった怪しい地帯に足を運び、そこで品定めをし、場合によっては「商品」を金銭を支払ってお持ち帰りするのです。 それだけを書けば、某三流週刊誌のような下世話記事に終わってしまいます。しかし、われわれは今回の視察を通して、その出口を既に垣間見たのでした。それは・・・

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TA追記)prOstitute, prostitUtion


2003年3月22日 09時05分
March. 22nd(twenty-second), Sat. 2003、開戦3日目!




”開戦!=War! ”(その4)

あ)巡航ミサイル=cruise missile
  ロシア語直訳では、「有翼ミサイル」="winged missile"
い)"coalItion force"=同盟軍=米、英、オーストラリアの3カ国のみ。豪州軍は3000名(?)
う)"The assEssment(アセッスメンt) is pending."=「評価は未定だ」

suCCEEd, suCCeSS, aCCeSS, aCCeSSory, aSSeSS(ment), coMMiTTEE, embaRRaSS(ment), pArallel, poSSeSS(sion)(パゼッス;パゼッション)


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鄭在洪(チョン・ジェホン)記者 < hongj@joongang.co.kr >

2003.03.21 20:52

[ 最新ニュース ]
03/21 20:19
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03/21 18:58






東京=呉デ泳(オ・デヨン)記者 < dayyoung@joongang.co.kr >

2003.03.21 18:58

[ 最新ニュース ]
03/20 20:57
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03/20 20:27





東京=呉デ泳(オ・デヨン)特派員 < dayyoung@joongang.co.kr >

2003.03.21 20:15

2003年3月22日 00時33分
March. 22nd(twenty-second), Sat. 2003、開戦3日目!




”開戦!=War! ”(その3)

あ)巡航ミサイル=cruise missile
  ロシア語直訳では、「有翼ミサイル」="winged missile"
い)"coalItion force"=同盟軍=米、英、オーストラリアの3カ国のみ。豪州軍は3000名(?)

”BBC News in world edition”;Last Updated: Friday, 21 March, 2003, 02:05 GMT

→ http://news.bbc.co.uk/

Last Updated: Friday, 21 March, 2003, 15:00 GMT

Reporters' Log: War in Iraq

The BBC's unrivalled team of correspondents is bringing you news from the Gulf and reaction from around the world. On this page BBC News Online logs their impressions and personal experiences as they watch events unfold.
Most recent postings are at the top.

Baghdad :: Paul Wood :: 1427GMT

It's about an hour away from darkness here in Baghdad.

There is still traffic on the streets but people are hurrying home.

They don't want to be here after darkness falls especially with the fears that it might be a much heavier attack even than that which we saw last night.

They will be remembering the earth shaking explosions here last night and there is a great deal of tension and anxiety in the air now.


Umm Qasr, Iraq :: Adam Mynott :: 1358GMT

There are still pockets of resistance here in Umm Qasr. US marines are patrolling the streets of the town trying to flush out the last remaining Iraqi opposition.

They say they have managed to largely clear the new port and the old port, they say, is now almost secure.

This port - Iraq's only deep water port - is absolutely vital to the coalition aim to use for the delivery of vital humanitarian aid.

They hope to open the port within the next two days.


Southern Iraq :: Gavin Hewitt :: 1321GMT

We are deep into Southern Iraq, certainly well over 100 kilometres north from the border. We've been driving for over 11 hours.

In the last few minutes we just crossed over the Basra-Baghdad highway.

We've had several bizarre incidents in the last few minutes of drivers on the highway completely unaware that American armour may be this far north, stopping their vehicles in utter amazement as we crossed the highway.


Northern Iraq :: John Simpson :: 1250GMT

The fog of war is almost total here in Northern Iraq, but the assumption is that the American special forces who are operating between the Kurdish and Iraqi front lines have been staging some kind of attack on the vast oilfields outside Kirkuk, which are still under Saddam Hussein's control.

They have established a command post which is clearly visible from the Kurdish forward positions, and the Americans there showed a keen interest in the attack, which went on for almost an hour.

The American forces are here clandestinely and the Kurdish ones - who've been officially placed under American control - are largely kept in the dark, so it's proved impossible to find out precisely what was being attacked.

But it does seem highly likely that the American special forces are here to secure the Kirkuk oilfields, and the battle for them may now have begun.


Faw peninsula, southern Iraq :: Jonathan Charles :: 1212GMT

RAF Chinook and Puma helicopters have made flight after flight to the Faw peninsula, hurrying reinforcements to the hundreds of Royal Marines already there.

They are hoping to strengthen the force which is trying to stop Saddam Hussein blowing up his oil fields, making it powerful enough to deal with any Iraqi counterattack.

As we flew in with the Marines we had a sombre reminder of our own vulnerability; we passed by the site where another helicopter carrying Marines crashed earlier today, killing all those on board. A black hole in the sand marks the spot.

One RAF pilot I spoke to told me this mission is a family business. His brother is one of the Marines going in. He said he was proud of what they were both doing, but admitted it was very worrying for their parents.


Northern Kuwait :: Caroline Wyatt :: 1135GMT

We're hearing increased air activity, from where we are, heading over from Kuwait into Iraq. We're not sure what that is, whether it's further bombing raids for example of perhaps reconnaissance missions.

When we woke up this morning, we could see the sky blackened behind us which suggested there were oil wells on fire. We've since been told there are perhaps 30 that have been torched by Iraqi troops, but both British and American troops are enclosing round that area.


Southern Iraq :: Gavin Hewitt :: 1130GMT

I'm with a column from the American Third Infantry division deep inside Iraq. We've now been driving for nine hours - left the Kuwaiti-Iraqi border at about 4.30am; we're still driving.

We did stop for an hour for refuelling - the refuelling was done very quickly; then we continued, pushed in a generally northerly direction.

We've encountered no Iraqi opposition. We've seen very few Iraqi people as we're by-passing centres of population.

So far this is just a big drive north, and I think part of the intention is to persuade the Iraqi people of the enormity of the American power and to persuade the local population that there's not much purpose in resisting.


Cairo :: Mark Doyle :: 1108GMT

The Al-Azhar mosque complex in Cairo is surrounded by thousands of armed riot police. Their modern riot control gear - water cannon and radios - contrast with the ancient minarets and intricate stonework of the mosque.

Inside, Sheikh Sayyid Tantawi, one of the world's leading Islamic clerics, expressed solidarity with the people of Iraq. We must stand, he said, by the side of the persecuted.

As soon as formal prayers were over, a great roar of protest went up inside the huge interior courtyard of Al-Azhar. The people's protest had begun. With all our blood and soul, they cried, we are with Iraq, death to Bush, long live the people of Baghdad.

The riot police then locked the doors to control the crowd and the faithful banged on the doors, straining to get out and continue their protests. The streets and alleyways of ancient Islamic Cairo are now thronging with chanting crowds.


Kuwait City :: Jon Sopel :: 1055GMT

The air raid sirens went off about 40 minutes ago.

As we were putting on our gas masks you could hear two distinct booms quite a long way North.

The Kuwaiti defence ministry are saying they shot down an incoming missile with a Patriot missile - we don't know what the target was but the Patriot missile seems to have done its job because we've been given the all-clear.


Baghdad :: Rageh Omaar :: 1040GMT

The streets of Baghdad are busy today and it feels like a normal Friday in the Iraqi capital. It's very different to the day after the first night of bombing when people stayed indoors.

There are lots of people milling around and I think what we can take from that is that ordinary people are taking on board that despite two nights of bombardments, these are carefully selected targets which are being hit.

The so-called shock and awe campaign is not taking place, perhaps that's why people are venturing out but I'm sure once dusk falls people will go to their homes again and the city will be deserted.

I was just talking to a soldier who said his forces had not been affected by the bombing and they would stand firm. He was beginning to vent a lot of anger and it seemed it was quite genuine - whether it was nervous anger it's impossible to say


New port of Umm Qasr, Iraq :: Adam Mynott :: 1025GMT

US Marines have raised the United States flag above the gates of the new port in Umm Qasr.

This is a symbolic gesture but doesn't signify that the new port of Umm Qasr has been secured.

US Marines are continuing to carry out a sweep with soldiers on all four corners of the port.

At the moment, the main entrance is clear as indeed is a mosque close to the entrance of the new port.

But other areas of the large complex remain unsecured by US forces.

The new port in Umm Qasr moves about 3500 tonnes of goods a day. It is a vital part of the oil for food programme which has been run by Iraq and the UN and various others since 1991.


Northern Iraq :: Gavin Hewitt :: 1015GMT

We crossed with the American 3rd Infantry Division into Iraq at about 4:30 local time.

The tanks moved through a hole which had been cut in the demilitarised zone.

We formed initially a long column, tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles and then later on, we spread out over the desert and currently there is a formation about four kilometres wide of armour moving forward.

We are about now thirty to forty kilometres inside Iraq and we have not found any resistance from the Iraqis so far.

The only people we have met have been those herding goats and camels. Some of them have given a friendly wave.

We are continuing to push forward well inside Iraq.


Northern Iraq :: John Simpson :: 0950GMT

There are all sorts of signs of battle here.

We've heard bombs falling, anti-aircraft fire but it is at some distance.

It has also come to us, unconfirmed, that the oil-fields, possibly the city of Kirkuk have been secured by US Special Forces.


Ark Royal :: Matthew Price :: 0930GMT

Last night D company left the ship at about 4am for the Southern tip of Iraq.

I was up on deck when they left - it was a very eerie sight.

The moon was just about coming through a thick and heavy mist.

These guys were laden-down with kit , plodding along the deck, pretty heavy-footed, weapons in hand.

Then they all lined up and climbed into the helicopters and headed off to Iraq.


Kuwaiti border :: Andrew North :: 0850GMT

It's an impressive sight, this taskforce of more than seven thousand Marines, spread out across the desert ready to move.

There are literally hundreds of vehicles lined up in formation. Commanders are not releasing details of where they'll be going or when.

But they say when they get the order they'll move into Iraq at high speed.

Their preparations to move follow a night of heavy bombardment of areas of southern Iraq just across the border.

At times flashes from explosions were lighting up the sky in several different directions.

There was a near constant artillery barrage. US forces, based behind Task Force Tarawa fired repeated volleys of rockets at Iraqi positions over the heads of the Marines here, and for several hours you could see a flame burning brightly on the horizon, which some Marine officers here believe was an Iraqi oil well on fire.


Kuwait City :: Ryan Dilley :: 0742GMT

Things always look better in the morning - even missile alerts.

Rushed for shelter underground three stomach-churning times during the night.

The first siren of the morning sees me back in the basement but with noticeably fewer companions.

It could be a sign that yesterday the false alarms and news that US-led forces have pushed well into Iraq have calmed the nerves of people here enough for them to ignore the sirens.

However war may now have come to Kuwait city in another way. All around the capital, low on the horizon, lies a grey fog.

The haze, through which the desert sun shines weakly, comes perhaps from an oil well, reportedly set on fire from the Iraqi side of the nearby border.


Northern Iraq :: Stuart Hughes :: 0730GMT

The Kurdish Peshmerga fighters are amassing in large numbers in the town of Cham Chamal on the northern frontline.

Their commander told me they've been given orders to prepare for an assault on Ansar Al-Islam, the militant group allegedly linked to Al-Qaeda, which is based in the mountains above Halabja.


Divisional HQ, Northern Kuwait :: Kylie Morris :: 0650GMT

We've had a fairly sleepless night.

We've spent a lot of it in these 'scud bunkers' as they're being called. There were four or five warnings overnight, which meant that we had to race down into the shelters.

You sit there with your gas mask and on it's a good time to contemplate your life and its value.

You hear thumps all around you and it's very difficult to ascertain how close the missiles are.

We do believe that one of those missiles landed only 300m from the American camps.

There was also the sound of very heavy artillery all night and a lot of air traffic, so a sense that this is well and truly underway.


Baghdad :: Andrew Gilligan :: 0625GMT

We're not free to move around the city so it's difficult to assess the extent of the damage in Baghdad but once again this was a night of relatively small operations.

I did witness the demolition of a ministerial building complex by cruise missiles. Simultaneously about five separate points of explosion appeared at the base of the building and it was very swiftly engulfed in flames.

I've driven past it this morning and although not demolished it has been rendered completely unusable.

The attack may have been spectacular but it really only lasted for about 15 minutes and after that calm resumed for the rest of the night.

This isn't the devastating blitzkrieg, the shock and awe that has been talked of, it's more like mild surprise than awe I'd say.


Northern Iraq :: John Simpson :: 0615GMT

We've been listening to gunfire in the last few minutes.

It looks like a large American force will be arriving here very soon - they could come by road or by air.

It's all terribly uncertain here at the moment though, largely because the American Special Forces are running things and the Kurds, who we're with, are not being told very much.

But there is certainly a sense of tension and a sense of expectation that down this road or in the sky above us there will be some action quite soon.


Southern Iraq :: Adam Mynott :: 0535GMT

Just a few yards inside the border we've come under what looks like fairly stiff resistance.

There was a firefight for ten or 15 minutes and the vehicles that we were in have now retreated back and I'm taking cover behind a sandbank.

There is smoke billowing away in the distance and the situation is still unclear.

There's so much smoke around it's very hard to tell whether any of the convoy has been hit.


Southern Iraq :: Clive Myrie:: 0525GMT

The Royal Marines are very much in control of this part of Southern Iraq.

I've seen scores and scores of Iraqis, some carrying white flags, giving themselves up.

There's absolutely no doubt that many of these men don't want to fight.

There were a couple of fire-fights at the start of the evening but by and large most of the Iraqis have decided they may as well try to give themselves up and preserve themselves.

We have seen some dead bodies littered around the bunker complex here.

We're not entirely sure what the next stage is from here, but there have been a number of POWs taken already.


Doha :: Paul Adams :: 0515GMT

We're getting dramatic reports of the advancement of the American seventh cavalry.

This is an American armoured thrust into Iraq, it is proceeding across open desert at a rapid pace.

This is the armoured push that is going to head to Baghdad.


Northern Kuwait :: Kyle Morris :: 0510GMT

In northern Kuwait at sunrise there was a thick layer of smoke in the sky.

It is not clear whether it is being caused by oil fires or the bombing and artillery campaign launched overnight in south Iraq.


Southern Iraq :: Adam Mynott :: 0429GMT

I'm with the marines expeditionary unit and we have been moving forward for the past hour. It has been a night of intense artillery activity.

Earlier we passed British guns which were pounding away deep into Iraq.

We have not come under fire but we know that Echo Company ahead of us have. It looks like fairly light resistance. The sky is black but it's difficult to tell at the moment whether or not that's cloud or smoke. I suspect it's smoke.

The morale among the soldiers is pretty high - though perhaps introspective. But given the pretty heavy pounding given to the Iraqi forces during the night they are feeling fairly positive.

I'm in a truck with about twenty men, it is very cramped.


Southern Iraq :: David Willis :: 0426GMT

A massive convoy of US marines and members of the British parachute regiment have entered into Iraq.

A long convoy of vehicles including tanks and artillery set out across the desert after nightfall and snaked their way across the border. We are now heading for the southern oilfields.

It's thought these marines will attempt to secure the oilfields from attack by Saddam Hussein's army.

It is very dusty here and I feel I have inhaled an entire beach load of sand while travelling during the night.

We came across some camels as we crossed the desert and an old shell from the last Gulf war.

We've stopped now to allow them to do some shelling.


Kuwait Iraq border :: Adam Mynott :: 0403GMT

I'm with the marines expeditionary unit and we're just about to cross the border into Iraq. I can't tell you where we are or where we're going.


Sydney, Australia :: Phil Mercer :: 0308GMT

Defence officials here have said Australian special forces have crossed into Iraq to identify troop movements and military targets.


Pentagon :: Nick Childs :: 0229GMT

I am hearing from a defence source here that a US helicopter has crashed, it's believed to have happened in Kuwait. There were both US and British personnel on board. It is believed the crash was an accident.

As far as the overall campaign is concerned the Pentagon officials are tight lipped. We are seeing though a lot of activity both in terms of air strikes and with US and UK ground troops.

The war plan as it has unfolded has not been what we were expecting. The "shock and awe" campaign as advertised by the US military has not yet happened.

It has been a feverish day at the Pentagon.


Doha, Qatar :: Peter Hunt :: 0215GMT

We are waiting here in this featureless hangar in Qatar for news of the ongoing operations.

We do know there is a major operation going on in the Al Faw peninsula in southern Iraq involving both British Royal marines and their American compatriots. They are under the command of the British, the first time this has happened since World War II


Pentagon :: Nick Childs :: 0120GMT

One thing that the Pentagon have been anxious to do all along has been to maintain tactical surprise and I think we are still guessing whether the main operation is underway.

It's not clear how far forward the ground forces are moving but there is a gradual increase in escalation.

US generals are watching for the reaction from the Iraqis to see if they have to go to the full scale all out war.


Kuwait City :: Duncan Kennedy :: 0112GMT

We haven't had any air raid sirens now for a while in the city. There have been numerous overnight here.

We now know that nine missiles have come in the direction of Kuwait itself. There have been no injuries and we believe the missiles have gone down in the desert or in the sea.

Kuwaiti people are shocked, they thought the military operations would be heading north and not south. They are angry that the are the focus of attack.


EU summit, Brussels :: Chris Morris :: 0058GMT

There has been a tense meeting between Tony Blair and Jacque Chirac at this summit. The atmosphere was described as icy and difficult.

Two of Europe's biggest partners are at daggers drawn over this war.

If Europe is to function effectively it needs Mr Blair and Mr Chirac to work together. Fences can still be mended but it will take time.


RAF Fairford :: Jane Hughes :: 0030GMT

I'm at the RAF Fairford base in Gloucestershire where American bombers have been on standby now for several days.

There are 14 B52 bombers lined up on the runway here at the moment. We believe that they are loaded with munitions.

There is a real sense of anticipation here but no one knows if these planes will be deployed in the next few hours. Gloucestershire police says it is deployed armed units at RAF Fairford now.


Kuwait City:: James Shaw :: 0014GMT

There have been seven air raid warnings in Kuwait city tonight. There are reports of missiles being launched towards Kuwait but this is unconfirmed as yet.

The are normally about 50 people inside the bunkers at any one time. We are well equipped with protective clothing and masks. Everyone is taking picture of each other in the bunker, it is very surreal.

There is now a risk of complacency here with further warnings.

Once the sirens started sounding here today, everything closed down. There are checkpoints now where you wouldn't normally expect them. It has turned into a ghost city.

Blair calls for unity over war


正解)(1)Baghdad (2) Iraqi(イラーーーキー)