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Start 2/5/2000

2003年3月15日 02時11分
March 15th, Saturday, 2003, Greetins from Bangkok, Thailand, 121258




For review.

"Feb.24th(twenty-fourth),Mon. 2003。24時間前!"


1. Which do you think is more important, the fame of the university you passed the exams for or the content of what your university is going to give you?

2. It is high time you spent enough time thinking about your future career well in advasnce.

3. Needless to say, it is quite all right you should change your course on the way. What is important is to give some thought on your career.

P.S. After a long day in Pattya all by myself, I felt I was almost helpless at the sight of poverty-stricken area. Sisters here are very persuasive and lose no time for action.(TAhira)