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2002年6月15日 16時25分
June 15th (fifteenth), Sat. 2002
洛南高休業日→ 自分中心の勉強ができるぞ!

「耳より英語」登場! 読み上げソフト使用者の皆様にも「使いやすい」サイトを目指します。 TAhira + Eriko(デザイナー)

6月16日(日)2002年英検(STEP)第1回 !あと半日+α !

Welcome to Masa's World;”英検受験生に一言”(トップページ)を見逃すな!継続こそ力なり! 




「CT(センターテスト)英語150 ⇒ CT170 ⇒ CT190 への道」

@ CT(センターテスト)英語150を、まず狙(ねら)おう!

A CT(センターテスト)英語170を狙うには、英検(STEP)2級のリスニングCDや、 面接テストCDを聴きながら問題を解くと、スピードがついてくる。英検準2級から始 めてもOK。

B CT(センターテスト)英語190を達成した人たちは、ほぼ65分で全問《制限時間 80分》を解いていた。つまり、15分の余裕があってこそ、新作《新傾向》の問題で も、全問正解が狙えるのだ。

C CT(センターテスト)英語150を狙うのに不可欠な3種の本。


       少し古くなったが、「センターのことは、センターに聞け」の原則 は、今でも正しい。


D 「ウロウロウロウロ、ウロ覚え」とならないよう、「口パク」と「筆写(ひっ しゃ)で頑張れ!

⇒補足:旺文社の「大学入試センター試験過去問集」(¥880) くらい(本誌+追試5年分)はやっておこう。モチ、できれば「全受験科目」!

⇒それで「ほどほど」だ。「ぶっちぎり」で高得点がほしけりゃ、「白本」(代々木 ゼミナール『大学入試センター試験実践問題集』)や、「センター青本」(駿台『セ ンター試験実践問題集』)(駿台マーク模試受験生)をやっておこう。 「代ゼミ マーク模試」対策には、「センターテスト」[本試験+追試験(少し〜かなりムズカ シイ)]×3年分(いやいや、出来うる限り5年分)+「白本」、「駿台(第1回) マーク模試」対策には、「センターテスト」[本試験・追試験×5年分]+「センター 青本」が良く似合う。

⇒第1回全統マークか第1回代ゼ ミマークで、「英語+国語T・U」で190点+160点が確保できていれば、「そ ろそろ2次(記述)試験」対策に重点を移して構わない。


2002年6月15日 14時44分
June 15th (fifteenth), Sat. 2002
洛南高休業日→ 自分中心の勉強ができるぞ!

「耳より英語」登場! 読み上げソフト使用者の皆様にも「使いやすい」サイトを目指します。 TAhira + Eriko(デザイナー)

6月16日(日)2002年英検(STEP)第1回 !あと半日+α !

Welcome to Masa's World;”英検受験生に一言”(トップページ)を見逃すな!継続こそ力なり! 


1)Masaru and Kyoko live in the (s---) neighborhood. They were (b---) there and have (g----) up there. The (p-----) are good (n-------s) (--) one (a------). Both Masaru and Kyoko know (m---) (--) them, and they love this neighborhood. They have always wanted to do something (help---) (---) the neighborhood.

2)When you are thirteen or fourteen years of (---), you begin to think about your (fu----) (car---). When you were younger, the (wh---) world (s-----) to be (o---) (--) you. In (th---) days you said to yourself, "I'll be (----) to do anything." (--) you grow older, (h------), you begin to think (m---) about your interests and (t-----s). You begin to (---) yourself, "What can a person (l---) me do when (--) is (g----) up? What can he do (---) other people?" (Gr-----ly), you (---d) the best answers (--) these questions.

3)Ken wanted to become a (s--------) when he was an elementary school student. He was interested in the stars, (pl----s), comets, and the wonders of the (u-------). He (----) to watch the stars (th-----) a telescope whenever the night is clear. He (ch-----) his mind two years ago, (h------), when he read the lives(ライヴズ) of Albert Schweizer and Hideyo (N------). He has decided to become a doctor and help sick people.

4)Yumiko's parents are (--th) doctors. They want (---) to become a doctor, but she is not very interested (--) becoming a doctor. She wants to become a (m-------). She has been (t-----) piano lessons since she was four years old. When she (l-----) high school, she wishes to go to (A-----a) to study (m---) about music. She hopes to (ent------) people (--) playing (---) piano.

5)Satoru was worried for a long time. To him everything seemed possible, and (y--) (n------) interested (---) very much. One day he said to his father, "I want to help people (--) (t------) when I am (g----) up, but I don't know how to help (----)." His father said, "Well, there are many (w--s). A (l-----), for instance, helps people a lot." Then he told his son about the work of a (l-----). Satoru is going to learn (m---) about a lawyer's work and how to become a lawyer at the school library.

6)Rika has been interested in (d----n) and wants to become a dress designer when she (--) (g----) up. She thinks that she has a (t-----) (---) (d----n). She has already (d----ned) a few dresses for herself and her (c----n). Her (c----n) believes that Rica will (m---) a (g---) dress designer.

7)Hiroshi has wanted to become a teacher since he was a child. (O---) he read in the newspapers that many children could not go to school because they were often sick. (S----) he wasn't a healthy child (h------), he wants to help (o----) (w---) children. He knows that teachers visit these children at home or in the (h-------). Hiroshi wants to become that (k---) of teacher. He has not said (a-------) about this to his parents (---), but he believes that they will (--courage) him.

8)The (p------ity) of the (I----net) has (--d) to a rapid(ラッピッd)increase in computer use(ユース). On the (I----net), people can shop, (----) hotel reservations, and send e-mail. They can (----) (g-----) information (----) all over the world, 24 hours a day. But the (m---) reason (---) the (I----net) (p------ity) is (----) people can use it without (e---) (l---ing) home.

9)(M---) and (m---) Japanese are (st---ing) to shop at outlet stores. These stores sell a wide (v---ety) of (g---s) at low (pr---s).
(Sh-----s) can buy everything from clothing(クロゥズィング)to furniture(ファーニチュァ)there. However, the choice of color and style is sometimes limited. This can be (d-------ing) (---) some shoppers, but (m---) are excited by the chance of (c--ing) (ac----) unexpected(=予期されない)(bar----s).

10)(Th---) days, people are searching (---) solutions(ソリューションz)(--) the problem of (h----) traffic in cities. For example, (s---) people (p--k) their cars at the edge of the city and then use public transportation[公共交通] to get to (w---) or go shopping. Others try (---) to drive (---ing) rush hour. People have realized that (f----) traffic (j--s) mean less stress and a (cl---er) environment.


TA追追記)「男のくせに、うじうじうじうじしてたらあかん!」 said one of Rika-sans, whom TAhira knows very well. 「トロトロトロトロ登呂遺跡!とっろいなあ!」, said TA's daughter ten years ago.

2002年6月15日 05時40分
June 15th (fifteenth), Sat. 2002
洛南高休業日→ 自分中心の勉強ができるぞ!

「耳より英語」登場! 読み上げソフト使用者の皆様にも「使いやすい」サイトを目指します。 TAhira + Eriko(デザイナー)

6月16日(日)2002年英検(STEP)第1回 !あと1日間+α


1) 「おお!大韓民国!」韓国 念願の決勝進出決める 強豪ポルトガルを1−0で下す;JUNE 14, 2002 23:51










JUNE 15, 2002 00:16
by 洪性哲 (sungchul@donga.com)















3) 「16強!」全国に赤い歓呼;JUNE 14, 2002 23:34









4) World Cup Report;JUNE 15, 2002 00:10

“The day to advance into final 16.”
Whether male or female, aged or young, every Korean yearns for the South Korean ‘Taeguk warriors’ to succeed into the second round, and today, June 14, is the day to decide its fate.

In the Group D of 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup Games, South Korea is scheduled to have a matchup against fifth ranked Portugal in the Inchon World Cup Stadium at 8:30 pm. Since South Korea is leading in the Group D with 1 win and 1 tie, it will be the crucial time for South Korea to see whether the advance into the second round can be truly obtainable.

If South Korea finishes the game with a tie, it can head into the second round, no matter what happens in the US vs Poland game, which is to take place at the same time in Daejon. However, South Korean ‘Taeguk Warriors’ are determined to crush Portugal, which will crown them with the victory in the first round. Rather than depending on luck, South Korea will be able to proudly march into final 16.

Coach Gus Hiddink of South Korea asserts, “We are not going to focus our play on defense. We will definitely win and advance into the second round.”

Meanwhile, on the 13th, the four games for Groups C and G were held, which subsequently determined which teams would advance.

In Oita, Japan, the Mexico vs Italy game for Group G finished with 1-1. Therefore, Mexico recorded 2 wins and 1 loss (points 7), ranking first in the Group G, and Italy finished the first round with 1 win, 1 tie, and 1 loss (points 4), ranking second in the bracket. These two teams will advance into the second round.

In the main World Cup Stadium, Turkey, appearing for the second time in World Cup since 1954, won 3-0 to China and celebrated their advance into the next round. With 1 win, 1 tie, and 1 loss, Turkey stood equal to Costa Rica, who lost 2-5 to Brazil, but excelled in goal points to qualify for the second round.

TA追記)Miracles do occur!

2002年6月15日 04時58分
June 15th (fifteenth), Sat. 2002
洛南高休業日→ 自分中心の勉強ができるぞ!

「耳より英語」登場! 読み上げソフト使用者の皆様にも「使いやすい」サイトを目指します。 TAhira + Eriko(デザイナー)

6月16日(日)2002年英検(STEP)第1回 !あと1日間+α

Welcome to Masa's World;”英検受験生に一言”(トップページ)を見逃すな!継続こそ力なり! 


1)Masaru and Kyoko live in the (same) neighborhood. They were (born) there and have (grown) up there. The (people) are good (neighbors) (to) one (another). Both Masaru and Kyoko know (most) (of) them, and they love this neighborhood. They have always wanted to do something (helpful) (for) the neighborhood.

2)When you are thirteen or fourteen years of (age), you begin to think about your (future) (career). When you were younger, the (whole) world (seemed) to be (open) (to) you. In (those) days you said to yourself, "I'll be (able) to do anything." (As) you grow older, (however), you begin to think (more) about your interests and (talents). You begin to (ask) yourself, "What can a person (like) me do when (he) is (grown) up? What can he do (for) other people?" (Gradually), you (find) the best answers (to) these questions.

3)Ken wanted to become a (scientist) when he was an elementary school student. He was interested in the stars, (planets), comets, and the wonders of the (universe). He (used) to[ユースタァ] watch the stars (through) a telescope whenever the night is clear. He (changed) his mind two years ago, (however), when he read the lives(ライヴズ) of Albert Schweizer and Hideyo (Noguchi). He has decided to become a doctor and help sick people.

4)Yumiko's parents are (both) doctors. They want (her) to become a doctor, but she is not very interested (in) becoming a doctor. She wants to become a (musician). She has been (taking) piano lessons since she was four years old. When she (leaves) high school, she wishes to go to (Austria) to study (more) about music. She hopes to (entertain) people (by) playing (the) piano.

5)Satoru was worried for a long time. To him everything seemed possible, and (yet) (nothing) interested (him) very much. One day he said to his father, "I want to help people (in) (trouble) when I am (grown) up, but I don't know how to help (them)." His father said, "Well, there are many (ways). A (lawyer)[ローィヤァ], for instance, helps people a lot." Then he told his son about the work of a (lawyer). Satoru is going to learn (more) about a lawyer's work and how to become a lawyer at the school library.

6)Rika has been interested in (design)[ディザァイン] and wants to become a dress designer when she (is) (grown) up. She thinks that she has a (talent) (for) (design). She has already (designed) a few dresses for herself and her (cousin)[カズン]. Her (cousin) believes that Rica will (make) a (good) dress designer.

7)Hiroshi has wanted to become a teacher since he was a child. (Once) he read in the newspapers that many children could not go to school because they were often sick. (Since) he wasn't a healthy child (himself), he wants to help (other) (weak) children. He knows that teachers visit these children at home or in the (hospital). Hiroshi wants to become that (kind) of teacher. He has not said (anything) about this to his parents (yet), but he believes that they will (encourage) him.

8)The (popularity) of the (Internet) has (led) to a rapid(ラッピッd)increase in computer use(ユース). On the (Internet), people can shop, (make) hotel reservations, and send e-mail. They can (also) (gather) information (from) all over the world, 24 hours a day. But the (main) reason (for) the (Internet) (popularity) is (that) people can use it without (ever) (leaving) home.


TA追追記)「男のくせに、うじうじうじうじしてたらあかん!」 said one of Rika-san. 「トロトロトロトロ登呂遺跡!とっろいなあ!」