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Start 2/5/2000

2002年4月18日 18時09分
April 18th(eighteenth), Thurs. 2002
準備期間は・・・あとたった38日!=Only 38days to go! 
教職受験者は、履歴書に、せめてTOEIC SCOREを書けるようにしておこう。TOEIC SCOREの賞味期限(笑)[=有効期限]は2年間!

”京阪神大英文和訳ベーシック(その5)” [7〜10分]


第一段落)When the people of Lincoln's (1)(n----------d) engaged in dispute; whenever a bet was to be decided; when they differed on points of (2)(r------n) or (3)(p------s); when they wanted to get out of trouble, or desired advice regarding (4)(a------g) on the earth, below it, above it, or under the sea, (5)(----) went to "Abe."


第二段落)Two fellows, after a (6)(---) dispute (7)(l---ing) some hours, over the problem (8)(--) to how long a man's legs should be in (9)(p--------n) to the size of his body, stamped (10)(----) Lincoln's office one day and put the question to him.


第三段落)Lincoln listened gravely (11)(--) the arguments (12)(ad----ed) by both contestants, (13)(s----) some time in "reflecting" upon the matter, and then, (14)(t---ing) around in his chair and facing the disputants, delivered his opinion with all the gravity of a (15)(j----) sentencing a fellow-being to death.
