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2002年4月16日 19時18分
April 16th(sixteenth), Tues. 2002
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→東亜日報; http://japan.donga.com/

(1)釜山郊外で166人乗り中国旅客機墜落 生存者39人

APRIL 16, 2002 09:42

釜山郊外の金海(キメ)国際空港に着陸しょうとしていた北京発金海行きの中国国際航空機が、15日午前、付近の山に激突し、乗客・乗員166人のうち、115人が死亡、12人が行方不明になったが、39人が助かった事故直後、消防救助隊と警察が現場に直ちに出動して救助活動を行ったが、墜落地が山の中である上、雨が降るなど悪天候が続き、救助作業は難航した。15日午前11時23分、中国国際航空CA129便(ボーイング767型機)が金海国際空港北側の慶尚(キョンサン)南道金海市池内洞(チネドン)にある神魚(シンオ)山中腹の標高390メートルのトッテ山に墜落した。 墜落機は、午前9時37分北京を出発して午前11時35分に金海空港に到着する予定だった。墜落機には韓国人135人、中国人19人、ウズベキスタン人1人の乗客155人と乗員11人、合わせて166人が搭乗していた。目撃者によると、墜落機は高度を下げて低空飛行していたが、突然、炎上して墜落し爆発したという。墜落機から救助され金海聖母病院で治療を受けている韓国系中国人の金・ムンハク(35、中国の吉林城)氏は「間もなく着陸するのでシートベルトを締めるようにというアナウンスが流れた直後、機体が急速に降下した」と話している。
▽事故現場 〓 トッテ山の頂上には飛行機の胴体の残骸が散らばっており、煙が激しく立ち上っていた。生存者は機体の外に跳ね出されたケースが多く、飛行機の胴体から担架で運び出された死亡者は火傷がひどかった。


▽事故原因 〓 金海空港の航空管制を担当する空軍第5戦術飛行団は、同日午前11時20分ごろ墜落機から着陸要請を受けて、当時の気象状況を調べた結果、着陸制限値を下回ったため、着陸を許可したと発表した。




▽病院への移送、救助活動 〓 救助された50余人は、金海聖母病院など金海市内と釜山市内の病院で治療を受けている。収容した遺体もこれらの病院に安置された。



中国の反応 〓 中国政府は、国際航空公社所属の旅客機が初めて大規模な事故を起こしたことに戸惑いを隠せなかった。中国国際航空公社は事故直後、緊急対策会議を開き、関係者を現地に急きょ派遣した。同社のスポークスマンは「事態収拾のため最善を尽くす」と話した。

(2) Chinese Airlines Crashed in Kimhae, 39 Persons Rescued

APRIL 16, 2002 09:07

An Air China aircraft carrying 166 passengers and crews en route from Beijing in the morning of April 15 crashed in a hilly region under bad weather conditions as it was preparing to land in Kimhae Airport. More than 100 people are reported to be death in that tragic accident

Immediately after the accident, firefighters and policemen were dispatched to the crash site to rescue survivors, but the rescue operation faced severe difficulties since the crash site is in the mountain, and rains continued to fall.

Summary of the accident: An Air China International Boeing 767 passenger aircraft with flight No. CA 129 crashed near the Kimhae Airport on the slope of Mt. Dotdae, a height of 380 m, which is adjacent to Mt. Sinoe behind Dongwon apartment, Jinae-Dong, Kimhae-Si, South Kyounsang Province at 11:23 A.M. on April 15

A total of 166 people including 11 crews and 155 passengers, among them 135 Koreans, 19 Chinese, and an Uzbekistan were on board at the ill-destined aircraft, but 54 persons among them were rescued as of 4:30 P.M. of the day.

The crashed aircraft departed at 9:37 P.M from Beijing and expected to arrive at Kimhae Airport at 11:35 A.M.

Eyewitnesses said that the aircraft was flying low when the rear part of the passenger plane was on fire and the aircraft exploded when it crashed.

A Korean of Chinese nationality, Kim Moon-Hak (35 years old, a resident in Jilin Province of China), who was onboard the crashed aircraft and now in medical care at Seongmo Hospital in Kimha said, "Immediately after the announcement to fasten the seat belts to prepare for landing, the aircraft suddenly plunged."

The crash site: At the site of Mt. Dotdae, the wreckages including the main frame of the aircraft were scattered around in pieces, and the scene was really gruesome with billowing smokes, and dead bodies and wreckages are mingled each other.

The survivors were mainly tossed out of the airplane, and some who had lost their lives in the aircraft were carried away with stretchers, and were unrecognizable due to severe burning.

A total number of 1,500 firefighters, policemen, and soldiers including several 119 rescue teams of South Kyoungsang Province and Pusan City were dispatched to the crash site for rescue operation, but because of adverse weather conditions with fogs and incessant rains, the rescue operation was difficult to implement.

Estimated cause of the crash: According to the fifth Tactical Wing of the Air Force that controls aircraft flights at Kimhae Airport, the aircraft was allowed to land since the weather condition at that time was below the limits of landing restriction when the Wing received a landing request from the aircraft at around 11:20 A.M.

The Air Force explained that the weather at that time was tolerable for landing with the cloud height of 1,000 feet, visibility of 2.5 miles, which are below the limits of the landing restriction, being the cloud height of 700 feet, and visibility of two miles.

The Air Force estimated that the aircraft was turning toward Mt. Sinoe using the west side of the runway as a landmark so as to take position for landing point since winds were blowing to land from sea.

According to some related persons of the Air Administration of Busan and the Air Force, "The crashed aircraft should have turned its head toward the runway just short of Mt. Sinoe for normal landing, but we estimate the accident is caused by mistaking turning point in view of its crash on Mt.Dotdae adjacent to Mt. Sinoe."

The Busan Air Administration recovered the black box of the crashed airplane at three P.M. of the day and started to find out the precise causes of the accident.

Transfer to hospitals and rescue operation: Rescued passengers numbering 50 have been under medical care in five hospitals including Kimhae Seongmo Hospital and other regional hospitals in Busan. In addition, recovered bodies are also taken to the hospitals. As the accident broke out, South Kyoungsang provincial government established an emergency situation room and a commanding center for accident management in the provincial fire department, and also established an on-site commanding center.

Additionally, 150 firefighting equipments such as helicopters and specialized equipment belonging to the central 119 rescue team, and North Kyoungsang Province, Busan and Seoul firefight department have been hauled to support the rescuer operation.

Busan Metropolitan Administration also established a rescue support center and hurriedly dispatched mobile emergency medical team composed of 15 doctors to the crash site and secured mortuaries of 38 hospitals that can place 160 bodies.

Chinese reaction: Chinese government is apparently embarrassed at the first major crash accident of a passenger aircraft of Air China International Inc. The airlines took an emergency meeting to discuss the measures immediately after the accident and dispatched experts to the crash site.

The airlines spokesperson said, "We will do our best to counter the crisis," and added, "We will inform the accident to all the families of victims."

関連)国際救助隊=International Rescue(レスキュー)