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2002年2月20日 13時17分
Feb.20th(twentieth), Wed. 2002
英作文命! まだまだ伸びる英作文能力!



問)英訳せよ。[15分] →空所に適語を入れよ。文字指定に従え。



Baseball is one of the American (national) sports.

Baseball is one of the most (popular) sports of America.


Many Americans (spend) a lot of time (playing) baseball in neighborhood fields when they were children.

Many Americans (grow) up with happy experiences of playing baseball in neighborhood fields.


(Covered) with mud, comparing themselves with other children, they (learn) to (get) along with others.

(Covered) with mud, they (learn) how to (get) on with others while they care about (whether) a certain boy in the neighborhood (has) become a better player than (themselves).


They also train themselves repeatedly to (put)(up)(with) hardship when they are (defeated).

At the (same) time they (gradually) learn (how) to be good (losers).

put up with=endure(エンデュァ)=我慢(がまん)する
「屈辱感(くつじょくかん)」=humiliation がより適訳だが・・・
→endure humiliation/accept humiliation

「良き勝者たれ;良き敗者たれ」="Be a good winner!; be a good loser!"

2002年2月20日 09時38分
Feb.20th(twentieth), Wed. 2002
”下りエスカレーターを駆け上がれ! I mean it!”(本気だよ):ララちゃん
英作文命! まだまだ伸びる英作文能力!




This is a

It is a kind of fan(団扇=うちわ) that folds(折りたためる).

We can carry it easily.

In summer many people use fans.

They are also used in 'sumo' and 'Noh'(能=のう).

Beautiful pictures are usually printed on them.

1.さわやかな音を出す鈴=chime that makes refreshing sounds

たいていの日本人が学ぶ技術=skill that most Japanese people learn

祭りで使われる持ち運びできる神社=portable shrine that is used in festivals

2.人々を心地(ここち)よくさせてくれます。=It makes people comfortable.

例えば、私達は紙をとりや動物や花に折ることが出来ます。=For example, we can fold paper into birds, animals and flowers.

多くの人が肩に担ぎ(かつぎ)ます。=Many people carry it on their shoulders.


Thursday, July 3, 1997

School Trip To Kyoto

We went to Kyoto on our school trip.

Ken, Yumiko, Hiroshi and Emi were in my group.

We had a very good time on the trip.

On the first day we went to Kinkakuji Temple.

Kinkakuji was built by Ashikaga Yoshimitsu.

It looked bright
in the sun.=それは、日の光の中に輝いていた。

= 〜 Newspaper Office

〜 放送局= 〜
TV Station

〜 野球場= 〜
Baseball Stadium

〜 美術館= 〜
Art Museum

2.その会社ではみんな忙しそうでした。=Everyone looked busy in that office.

スタジアムは大きく、人がいっぱいでした。=The stadium was big and full of people.

多くの作品を見ました。それらは印象的でした。=I saw many works of art. They were impressive.

3.新幹線で京都に行く=go to Kyoto on the Shinkansen

観光バス=sightseeing bus

午後は自由行動でした。=We were free in the afternoon.


Q: What interests you about Japanese culture?

A: That's a good question. I'm interested in ikebana.

Q: What do you think about ikebana?

A: It's very beautiful.

Q: How long have you studied it?

A: I've studied it for about six months.

1.日本のスポーツ=sports in Japan

日本の食べ物=Japanese food

日本の生活=life in Japan

2.sumo, kabuki, 茶道(さどう)=tea ceremony

日本の家=Japanese houses

日本の祭り=Japanese festivals

3.何回くらい練習[食べる/見る]していますか?=How often do you practice/eat/watch) it?

何年くらい勉強していますか? =
How many years have you studied it?

4.この町をどう思いますか?=What do you think of[=about]
this town?

週に何日学校に来ますか?=How many days a week [= per week] do you come to school?

〜はどうですか?= How do you like 〜 ?

出身国はどちらですか?=What country are you from?

もう少し話してください。=Please tell us more about it.

(53 words)

14)Words & Expressions 2

1.幼稚園の先生=a kindergarten teacher
× kindergarden

野球の選手=a baseball player

宇宙飛行士=an astronaut

2.子供達が好きです。=I like

I like baseball.

宇宙から地球を眺めてみたい。= I want to see the earth from space.

3.やさしい先生になること=to be a kind teacher

偉大な打者になること=to be a great doctor

オゾンホールを研究すること=to study the ozone hole(おゥゾゥンホゥル).

4.切手収集=collecting stamps

漫画を描く=drawing cartoons

映画鑑賞=watching movies

5.それら(=切手)から外国について知ることができます。=I can learn about foreign countries from them.

友達を楽しませることが出来ます。=I can amuse my friends.

6.あなたと切手を交換したいです。=I want to exchange stamps with you.

将来イラストレーターになりたいです。=I want to be an illustrator in the future.

My favorite movie is 'Godzilla.


March 5

Dear Bob,

Are you well?

Today I will tell you about my hobby.

My hobby is bird-watching.

Many kinds of wild birds arrive near my town every season.

On fall mornings I can see wild geese(←goose=雁=ガン).

They spend winter on the lake.

In early spring they go back north.

I like to take pictures of them.



(60 words)