Start 2/5/2000
- 2002年11月7日 16時17分
- Nov.7th(seventh), Thurs. 2002
センター本試まで『あと11週』!=11 weeks to go!
"jump-englishドットコム;Message Board毎日更新中!(TA)
80408! What a good number to memorize! We thank you !
”本物英語空所挿入問題” (その1)
When George finished his studies at the university, he began to look
around (1)---) a job. He did not know what he would like to do, but
one of his (2)u-----) had worked (3)---) the government for 30 years,
and he (4)a-----d) George to try to get a job of the (5)---) kind, so
he went (6)---) an examination one day. He was (7) s---------), and
his first job was in a large government office in London.
When George had been working there for a few weeks, his uncle came to
visit the family one Saturday evening. He was delighted that his (8)n-----)
had (9) m-----d) to get a job working for the government, and he asked
him a lot of questions about it.
One of the questions he asked was, "And how many people work in your
(10)d---------), George?"
The young man thought for a few moments and then answered, "About half
of them, Uncle Jim."
- 2002年11月7日 15時36分
- Nov.7th(seventh), Thurs. 2002
センター本試まで『あと11週』!=11 weeks to go!
Keep hoping, and you'll make it somehow! Practice makes perfect!
make it=(1)間に合う(2)うまくいく;You made it!=やった!
Yahoo ニュース
<曽我ひとみさん>16年ぶりに戸籍を回復 失踪取り消し届提出
- 日朝交渉 新たな窓口を模索「田中ルート使えず」(読売新聞) (7日0時15分)
"jump-englishドットコム;Message Board毎日更新中!(TA)
80375! What a good number to memorize! We thank you !
『2002年7月26日 13時06分
July 26th(twenty-sixth), Fri, 2002
7月28日(日)駿台全国マーク模試 ;申し込みを忘れるな!喝!トロすぎる!トロトロトロトロ登呂遺跡!とろとろとろとろトロイの木馬!トロトロとろとろトロッコ列車ァ!
8月11日 (日) 第2回河合塾全統マーク模試(マーク式)
K大志望者は『河合塾第1回京大即応オープン』と『駿台 第1回京大入試実戦模試』の両方とも受験申込みのこと!
9月15日(日)前後 第2回 全統記述模試(記述・論述式)[R校8月末実施予定]
8)以下のやりかたが気に入らない方・・・We'll never see each other again. Have a good day!
ボーイさん、お勘定お願い。=ウェイターさん、請求書お願い。=(W-----), (b---) please.
経口避妊薬飲んでますか。=ピル飲んでますか。=Are you (--) the (--ll)?
彼女の意志に反して○スするな。=Don't kiss her (----st) her (-ill)!
ボーイさん、お勘定お願い。=ウェイターさん、請求書お願い。=(Waiter), (bill) please.
"bill"(ブィウ)=「請求書」、「紙幣」→a ten dollar bill=10ドル札一枚、「法案」
経口避妊薬飲んでますか。=ピル飲んでますか。=Are you (on) the (pill)?
例文)かごにはキャンディーがいっぱい入っている。=The basket is full of candies.=The basket is
filled with candies.
関連)fill A with B=AをBで満たす;AはBで満たされている=A is filled with B=A is full of
彼女の意志に反して○スするな。=Don't kiss her (against) her (will)!
「〜の意志に反して」=against one's will["one's"には"my","your","his", "her", "their"などの所有格が入る]
at the top of a hill=丘の頂上で [反対語] 丘のふもとで=at the foot of a hill
(い)「時間をつぶす」="kill time"
携帯でチャットして時間をつぶすな。=Don't kill time by chatting on mobile phones.
比較せよ)「〜までに」="by" ;「SがVする時までには」="by the time S+ V"
「まだ眠っているかい」="Are you still sleeping?"="Are you still asleep?"="Are you
still in bed?"
- 2002年11月7日 01時30分
- Nov.7th(seventh), Thurs. 2002
センター本試まで『あと11週』!=11 weeks to go!
Keep hoping, and you'll make it somehow! Practice makes perfect!
make it=(1)間に合う(2)うまくいく;You made it!=やった!
Yahoo ニュース
- 日朝交渉 新たな窓口を模索「田中ルート使えず」(読売新聞) (7日0時15分)
- 安倍官房副長官ら、拉致被害者5人との面会終える(読売新聞) (6日23時55分)
- 「日本で会いたい」5人全員が要望=政府の責任一段と重く−拉致帰国問題(時事通信) (6日21時7分)
”松木薫さんの遺骨か判別できず=政府が家族に報告” (時事通信)
Yahoo news 社会ニュース[11月5日22時3分更新]
"jump-englishドットコム;Message Board毎日更新中!(TA)
80252! What a good number to memorize! We thank you !
”センター試験韓国版 2003年度”(2002, 11/5)
→(1)(2)とも 『中央日報』→
(0)figure out=make out =understand
(1)大学入学試験、平均10〜15点上がる;2002.11.06 20:40
金南中(キム・ナムジュン)記者 < >
2002.11.06 20:40
[ 最新ニュース ]
11/06 20:20
11/06 17:45
11/06 14:35
11/06 14:29
誤認でネパ―ル人を精神病院に監禁 国に2800万ウォンの賠償判決
11/06 12:25
(2)Students' futures decided today
by Koh Han-sun; November 06, 2002
Jeong A-ram, 20, is taking the College Scholastic Ability Test for the
third time today. She said she cannot figure out how this year's test
would go. "The test two years ago was so easy that it could not distinguish
between hard workers and sluggish ones," she said. "Last year's test
was so difficult that all the students got bad scores."
Ms. Jeong said she mistrusted the educational authorities who declare
every year, "Any one who has completed a normal high school course can
solve CSAT problems."
Results of the CSAT have swung wildly recently. The average score rose
28 points over the previous year, then dropped by 66 points in the following
year. A perfect score is 400 points. The flip-flops have worried and
confused test-takers, and the 670,000 annual examinees are not the only
ones affected by the test. As an indication of how much stress is placed
on the examination, the army will station 14 vehicles in six places
in Seoul to carry tardy test-takers to their examination places on time.
Military police will carry tardy examinees in other cities. The Joint
Chiefs of Staff banned aerial training during the listening comprehension
tests. Flight schedules will be affected; take-offs and landings at
major airports will be banned during testing hours.
The Kim Dae-jung administration ordered an easy CSAT in order to curb
the rampant private tutoring here and reduce the discrimination against
those who cannot afford private tutoring fees. It wanted to make high
schools stop "teaching the test" and nurture special talents and encourage
club and volunteer work.
In the 1998 test, the examinees' average score rose to 240, up 28 points
over the 1997 test. The following year, the average score rose to 250
and then soared to 272 in 2000. Sixty-six students made perfect scores
of 400 in 2000 -- but one of those top-notchers was not thought well
enough of by universities to get an early admission. A student complained
that one point could decide the university an examinee could enter.
President Kim and the deputy prime minister for education said later
they "regretted" that the test was too easy.
The criticism prompted test writers to make the 2001 test more difficult,
but they overshot, and the average score plummeted by 66 points. Educators
railed that the government had abandoned its promise of an easy test
and that the weight given to the test in admissions would be less beginning
with 2002 college admissions.
The difficult test drove students back to the private tutors, a 7 trillion
won ($5.7 billion) market in 2000. (No later estimates are available.)
Critics of the "easy exam" policy say high schools set the rigor of
their students' senior year based on the difficulty of the examination
problems they are likely to face. Easy tests, some educators say, probably
discourage teachers from setting higher academic standards; they would
focus on training students not to make careless mistakes.
The Korean Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation announced that the
CSAT test today would be between the levels of the last two examinations,
and has a group working on research to balance the test in that range.
"To set the test difficulty more accurately, we consulted high school
teachers in making and reviewing the questions," Lee Sang-joo, the deputy
prime minister for education, said last week. Jo Ji-min, a researcher
at the curriculum institute, said that participation of teachers has
been important in reflecting the current academic level of the students.
"We believe that last year's test questions were good problems but maybe
too difficult for the students," she said.
Such assurances are not enough to put high school teachers, who counsel
students on university applications, at ease. "The only thing I know
is that the test will be easier than last year, but more difficult than
that of two years ago," said An Jeong-hyeon, a 28-year-old private institute
lecturer. "The fact remains that I have no guidelines to estimate which
university my students can enter based on their practice test scores."
Ms. An said she trained her students to solve more difficult problems
throughout the year.
The government's determination to reduce the weight of the CSAT has
not changed. In 2005, examinees will be allowed to select individual
subjects in the CSAT instead of taking the entire battery.
Education experts said that to make the test more reliable, problems
that have been verified in evaluating the abilities of examinees, should
be compiled. Such a project would require comprehensive security programs
to continuously inspect, review and upgrade the infrastructure and procedures
related to the examination. "But that is no easy task under the high-stakes
examination system here," said Kang Sang-jin, professor of education
at Yonsei University.