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2002年10月12日 17時49分
Oct. 12th(twelfth), Sat. 2002
重要!センター本試まで『あと99日』!=99 days to go!

重要!”10月7日(月)〜18日(金) 大学入試センター試験の出願受付”
成績開示の¥800をケチるな! 自分に投資しよう! 自分の頭に・・・




0)「ニュース英語」=current English=”カレント・イングリッシュ”に挑戦














『The Economist explained, “For the past several years, the competition among banks and the real estate boom have sharply increased the volume of loans to individuals and corporations. Thus, the risk of deflation is higher than ever.”

In fact, the consumer confidence in US has shrunk already.

According to the Oct. 11th report of Financial Times, the sales volume of big US stores like JC Penny, Target and Sears in September of 2002 was much lower than that of last September. Wallmart, on the other hand, has witnessed its sale increase a little. But the increase was not up to the original expectation. Bernard Consulting Group said, “It is serious. The consumer sale was lower than that in last year. Last year, the Sep. 11th attack affected the sale heavily. Consumer may not be able to regain their confidence even by the Christmas season.”』


0021) エコノミィ=経済、ecOnomy=経済、ppOlitics=政治

0022) explAIn=説明する、explAIn, explanAtion, explAIn=accOUnt for

0023) on accOUnt of 名詞=becAUse of 名詞= 〜が原因で

0024) inflAtionの反意語はdeflAtion, inflAtion 反意語 deflAtion

0025) インフレィションが原因で、デフレィションが原因で

0026) past 過去、パースト=過去; fUture=未来=フューチュァ=未来

0027) a wOman with past =過去のある女; He is my fUture dIplomat!

0028) 彼は未来の外交官よ!と信じた私がバカだった!He's only chasing girls! 追いかける=chase=チェィス、カーチェィスは「車の追跡」だ

0029) 彼はgovernment直属の Agent=エィジェントだと言ってたけれど

0030) 本職はストリップティーズの業者だったって、道理で=no wonder

0031) 脱ぐ=take offのが早かった、take them off

0032) 身につける=put onの方はノロマなくせに, put them on

0033) 人民の、人民による、人民のための・・・が口癖だった

0033) He used to say "Government of the people, by the people, for the people"

0034) He would often say, "I love you, I love you, I love you!"

0035) At least=少なくとも、3回は言ってくれた

0036) ワタシハまさに, カモノハシ、duck, duck, duxkbill,ダックビル、正式名はプラッティプスだった!

0037) カモノハシは卵を産む哺乳類、マmマル、まmまる、mammalは哺乳類

0037) lay eggs, lay eggs, ovum=卵子、oval office=オゥヴァルルーム=大統領執務室

0038) watasinokareha US President, 自由世界の救世主よ!

0038) Watch out!=Look out!=Be careful! エシュロンシステムが見張っているぞ!

0039) You're the biggest dAnger of the United States!

0040) 巡航ミサイル=crUsing missile、イージス艦、エンプラ、テンプラ、なんでもあるぞ!

0041) Are you insAne?=Are you cRazy? insAne=インセィン=クレィズィ=狂っている

0042) real estate agent=不動産業者

0043) sEcret agent=スィークレット・エィジェント=秘密諜報員

0044) あの「女たらしの」ジェームズ・ボンドおじさん!

0045) You're always chasing girls! Now you're starting chasing boys? Aren't you?=Are you not?

0046) You should know better(to do such a thing)!=そんなことしてたらダメじゃないか!

0047) You have practically everything ahead of you!

0048) Don't waste time!=Don't idle away your time!

0049) Time flies!=光陰矢のごとし!

0050) Time is very prEcious, it is true, but you shouldn't injure your health by working contInuously without a mOment's rest.



2002年10月12日 13時10分
Oct. 12th(twelfth), Sat. 2002
重要!センター本試まで『あと99日』!=99 days to go!

重要!”10月7日(月)〜18日(金) 大学入試センター試験の出願受付”
成績開示の¥800をケチるな! 自分に投資しよう! 自分の頭に・・・




”推理作家吉村達也が成し遂げた驚異の英語急上昇”;                              ダイヤモンド社 ¥1400

TOEIC 1回目スコアシート;405+365=770; 87.4%

TOEIC 2回目スコアシート;480+425=905; 98.3%』













4)「TA私見」によると、たしかに『社会人』でTOEIC点数が伸びない人は、おしゃべりのくせに、集中力が続かない人が多い気がする。いらんことのやりすぎ。おひとよし。悪い人ではないが、お金を支払って雇いたくは無くなる要素が大。しかし、やさいづくりは上手・・・。ニワトリの恋人・・・ごめん、言い過ぎたかな・・・。でも、惜しい! 教育委員会に雇われるには高得点、高得点。英語はできて当たり前。英語教師でしょう?”英語教師+人徳”が大事。




2002年10月12日 12時16分
Oct. 12th(twelfth), Sat. 2002
重要!センター本試まで『あと99日』!=99 days to go!

重要!”10月7日(月)〜18日(金) 大学入試センター試験の出願受付”
成績開示の¥800をケチるな! 自分に投資しよう! 自分の頭に・・・



暗いニュースは見たくもない・・・?でも、新聞記者になりたい? You out of your mind? 好奇心の無い人、社会正義感の無い人、「成金まんじゅう(?)」に縁(えん)の無い人、悪いがゴキゲンヨー(=さようなら)・・・

”(続×18);日本政府、北朝鮮のマツタケ贈呈に困惑;2002.10.11 20:41

”総連議長「拉致問題は遺憾」;2002.10.10 21:15”
”ノーベル化学賞「平凡な会社員」田中氏;2002.10.10 20:29”

”日本人拉致生存者5人、15日に一時帰国;2002.10.09 17:34”
”Kidnapped Japanese Suspected of Being Killed ”
”父「一刻も早く確認を」; 5人目生存「曽我ひとみさん」[産経新聞]”
”ROGUE STATE=ロゥグ・スティト=ならず者国家;洗脳=brainwashing”
”北朝鮮、日本語放送でも拉致伝える;(09/28 19:58)”
”社民党、日本人拉致事件に困惑; 2002.10.08 17:58”

→ http://japanese.joins.com/  

→ http://japanese.donga.com/

→ http://www.sankei.co.jp/   


 ■朝鮮日報(The Digital Chosun)
 ■現代コリア・オンライン  <2001.12.15new!>
 ■京都ウトロ(英語版あり)  <2001.12.15new!>

1)日本政府、北朝鮮のマツタケ贈呈に困惑;2002.10.11 20:41






東京=呉デ泳(オ・デヨン)特派員 < dayyoung@joongang.co.kr >

2002.10.11 20:41

[ 最新ニュース ]
10/11 17:36
10/11 17:12
現代商船への不法融資、 関連書類記録も疑惑
10/11 11:47
10/10 22:15
10/10 21:23



2)【写真】暴露と誹謗、そして驚いた学生;2002.10.10 22:15

10日、国会政治分野の対政府質問で、野党・ハンナラ党の李在五(イ・ジェオ、左)、 与党・新千年民主党(民主党)の全甲吉(チョン・カプギル)両議員が、年末の大統領選挙に標準を合わせた暴露戦(上)を行っているのを受けて、ハンナラ党の安泳根(アン・ヨングン、左)、民主党の金玉斗(キム・オクドゥ)両議員が荒々しい非難合戦と人身攻撃の発言を繰り広げている。。 下は、傍聴のために来ていた中学生が驚いた表情で見つめている。

2002.10.10 22:15


3)日本植民支配時代の強制徴用者100人、行政訴訟;2002.10.11 17:35




2002.10.11 17:35

4) 勢いづいたブッシュ大統領「次は国連決議案」;OCTOBER 11, 2002 23:00
by 韓起興 朴來正 (eligius@donga.com ecopark@donga.com)










5) Bush with Power, “Next is the UN Resolution”

OCTOBER 11, 2002 23:01
by Ki-Heung Han Rae-Jeong Park (eligius@donga.com ecopark@donga.com)

The settlement of the Support the Iraqi War Resolution in the US Senate was done in just few hours on the 11th after the House passed it.

Therefore, the procedures for Iraqi War inside America were settled without any problem. Originally, the Democratic Party, which is the majority in the Senate, was opposing to the start of the War by the President George W. Bush, but it turned to support the President Bush because of the public opinion inside the country.

Although the Resolution is recommending to use forces only ‘when all the diplomatic tries fails,’ and asks to report to the Congress every 60 days after the military actions are started, the resolution put wings to the President Bush.

The Senate Floor Leader of the Democratic Party, Thomas Dashley said about the pass of the Resolution, “I believe it is important for America to say in unison,” and “the resolution is not of the Democratic Party nor the Republican Party, but it is the America’s Resolution and value.”

The President Bush stressed after the resolution was passed through a statement, “Disarmament of Iraq must be done,” but added, “I did not decide anything yet whether to start military actions or not.”

However, the New York Times reported on the 11th, “The White House is already establishing the occupation policy including putting Iraq under military administration after removing the President Sadam Hussein following the attack.”

The newspaper added that in the policy made after the occupation policy model in Japan after the end of the World War II in 1945, the ways to put high ranking Iraqi officials including the President Hussein to the war crimes court were included.

The duration of the military administration could be few months to several years, and then transferred the regime to a civilian government, which will be elected in free election. The Head of the military administration would most likely to be the Commander of the US Army in central region, Tommy Franks, and the Times added that his role would be similar to the Commander Douglas McArthur in Japan.

In the meantime, the British Prime Minister Tony Blair had a summit with the Russian President Bladimir Putin, and asks Russia to support the UN Security Council Resolution for the military operation of America.

Although Russia was opposing to the UN Resolution that allow to use force against Iraq, she is interested in the proposal of the new resolution by France saying that ‘it proposes more effective ways to inspect and uses forces only when they are needed.’

6) 「1930年代以来最大のデフレ危機」経済誌が警告

OCTOBER 11, 2002 23:01;by 金承眞 (sarafina@donga.com)














7) Greatest Risk of Worst Deflation Since 1930s.

OCTOBER 11, 2002 23:03
by Seung-Jin Kim (sarafina@donga.com)

The Economist warns in its Oct. 12th print edition, that the risk of falling prices is greater than at any time since the 1930s.

Under the current circumstances of burgeoned personal and corporate debts, a deflation could bring in a long lasting stagnation.

▽ Deflation Coming Up?〓 Deflation refers to an economic situation in which the price of everything falls down. So far, unlike the situation in Japan, the price increasing rate in US and Germany has not plummeted to the minus level. But, The Economist reports, “When the real development rate is lower than the potential rate, the price keeps falling down.” It analyzes, “If US fails to improve more than 3.5% a year for the next two years to come, the pressure from falling price will keep growing up.”

Signs of deflation have already been popping up.

The inflation rate in US is 1.1%, the lowest in the past 40 years. The increasing rate of the Consumer Index remains at 1.8%. However, the indexes of 16 major items have fallen. The Industrial Index, in which the financial industry is not tallied in, has turned downward for the first time since World War II. The Economist points out, “Policy makers remain optimistic about the future. But, deflation is being realized in US and Europe as well as in Japan.”

Major European countries, in fact, have to sit on their hands, watching the deflation coming up. They have to abide by the EU provision mandating lower than 2% of the price-increasing rate in countries which use euro. The increase rate of Germany, for which food and energy sectors are excluded, is even lower than 0.6%, which is the average rate for all EU member countries.

▽ Deflation, Really Matter? = Households tighten up their spending budget => Sales volume for corporations decreases => Corporations cut down on workers’ salaries and begin to lay off => Households’ income comes down => Households tighten up their spending budget ….”

When households and corporations have more debt than income, experts tell us, deflation is more dangerous than inflation.

Since deflation means the higher value of the money, it eventually gives a birth to the effect of increasing their debt in substance. In other words, the chain reaction, which was first proffered by US economist Irving Fisher in his 1933’s thesis, could take place.

The Economist explained, “For the past several years, the competition among banks and the real estate boom have sharply increased the volume of loans to individuals and corporations. Thus, the risk of deflation is higher than ever.”

In fact, the consumer confidence in US has shrunk already.

According to the Oct. 11th report of Financial Times, the sales volume of big US stores like JC Penny, Target and Sears in September of 2002 was much lower than that of last September. Wallmart, on the other hand, has witnessed its sale increase a little. But the increase was not up to the original expectation. Bernard Consulting Group said, “It is serious. The consumer sale was lower than that in last year. Last year, the Sep. 11th attack affected the sale heavily. Consumer may not be able to regain their confidence even by the Christmas season.”

8)欧州統合、大統領の誕生なるか ;OCTOBER 11, 2002 23:01









9) Will President for United Europe Be Born? ;OCTOBER 11, 2002 23:03

Will the EU have its own president when it is launched in earnest? So far, the EU has become a gigantic community having 25 countries as its members.

The question was first thrown by Schroeder. On October 9th, 2002, the German Chancellor publicly began to support the creation of the EU president. Ever since his remark, a heated debate has been continuing between powerful EU member countries and the rest of the members.

In his Oct. 9th meeting with EU’s head Romano Prodi in Brussel, Belgium, he said, according to the Oct. 10th report of Financial Times, “The current EU presidency, which rotates every six months between different member states, did not work. He could see merit in the plan, promoted by President Jacques Chirac of France and Tony Blair, the British prime minister, to give the council a full-time president if balancing powers were handed to the commission.”

Even tough Schroeder assumed a presupposition by saying, “I would support the plan if I am assured the new president of the EU council would not undermine Mr Prodi and his colleagues,” small EU members are not enthusiastic about the proposal since they believe the big 3 of EU such as Britain, Germany and France are trying to dominate EU.

In a nutshell, the whole problem lies in the issue of how the status of EU Commission will be affected in the future. Smaller EU members, who believe their interests are best represented by a strong Commission, are opposing it vigorously, since they fear that some powerful EU countries are trying to belittle the commission. Even some member countries argue that the commission may be fallen into an agency serving the council’s president.

Heads and foreign ministers of member countries compose the EU council, whose presidency rotates every six months between different member states. Each EU country has a different number of votes based on its population and national power. Thus, strong countries wield stronger power in the EU council. On the other hand, each state, regardless of its size or power, has the same voting power in the EU Commission, which consists of council members recommended by each EU member state and later approved by the EU council.

British Foreign Minister Jack Straw, in his contribution to the latest copy of The Economist, argued, “The policy of EU lacks consistency. The president of Commission changes every six months. In addition, the Commission is losing efficiency since it respects the opinions of the member states too much. If a president is elected, he or she would serve for several years, overseeing delivery of the Union`s strategic agenda and communicating a sense of purpose to Europe`s citizens."

But Austrian Foreign Minister refuted the argument and said, “The idea directly contradicts the principle of equality. The presidency will surely go to one of the powerful member states.

Thus, some point out that, even after the presidency is introduced, the EU council should be given the right to select the new president. That way, the legitimacy and legality of it can be strengthened and the principle of checks and balances will be kept.

10)ワシントン近郊でまた銃撃事件、男性1人が死亡;OCTOBER 10, 2002 22:52
by 權基太 (kkt@donga.com)









11) Yet Another Bullet to Scoff at the US Emergency Assassination Watch Alert

OCTOBER 10, 2002 22:49; by Ki-Tae Kwon (kkt@donga.com)

While there was an emergency watch alert going on around the American capitol Washington because of the continuous indiscriminate assassination since the 2nd, there was another assassination happened in the afternoon of the 9th and one male was killed.

The US Virginia State Police announced that a man, who was pumping gas at a gas station near the freeway in Manasas, Prince William County, 50km west of Washington, was shot to death at around 8:15pm on the 9th.

However, the Police did not conclude that this incident was related to the previous indiscriminate assassination. The detail of the incident including the identity of the victims was not known immediately.

A witness, who asked to be in anonymity, said that right after the shooting, two men got on a white truck or van, which was parked near the gas station, and disappeared.

In the meantime, the Maryland State Police went on to investigate considering the memo on the ‘tarot card,’ which was discovered with a bullet shell on the lawn yard 135m away from a middle school in Prince George County, where the spot of the assassination of a 13-year-old boy, on the 7th, was written by the suspect.

The Police announced that out of the 22 tarot cards used for fortune telling, one card called ‘card of the death’ was discovered there, and there was a hand written memo on the card saying ‘Dear Police – I am god.’

And the bullet shell next to it was the 223-caliber bullet shell, which was found in the bodies of the victims after the 2nd.

The Police thought the card and the memo might be someone’s practical joke, but it could give a clue about the suspect’s mental state if it was the suspect’s; therefore, they started to investigate the holograph, fingerprints, DNA, and the origin of the card.

The criminal experts said that there were several cases that tarot cards were found at a murder spot including a suspect’s case, which killed a family of an optometrist in Santa Cruz, California, and they analyzed that the suspect might place it to ridicule the police and warn additional assassinations. Between the 2nd and the 9th, there were total of 10 assassinations in the counties of Maryland and Virginia, and 7 were killed and 2 were injured. Among those, 3 assassinations were happened at gas stations and 2 were happened at parking lots.


2002年10月12日 11時10分
Oct. 12th(twelfth), Sat. 2002
重要!センター本試まで『あと99日』!=99 days to go!

重要!”10月7日(月)〜18日(金) 大学入試センター試験の出願受付”
成績開示の¥800をケチるな! 自分に投資しよう! 自分の頭に・・・















0001) デモクラシィ、デモクラティック、デモクラット

0001) democracy, democratic, democrat

0002) diplomacy, diplomatic, diplomat

0003) フォトッグラフィ、フォトッグラファァ、フォゥトグラッッフィック、フォゥトグラフ

0003) photography, photographer, photographic, photograph, photo

0003) フォトッグラフィ、フォトッグラファァ、フォゥトグラッッフィック、フォゥトグラフ

0004) POLitics 政治、POLitics 政治、ポリティックス、政治

0005) government 政府、政治;government政府、政治;government政府、政治

0006) government of the people, by the people , for the people

0007) 人民の、人民による、人民のための政治、リンカーン

0008) リンカン、Lincoln、リンコルン、リンカン、リンカン、りんかん

0009) duck, duck, duckbill, カモノハシ、正式名はプラッティプスだ!

0010) カモノハシは卵を産む哺乳類、マmマル、まmまる、mammalは哺乳類

0011 lay eggs, lay eggs, 卵を産む、卵を産む、lay eggs, lay eggs

0012) lay を横たえる、は、他動詞だ!

0012) lay, laid, laid; lay, laid, laid; lay, laid, laid

0013) Golgo 13, Golgo 13, Golgo Thirteen は歳とらナーーーイ!

0013) すごい、スゴイ、スゴスギルーーー、不死身のゴルゴサーティーーーん

0013) キリストは13日の金曜日にゴルゴダの丘で処刑された!

0013) 最後の晩餐(ばんさん)の人数が13人!

0014) the thirteen superstItion, スーパァスティッション、迷信

0014) 迷信、めいしん、迷信だー、名神高速道路、迷信の高速道路

0015) 「第2名神」は「工事中」、under construction,

0016) construct=建設する、の 反意語は、 destrOy, デストロォィ=破壊する

0017) destROY, destRUCtion=破壊、destROYer=Shiva神(ヒンズー教の破壊をもたらす神)=シヴァ神;破壊者;(潜水艦を破壊する)駆逐艦(くちくかん)=「(自衛隊の)護衛艦」のことだー

0018) 黒猫が前を横切った、どうしよう、どうしよう、どうしようーーー

0018) nanntomonaranai,dounimonaranai,うちには黒猫レィラがいるんだもーーーん

0018) black cat, black cat, いつも背中に載っかってくれてアリガトーーゥ

0018) black cat supersTItion, black cat supersTItion

0019) Evil=イーヴル=不吉な(ふきつな)、evil mumber, 不吉な数字よ、ゴルゴ13!

0020) good 反意語 evil=イーヴル/イーヴゥ;devil はデヴィル=悪魔

0020) 永井豪のデヴィルマンは悪魔人間のことだ、恐ろしい、おそろしい、こわいわ=I'm scared! アィムスケァーd=わたし、コワイわ!Oh, protEct me, you must HOLD me TIGHT, ぎゅぅっと抱いて、しぼって、しぼりきってほしい!しごいてあげよう、しごいてあげよう、ダイエット代わりにしごいてあげましょう!
I'm scared! You scare me! scare=スケヤァ=恐がらせる。