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Start 2/5/2000

2001年3月24日 09時22分
March 24th, Sat.

1. What a pity!

2. Professors are different in opinions. Some hate copying books. Some accept quotations but you had better clearly show where you have found them from because they want your own opinions even if they are far from perfect.

3. I doubt the validity of 'A' by Kawaijuku first of all! Too many students got A's with relatively modest scores at センター試験.

4. I must be leaving. Let's keep in touch. I'll be back soon this time. Mr. BATA and other students got to Bangkok, Thailand safe and sound yesterday. The party includes Ms. K, medical school student and graduate of C学院.

5. P.S. I thank you for your kind offer for Arashiyama Charity Fun Run. I'll be counting on you. Please take care.

Yours. TAhira.

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