Start 2/5/2000 |
2001年2月27日 01時27分 Feb. 27th, Tues. 1.「(続)英語は受験のためならず」 「川原の往くアメリカ(その31)」の英語部分をまず何度も読み通せ! 米原潜と漁業実習船衝突について・・・ 1)When I heard about this accident, I was really upset for the people who died, their families, and the other surviving students who lived. But, I also thought how careless the American military has's almost embarrassing! 2) I read the article. I am angry too. Even though there was nothing the prime minister could do in the situation at that time, I feel like he needed to take an emergency action. By continuing his golf game, it made him appear like he does not care about any person in his country. That was a bad decision on his part.I'm sure he is being criticized for not taking action at the moment he found out the news. I feel sorry for the Japanese people, that they do not have a strong leader to pull the country together in a time of need or crisis. 2.「関西大・立命館大など3月(後期)入試に全力を尽くす予定の受験生へ!」 あ)浮気するな。TAの教えを、自分の都合の良いように、勝手に解釈するな! い)「即戦ゼミ7短大用」の指定箇所をやれといったら、文句を言わず、本を2冊買って、最低5〜6回はやるべし。 う)「受身=受動態」が分からない人、要注意! え)1月〜12月、日曜〜土曜、1〜100の基数、序数が書けない人、何度も筆写して、ブツブツ呟(つぶや)いて、1日で覚えてしまえ! お)Thank God! You have still 48 hours! 2月のカレンダーに戻る ----次の日を見る |