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Start 2/5/2000

2001年2月28日 00時25分
Feb. 28th, Wed. (関西大学3月入試30時間前!)


I will tell you why there is not much news coverage about it.....

1- The U.S. press and government has a way of covering up bad situations. It is not being reported because it is an embarrassment to the United States.

2- The U.S. is a very closed nation, that's why you only hear news about things in the United States. Even when you watch World News on TV, you probably get about 5 or 10 minutes reporting on international things...the rest of the hour is about U.S. news stories. It's crazy, isn't it?

3- Censorship does exist in the U.S., but many Americans do not realize censorship is happening. I never realized myself that censorship happens in the U.S., until I lived in England and watched TV there and read the newspapers. They covered American and International news much differently. (However, in England, news is more positive toward England, and covered more English news --- much like in America, news is more positive toward America, and covers more American news.) It is a shame, but it can not be helped.


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