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Start 2/5/2000

2001年1月1日 20時56分

「矛盾するよう(This may sound contradictory)ですが..........」






2001年1月1日 12時02分
Jan. 1st, Mon. 2001

「TAグループの皆様へ:"It's now or never."」


=Now's (Now is) your chance.

P.S. I have a lot of message to give you. But it's time to go feed our cats back home. Keep plugging! But please take it easy! Don't be nervous! Don't be tense! TAhira.

2001年1月1日 11時53分
Jan.1st, Mon. 2001, 21st century!


"Ladies and gentlemen(レィディーズァンヂェントゥーマン), thank you for choosing Scandinavian Airlines System. This is your Captain, Hans Jespersen, speaking. Today's flight time to Copenhagen will be 11 hours and 30 minutes. Our estimated arrival time is 4:30 P.M. local time(現地時間)(local=「地元の」), Monday, January 1.

According to the latest weather report(最新の気象情報によると=現地からの情報によりますと), it is sunny in Copenhagen and the temperature is 23 degrees Fahrenheit, −5 degrees Celsius.

We'll be passing over Siberia. We'll be cruising(クルーズィング)at an altitude of 33,000 to 39,000 feet.(注:1 foot is 30.5 centimeters)

We can expect to have a smooth flight today, but for your safety, please keep your seatbelts fastened(ファスンd)while in your seats..."

2001年1月1日 11時02分
Jan. 1st, Mon.

訂正:’Bata先生出発進行(?)!’の "Safety flights”⇒“Safe flights!"

= Have safe flights! = I wish him safe flights!

2001年1月1日 10時55分
Jan. 1st, Mon, 2001=21st century!

"Our Bata-sensei(Mr. Hiroshi TAKEBATA) will be leaving for Denmark today. He will be leaving Narita for Copenhagen, capital of Denmark. He will change flights for Aarhus(オーフス), the second largest city . He will be making researches on mental hospitals and their systems and administration.
He will be stopping over at Milan(ミラノ), Italy, on the way home. Safety flights!

Mr Bata will be reached at the following E-mail address.


P.S. In case you send him a mail, be sure to identify yourself, please.

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