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Start 2/5/2000

2000年12月9日 21時09分
Dec. 9th(=ninth), Sat.

"About myself" (Continued)

"My family name 'TAhira' seems to be pretty(かなり)hard to pronounce. So in Korea, which is the first country I visited overseas, people called me Mr. TAA. In Thailand, too, Thai friends called me TAA.

Twenty years ago, after my third visit to Korea, I found myself in Portland, Oregon. I was majoring English language, so it was logical for me to want to study in the United States, where English is spoken.

However the shortage of money, after nine months in Portland, the City of Roses, took me to Mexico City, where I was able to stay more economically for about two weeks.

Anyway, now I teach English in several places. I work for Rakunan High School, which is my alma mater, on the part time basis. I from time to time get my hair very short, though, I'm not a Buddhist monk.

To be continued.

2000年12月9日 15時16分
Dec 9th(=ninth), Sat.



    ”Our trip to Tokyo was fun, wasn't it?"

"Yes, it was great! I'm looking forward (---------) there again sometime."

1. go
2. going
3. to go
4. to going

『意地悪選択肢』:2.の ’going’を選んでしまった人、かなりあった。

『正解』は → 4 の 'to going' なのだよ、ララちゃん。
 「look forward(フォーワッd)to -ing/名詞」(〜することを楽しみにする)


(出典)⇒ 2000年度大学入試センター試験・本試験、第2問、問8、配点2点/200点満点

2000年12月9日 08時30分
Dec. 9th(=ninth) Sat.

"About Myself"

"I was born and brought up here in Kyoto City. But soon my family moved to the very remote place since, I learned later, my parents had at last found a house, though a very small one with thatched roof(わらぶき屋根の) in the country(田舎で).

TAhira(田平) is my family name, with the meaning of 'Paddy Field being Flat' and my given name is Minoru(稔=実),whose meaning is 'Bearing Fruit or Having Good Harvest'. This is the name of FARMER's, I bet.

My friend in our elementary school called me TAHI in TANABE(which has grown into a larger community called Kyotanabe City, Tanabe City in Kyoto (NOT in somewhere else, NOT in Wakayama Prefecture!).(Is there any difference?)

Time to go!

To be continued!

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