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Start 2/5/2000

2000年10月17日 13時18分

「歯歯歯歯歯日記」ーーーーーGoodby to Teeth!

80 minutes earlier.

I was in a great hurry to my dentist's about 110 kilometers west of Kyoto. I had the appointment with him at 11:00 a.m. near Kakogawa City but I had missed my usual Shinkansen-train. I found that I had better change trains at Shin-Osaka Station to catch Shinkaisoku (= New Rapid) train to get to my destination almost in time. I had 10 minutes for my train. In order to save time at the dental clinic I wanted to have another brush for my half dentures(総入れ歯). Approaching the farthest edge of the platform, I took off the denture in a rush so as not to be seen by others, especially by ladies as young as my 24 year-old daughter. Taking a bottle of drinking water, I was about to wash the denture. Then the world fell in!

Suddenly my fingers became all thumbs. My denture fell onto the ground 70 centimeters away from one of the tracks. I had to admit that I was not any SUPERMAN, so in order to avoid any possible scandals I asked the help of JR watchman on the platform. He kindly asked me what was the matter. I explained my plight. He came to the scene with a long stick with some clippers(植木用の鋏(はさみ))on top. It took him more than 10 minutes to get my teeth back and to make its soft-landing on to my palm (手のひら). I made a bow to JR man to express my deep thanks. There were several spectators aroud us. I got embarrassed (嗚呼、恥ずかしい).

It was clear that I wouldn't make it at the appointed time. I called the clinic to kindly cancel my appointment. I came back to my office in disappointment.

This time, however, I was lucky. I got my teeth back in the end. But 10 days earlier I had lost my combined pivot tooth (差し歯). Misfortunes will come when we are least expecting them. Would you like to know more?

2000年10月17日 09時36分


1. 「音読」する勇気に欠ける人、「口パク」をしてみませんか?

2. 口は動かすが、小さな声で。

3. 声を出せなくても、口は動かす。

4. その際、耳を防ぐと効果的。

5. 外から耳にいる恩をさえぎると、自分の出した声の振動が身体の内部から耳に伝わり、外からは聞こえないくらいに小さな声も大きく聞こえるし、リズムや抑揚(よくよう)は、よりはっきりと感じられる。J

 「会話独習法入門」 by Krizantemo

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