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2001年12月15日 17時22分
Dec.15th, Sat. R高センター対策冬季特訓第1日!理社・英作・センター命!
ニュースを読もう! やけをおこすな、少年・少女よ!



但し don't は1語、do notは2語と数える。また文字数は示されていない。文字指定があれば従え。

Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko bowed to Crown Prince Naruhito upon their (v--1--)(--2--) the Imperial Household Agency Hospital in Tokyo on Dec. 2 to see Crown (P--3--) Masako and their (n--4--)(g--5--)(--6--) the first time. Masako gave (b--7--) to a baby girl on Dec. 1.

出典:Asahi Weekly Dec.16, 2001, Vol. 29/No.50

2001年12月15日 16時03分
Dec.15th, Sat. R高センター対策冬季特訓第1日!理社・英作・センター命!
ニュースを読もう! やけをおこすな、少年よ(TA)!

『One year ago .....(1年前も気合はいってました・・・)TA.

ただ、”MINIWORLD”は休刊!「ヒラタイ」は ”元気に × サヴァイラル”!

訂正⇒ ”元気に ○ サヴァイヴァル(=survival)”




難関大頻出)survive=outlive(OUTlive=アゥトリヴ)=live longer than 〜

例)Ayasan survived her granddaughter.

= Ayasan outlived her granddaughter.

= Ayasan lived longer than her granddaughter.


2001年12月15日 08時12分
Dec.15th, Sat. R高センター対策冬季特訓第1日!理社・英作・センター命!
ニュースを読もう! やけをおこすな、しょうねんよ(TA)!

One year ago .....(1年前も気合はいってました・・・)TA.


『2000年12月15日 21時12分


⇒LINK 経由 MAYUMIをCLICK! ⇒ 「厳選LINK」の「朝鮮日報」2000/12/13をクリック!



2000年12月15日 21時02分
Dec. 15th, Fri.

「MINI WORLD(月刊)(株)”ミニワールド”」のご紹介(\650)

⇒ http://www.mww.co.jp



2000年12月15日 20時40分

「ラッキーナンバーで、'jimjams'(ジムジャム)の NEW CDをプレゼント!」

⇒⇒⇒ 「目で見る英語」のカウンターの番号:11567、11678、11789、12000、12345をゲットされた方には、「英語の強くなる(かもしれない)」、”jimjams first mini-album CD”(00年11月29日発売、全国販売ルートへ) を、プレゼントします。証拠の品を、メールorファクスで送ってください。

「ジムジャム」については、LINK 経由,"jimjams" Home Page へ GO!


2000年12月15日 20時03分
Dec. 15th, Fri.

「超過激英語:English! English! English! (受験英語に非ず=’にあらず’)

⇒ http://hiraganatimes.com (ひらがなタイムズ.ドットコム)


TA:どうしても「ドットコム」が好きなら http://www.jump-english.com


1)Having Problems Finding A Room?

2)Hiragana Times Party
Every Tuesday & Friday 7:30p.m.〜10:00p.m.
Admission Fee(入場料):500yen on Tuesdays,
500yen on Fridays(700yen After 8:00p.m.


4)New Generation Seniors Head Abroad

5)International Grass-Roots
     Talk about what you really want with people from all over the world(世界の人と本音(ほんね)で語るページ)
6)Shigeo Nagashima: A Baseball Superstar That Never Ceases(スィースィズ)to Shine(長嶋茂雄:球界の輝ける永遠のスーパースター)

  Overseas Report: A Walking Miracle


A small boy walked slowly into his classroom on the first day of term(ターム). His classmates clapped and cheered and a girl burst into tears. A boy at the back called:"Go, Oscar!" and the rest(その残り全部) of the children took up the cry.


Oscar Myers, nine, had been born without legs. Now his friends were witnessing a miracle, due to(〜のおかげで)the vision of a young man who specializes in building artificial(アーティふィシャル)limbs(リム).

8)Taking your first TOEIC will be easy!(広告)

9)The Right Cosmetic Surgery to Make You Beautiful(広告)

Patricia: Can you tell by touch that a person has had breast(ブレスト)enhancement surgery?

Dr. M: No, they look and feel completely natural to the touch.




10)Your hair is a barometer(バろっミタァ)of health and aging. "Tsyuyako" makes your hair moist and manageable.(広告)


11)語学研修 + インターンシップ
    Internship Challenge Program (広告) 6ヶ月間:¥730,000

12) VISA Question & Answer

If a person was even one day late, would he be overstaying his visa?


13)HELLO STATION:欧米男性との結婚を考えている日本人女性をもとめています。(何たるこっちゃ:TA)

14)SUPER LODGING :スーパー“英会話”GESYUKU (広告)

    Access to Hiragana Times Home Page is increasing!

Questions & Answers


TA:それはね、ララちゃんが「素朴(そぼく)」で「世間知らず」(ごめん!)だから。だって、R高校のM類君もそうだが、"LINGERIE SPECIAL"とか、“WE JUST HAD SEX LAST MONTH" とかの「生の(なまの)」ドギツイ表現に接すれば.....受験どころではなくなっちまうでしょう。おあずけ!


2000年12月15日 15時12分
Dec. 15th, Fri.















2000年12月15日 14時31分
Dec. 15th, Fri.


      ---This will be coming soon! Sooooooooooooooon enough!---








⇒ LINK 経由 『スルメ』をCLICK(クリック)!


2000年12月15日 14時14分
Dec. 15th, Fri.


Dear Owl(アゥル):

Most people get more sleep than they realize(理解する,悟る)---and as much as their bodies require(要求する)---unless(...が無ければ) of course, there is an unusual amount of emotional stress.

Insomniacs(不眠症患者)would have less trouble sleeping if they went to bed at approximately(=about) the same time every night and planned on just "resting."

People who busy themselves cleaning closets and writing letters until the wee hours (=the very small hours)(夜中の2時、3時頃)of the morning will not sleep better when they do go to bed.

(注)they do go to bed = they really go to bed ['do'は、強調のdo]

Most insomniacs suffer more from worrying about their insomnia(不眠症)than from the damage(ダッミジ)done by lack of sleep.


2000年12月15日 12時23分
Dec. 15th, Fri.


Dear Ann Landers:

I'm an 18-year-old girl with a problem(やっかいな問題)that has been bugging(=bothering) me for months(何ヶ月も). I can't sleep. It seems I put off(=postponed) going to bed by doing all sorts(=kinds) of crazy things late at night---like cleaning closets, polishing shoes, sewing(ソゥインg) buttons.

I busy myself with chores(チョァ=家事、雑用)because I know I won't be able to sleep and I hate the tossing and turning(眠れなくて、身体を動かしたり寝返りを打ったりすること).

The main reason I can't sleep is because(正用法では、'that' ) I worry about what will happen to me if I don't get enough rest. I worry about getting sick, looking haggard(やつれた顔をする), fainting(気絶する) from exhaustion(疲労困憊)and things like that.

Some mornings I'm certain I didn't sleep at all. Is this possible?(こんなことが起こりえるのか?)Later in the day I remember bits and pieces(断片)of dreams. If a person dreams it means they slept, doesn't it? You can see how mixed up(=confused) I am.

This letter is being written at 2:30 A.M. Can you help me?

Night Owl(アゥル=’フクロウ’)


2000年12月15日 11時44分
Dec. 15th, Fri.

「アン・ランダース(Ann Landers)の人生相談ーーーその2」

”Mrs.XYZ Was My House Guest and Brought Her Own Washcloth."


Dear Ann Landers:

A longtime friend and I are no longer speaking. Please tell me who is at fault(フォールt). I invited Mrs.XYZ to be a weekend houseguest. She arrived Friday evening. I made up her bed with my best linen(リニン)and I set out my finest towels(タゥル).

Saturday morning I noticed she had used a washcloth which she had brought from home. It was of good quality toweling but certainly no better than mine. I was very hurt that she felt it necessary to bring her own washcloth. The more I thought about it, the more it bothered(悩ます) me. Finally I became so upset(気が動転して)(that) I decided to talk to her about it.

One word led to another (word)---adjectives(形容詞)such as uncouth(ぶざまな) and ungenteel(育ちの悪い) were bandied about(やりとりされた). Now we are no longer(もはや...ない) friends. Who was right?


Dear Hurt:

I'm printing your letter so (that) my readers can see what some people (一部の人々)consider a problem. We have more than 500,000 men in Vietnam. It has been estimated(推測する)that more than one-third(三分の一)of the students on our campuses have experimented with drugs, the crime rate in our country has increased 11 percent this pastr year. Homecides(殺人),suicides(自殺), viloence of every kind is on the incline(=increase)---and you are unglued because your guest brought her own washcloth! Thanks for writing, Lady(レィディ).

(注)you are unglued: 「あなたは、めちゃくちゃになっている」。ungluedは、ノリ(glue=グルー)がはがれて、おもちゃなどがバラバラになること。


Ann Landers 夫人は、レンタカー会社の社長をしている Jules Lederer氏の奥さん(後、divorced)であった。世界中からの相談の手紙に返事を書くために、毎日10時間〜12時間を費やしている.....と紹介されていた。




2000年12月15日 10時15分
Dec. 15th, Fri.


⇒ LINK経由『スルメ』⇒ 『過去スルメ』⇒ 『センタースルメ』⇒

⇒ 『前期試験直後スルメ』のご紹介。





Keep plugging, boys and girls. You'll make it! To some exrent!


2000年12月15日 09時57分
Dec. 15th, Fri.



Monologue: My time is running out! There are too many things to be done. There are some things I should give a deep thought to....

Testing, testing, testing.....
”i-mode サイト”も、もう少し改善いたします。もう少しご猶予を!Please be patient(ペイシャンt)!

『目で見るCT(センターテスト)英語』⇒ http://homepage2.nifty.com/catenglish/index1.htm

勿論(もちろん)、i-mode 以外からでもアクセス可能(のハズです、ハイ!)



2000年12月15日 09時22分
Dec. 15th, Fri.


⇒ http://www.allgore.com/


⇒ http://www.jump-english.com/

Easy! Easy! Please take it easy! This site of mine is still under construction! Don't jump to the conclusion, Rarachan! :TAhira.


2)parody: a piece of writing, drama, or music which copies the style of someone well-known, or perhaps represents a familiar situation or person, in a humorous and exaggerated(エグザッジュレイtid=誇張された)way.-----Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary


2000年12月15日 08時27分
Dec. 15th, Fri.


     −−−−−川原が往くin アメリカ その22、生情報(9)をCLICK!---


(お詫び)サイト(site)運営者(TA)の都合により、現地からの川原レポートの掲載に、time lag(時間のずれ、送れ)が、生じています。
Don't worry! We'll catch up soon. 』

2001年12月15日 07時50分
Dec.15th, Sat. R高センター対策冬季特訓第1日!理社・英作・センター命!

1) <テロ大戦>「ビンラディン氏、逮捕・射殺間近に」

[中央日報 (The JoongAng Ilbo);日本経済新聞・時事通信社と提携関係。
→ http://japanese.joins.com/]







柳権夏(ユ・クォンハ)記者 < khyou@joongang.co.kr > 2001.12.14 21:08

[ 最新ニュース ]
<テロ大戦> 米、ビンラディン氏の「企画テロ証拠」テープ公開
12/14 17:05
12/14 17:05
12/14 14:55
12/14 13:54
12/13 22:57

2)ワシントンポスト→ http://www.washingtonpost.com/

Al Qaeda Fighters Retreat in Intense Fighting
_____Top Stories_____

• In Bin Laden's Own Words (The Washington Post, Dec 14, 2001)
• Special Troops to Go After Al Qaeda (The Washington Post, Dec 14, 2001)
• Marines Sweep Into Airport at Kandahar (The Washington Post, Dec 14, 2001)
• Full Coverage
Latest news clips and features:
• Washington Post Roundtable On Bin Laden Tape
• Marines Sweep Into Airport at Kandahar
• Bin Laden: Death Toll Greater Than Expected
• Bin Laden: Terrorists Unaware It Was Suicide Mission
• More Video and Audio Features

News Graphics
Latest graphics:
• A Special Forces Mission
• Provisional Government
• Tora Bora: Where al Qaeda Forces Trapped
• More Graphics

Latest texts and statements:
• 12/13: Pentagon Releases bin Laden Tape
• 12/11: Bush Leads Attack Commemoration
• 12/11: Olson on Terrorist Attacks
• More Transcripts

By Susan B. Glasser and Molly Moore
Washington Post Foreign Service
Friday, December 14, 2001; 4:17 PM

MILAWA, Afghanistan, Dec. 14 ・Afghan guerrilla commanders said today that Osama bin Laden's remaining fighters had been driven onto a mountain ridge by advancing Afghan ground troops and concentrated U.S. aerial bombardment, setting the stage for what could be a last stand by the accused terrorist's forces.

Afghan commanders said they had routed the remnants of bin Laden's al Qaeda organization from the caves and other fortified positions they held in the White Mountains and were now trying to dislodge them from the ridge and force them to lower ground. The Afghans cautioned that their foes may seek an escape route through the mountains and across the nearby border with Pakistan.

The Afghan force, numbering around 2,500, claims to have seized most of al Qaeda's caves and bunkers in the Milawa and Tora Bora valleys. Zahir, a top commander and the son of the region's governor, said the ridge that the holdouts were defending "is their last position in Afghanistan." With that exception, he said, "the places we were aiming to capture, we captured all of them" in an offensive that began Thursday.

It remained unclear today whether bin Laden was among the al Qaeda holdouts, a contingent of Arabs and other foreign fighters estimated to number between 200 and 700.

In Washington, President Bush urged patience in the hunt for the man behind the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington. "I don't know whether we're going to get him tomorrow or a month from now or a year from now. . . . But we're going to get him," Bush said. "I don't care, dead or alive ・either way. It doesn't matter to me."

Two American soldiers reportedly were wounded in the fighting here today, as U.S. Special Forces continued to arrive at the front to coordinate air strikes and the Afghans' ground assaults. An Afghan soldier quoted by the Associated Press said the two Americans were grazed by al Qaeda machine gun fire. Their injuries did not appear serious he said, and they were taken away from the front lines by truck.

More than 20 U.S. troops could be seen accompanying truckloads of Afghan fighters up the mountainside toward the front lines today, including one squeezed into a seat next to a top Afghan commander, Hazrat Ali, as their vehicle bounced over the rutted roadway toward the Afghan's front-line command post.

Mohammad Ali, a 25-year-old soldier, said 12 Americans had accompanied his group of troops on Thursday. "They were coordinating," said Mohammad Ali. "They had weapons but didn't fire."

One Afghan who participated in an overnight gun battle said at least five American military personnel were with each Afghan unit. "We asked them, 'Why did you come to this place?'・ said Asad Yaah. "They said, 'To help you.'・

Afghan commanders said U.S. forces also were involved in combing through captured al Qaeda positions, including elaborate cave complexes and front-line bunkers.

"When the mujahadeen capture a place, the Americans go there searching for documents and other things left behind," said Commander Yunas. In most places, he said, the al Qaeda forces "have left all their equipment, all their things."

Zahir said the Afghans had captured several pieces of heavy weaponry in the offensive, including six computerized mortars, two BM-12s and two antiaircraft machine guns.

The Afghan commanders continued to negotiate by radio with al Qaeda troops who claimed they wanted to surrender, but there appeared to be no final deal by day's end, and American bombing raids continued into the night.

Around 2 p.m. today, Ali conferred by radio with some bin Laden fighters over an offer to surrender unconditionally, a change from their previous demand that they would turn over their weapons only if they were placed in U.N. custody.

Ali quickly replied that he would accept an unconditional surrender, which has been a constant demand of U.S. military officials, but he told reporters that he doubted the Americans would go for any deal with al Qaeda. "In my opinion," he said, "the Americans want to kill them." Just after the purported surrender offer, al Qaeda gunfire raked the command post where Ali was standing.

Later this afternoon, one of the bin Laden fighters was heard talking by radio with the Afghans, and he did not seem interested in surrendering. "I will continue jihad even after my death," said the voice on the radio, speaking in Arabic. "We're not going to surrender here. We have medicine; we have food. We're fine."

Al Qaeda's retreat to its current position high in the mountains began Thursday afternoon, according to field commanders. "Yesterday at 3 p.m., many Arabs left their positions and retreated, and the mujahadeen took them over," Yunas said.

Since then, the battle has concentrated on trying to drive them to lower ground.

The ridge that al Qaeda is now defending is a three-hour walk through the Milawa mountains from Ali's command post. On the other side of the peak, according to field commanders and soldiers, lies a heavily forested mountain plain offering numerous places to hide for any retreating al Qaeda fighters.

"Ten thousand people could go into that forest and you could never find them," said Zahir, acknowledging that it was impossible to cut off every route into Pakistan from there. "It's difficult to control the whole area, to surround them completely. It's a large area, it's easy for them to escape."

But Ali said he had stationed his fighters on the other side of the mountains, cutting off the routes to Pakistan. "They cannot escape," he insisted. "The mujahadeen have blocked the road." U.S. Special Forces are also reportedly patrolling near the Pakistan border to prevent any escape.

"Al Qaeda is finished in Milawa and Tora Bora," Ali declared. "We've got them surrounded." Ali said he believed his forces had located the cave where bin Laden might be hiding, and that they planned to clear and search the area.

Minutes after Ali made that remark, al Qaeda provided a pointed reminder that it has yet to be defeated. As Ali spoke to reporters while perched atop a bunker, a hail of automatic rifle fire and an artillery round whizzed past, narrowly missing the commander and the dozens of others gathered around him.

Other indications of a fight still very much in progress were abundant throughout an afternoon at the front. As American bombers pummeled the ridge during Ali's impromptu press briefing, bringing a broad smile to the commander's face, the sounds of small arms fire, mortar rounds and artillery regularly echoed through the peaks.

Commanders repeated their frequent complaint that U.S. bombs frequently have missed their targets; overall, they have reported 20 or more Afghan fighters killed by American friendly fire since fighting around Tora Bora began early last week. On Thursday, according to field commander Rais Khan, three or four more fighters were injured when bombs went astray.

"Sometimes when we capture bunkers, we see the bomb dropped next to the bunker and the bunker was not hit," Yunas said.

To illustrate, he pointed across the khaki-colored hillside below the Afghan front-line command post to an untouched square bunker carved into the rocky terrain and a similar-sized bomb crater surrounded by charred tree stumps about 50 yards away.

© 2001 The Washington Post Company
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