Start 2/5/2000
HOME > 国公立・私大対策 >竹岡塾京大英語秘密講義
問)英訳せよ。[15分] →空所に適語を入れよ。文字指定に従え。
Baseball is one of the American (n-------) sports.
Baseball is one of the most (p------) sports of America.
Many Americans (s----) a lot of time (p------) baseball in neighborhood
fields when they were children.
Many Americans (----) up with happy experiences of playing baseball
in neighborhood fields.
(C------) with mud, comparing themselves with other children, they (l----)
to (---) along with others.
(C------) with mud, they (l----) how to (---) on with others while they
care about (wh-----) a certain boy in the neighborhood (---) become
a better player than (th--------).
They also train themselves repeatedly to (---)(--)(----) hardship when
they are (d-----ed).
At the (s---) time they (gr-----ly) learn (---) to be good (l----s).
See Answers.