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Start 2/5/2000

HOME > 国公立・私立対策 > 自由英作文対策
2001年2月23日 17時17分 Feb. 23rd, Fri.


I remember many things about school.
The most impressive thing was the chorus(コーラス)contest in the third year.
All classes took part in it.

My class practiced very hard.
On the day of the contest, we were nervous. We did our best. We won the first prize. All of us were very glad.

1.サマーキャンプ= the summer camp
文化祭= the school festival
クラブの試合(=大会)=the club tournament
1年生のとき=in the first year
2年生のときの夏休み=during the summer vacation in the second year
6ヶ月前=six months ago

2.私達のグループは夕食にカレーライスを作りました。= Our group made a curry and rice for dinner.
科学部のテーマはリサイクルでした。= The theme(スィーム)of Science Club was recycling.
・私達は準決勝に出場しました。=We played in the semifinals.

3.京子と一緒にカレーを食べられてうれしかったです。= It was fun to eat curry with Kyoko.

= I learned that almost everything can be recycled.

= We lost the game. But we were very proud.
