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Start 2/5/2000

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When the people of Lincoln's neighborhood engaged in dispute; whenever a bet was to be decided; when they differed on points of religion or politics; when they wanted to get out of trouble, or desired advice regarding anything on the earth, below it, above it, or under the sea, they went to "Abe."

'Lincoln'=LIN-coln=リンカン=Abraham Lincoln
'Abe'=×あべ?=××阿部? =××安部?

結局、"Abe"=Abraham(エイブラハム) Lincoln(リンカーン)


When the people(複数扱い) of Lincoln's neighborhood engaged in dispute; whenever a bet was to be decided; when they[=the people] differed on points of religion or politics; when they[=the people] wanted to get out of trouble, or desired advice regarding anything on the earth, below it[the earth], above it[the earth], or under the sea, they[=the people] went to "Abe."


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