Start 2/5/2000
国公立対策 >R高校生向け、東大・京大英語入門!
- 2003年5月5日 23時03分
May 5th(fifth) Mon. 2003, 子供の日=Children's Day
”R高校生向け、東大・京大英語入門!”(その2)[May 5th, Tues. 2003] |
0. 第1段落(=パラグラフ=pAragraph)と最終段落だけでも、読んでみよう。
1.When the people of Lincoln's neighborhood engaged in dispute; whenever
a bet was to be decided; when they differed on points of religion or politics;
when they wanted to get out of trouble, or desired advice regarding anything
on the earth, below it, above it, or under the sea, they went to "Abe."
2.When the people of Lincoln's neighborhood
4.「隣人を愛せよ」="Love your neighbor."
5."Love your neighbor, but don't love your neighbor's wife."
6.When the people of Lincoln's neighborhood=リンカーンの「隣りの?」人々が・・・のとき
7.engaged in dispute;=論争にエンゲィジした
8.whenever a bet was to be decided;=賭けが決着をつけられるべき時はいつでも
9.when they differed(=彼ら[=人々]が、異なった時) on points(いくつかの点で) of religion or
10.when they wanted to get out of trouble(=彼ら[=人々]がトラブルからget out of したい時),
or desired advice(=アドヴァイスを欲した時) regarding anything(どんなことに関してでも) on the
earth(=地上の), below it(地下の), above it(=地の上=空の上), or under the sea(海底で),
they went to "Abe(彼ら[=人々]は「×安部=アベ」;○「エィブ=エィブラハム・リンカーン」のところに行った)."
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