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HOME > 国公立対策>あと5日間の国公立前期入試英語
2003年2月16日 08時32分
Feb.16th(sixteenth), Sun. 2003。
”あと8日間[× 2週間]の国公立前期入試英語”(その19)”



2.解法:下線部(以下[...]部)以外の部分に「内容把握」のヒントがある!斜線(=slash=slash mark)が英文構造上のヒント。

A prudent employer would take the time to analyze the incentives/ workers might list as their reasons for working---and most importantly, the order in which they list them. A recent study disclosed/ that/ money was number seven on such a list. [Topping it/ was satisfaction/ in performing the job. Obviously, that good feeling/ one gets from having accomplished something/ is still the best reward for hard labor. But/ workers also need to know/ they are doing their job well, and the major deficiency within management today/ is/ the failure of telling them so.]


A prudent employer would take the time to analyze the incentives/ workers might list as their reasons for working---and most importantly, the ”order”「順序」 in which they list them. A recent study disclosed/ that/ money was ”number seven”「7番目」 on such a list. [”TOPPING" it/ was satisfaction/ in performing the job. Obviously, that good feeling/ one gets from having accomplished something/ is still the best reward for hard labor. But/ workers also need to know/ they are doing their job well, and the major deficiency within management today/ is/ the failure of telling them so.]


A prudent employer would take the time to analyze the incentives/ workers might list as their[=workers'] reasons for working---and most importantly, the ”order”「順序」 in which they[=workers] list them[=incentives]. A recent study disclosed/ that/ money was ”number seven”「7番目」 on such a list. [”TOPPING" it[=the list]/ was satisfaction/ in performing the job. Obviously, that good feeling/ (which) one「人が」[一般人称の"one"] gets from having accomplished something/ is still「いぜんとして」 the best reward for hard labor. But/ workers also need to know/ they[=workers] are doing their[=workers'] job well, and the major deficiency within management today/ is/ the failure of telling them[=workers] so.]


6.(解答例) 思慮深い雇用主なら、労働者が働く理由として挙げる動機を−ーーそして最も重要なことだが、その動機が並べられる順位をーーー時間をかけて分析するだろう。最近の研究によると、このような順位では、お金は第7位であることがわかった。


7."the failure of Ving"="the failure to V[原形]"=「〜しないこと;〜していないこと;〜するのを怠っていること」


あと2週間の国公立前期入試英語 その20へ