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HOME > 国公立対策>あと5日間の国公立前期入試英語
2003年2月15日 19時23分
Feb.15th(fifteenth), Sat. 2003。

[Topping it was satisfaction in performing the job. Obviously, that good feeling one gets from having accomplished something is still the best reward for hard labor. But workers also need to know they are doing their job well, and the major deficiency within management today is the failure of telling them so.]


A prudent employer would take the time to analyze the incentives workers might list as their reasons for working---and most importantly, the order in which they list them. A recent study disclosed that money was number seven on such a list. [Topping it was satisfaction in performing the job. Obviously, that good feeling one gets from having accomplished something is still the best reward for hard labor. But workers also need to know they are doing their job well, and the major deficiency within management today is the failure of telling them so.]

3.解法:下線部(以下[...]部)以外の部分に「内容把握」のヒントがある!斜線(=slash=slash mark)が英文構造上のヒント。

A prudent employer would take the time to analyze the incentives/ workers might list as their reasons for working---and most importantly, the order in which they list them. A recent study disclosed/ that/ money was number seven on such a list. [Topping it/ was satisfaction/ in performing the job. Obviously, that good feeling/ one gets from having accomplished something/ is still the best reward for hard labor. But/ workers also need to know/ they are doing their job well, and the major deficiency within management today/ is/ the failure of telling them so.]


A prudent employer would take the time to analyze the incentives/ workers might list as their reasons for working---and most importantly, the ”order”「順序」 in which they list them. A recent study disclosed/ that/ money was ”number seven”「7番目」 on such a list. [”TOPPING" it/ was satisfaction/ in performing the job. Obviously, that good feeling/ one gets from having accomplished something/ is still the best reward for hard labor. But/ workers also need to know/ they are doing their job well, and the major deficiency within management today/ is/ the failure of telling them so.]


A prudent employer would take the time to analyze the incentives/ workers might list as their[=workers'] reasons for working---and most importantly, the ”order”「順序」 in which they[=workers] list them[=incentives]. A recent study disclosed/ that/ money was ”number seven”「7番目」 on such a list. [”TOPPING" it[=the list]/ was satisfaction/ in performing the job. Obviously, that good feeling/ one「人が」[一般人称の"one"] gets from having accomplished something/ is still「いぜんとして」 the best reward for hard labor. But/ workers also need to know/ they[=workers] are doing their[=workers'] job well, and the major deficiency within management today/ is/ the failure of telling them[=workers] so.]



あと2週間の国公立前期入試英語 その19へ