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Start 2/5/2000


2002年11月13日 15時51分
Nov.13th(thirteenth), Wed. 2002

解答欄に は2番目と4番目のみ答えよ。

問1)In Japan, people often perform activities in groups, and [.....][...2...][.....][...4...][.....].

1. Japanese people travel
2. more clearly than
3. nothing
4. shows this
5. the way in which

問2)If you find it difficult to write letters to your friends, all [.....][...2...][.....][...4...][.....][.....] to hear if you were receiving the letter.
1. is
2. what
3. remember
4. you would like
5. you have to
6. to write

問3)Your dog has had four puppies and you have to find a home forthem. You call up a friend and say, "My dog's had four puppies. Would you be interested in [.....][...2...][.....][...4...][.....]?"

1. do you know
2. having one
3. of anyone
4. or
5. who might be
