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Start 2/5/2000

HOME > センター英語対策>語句整序問題(中級)



(1)Traveling abroad is exciting for many people.There are, however, a few who miss their own (-----)(--1--)(-----)(--2--)(-----) homesick.

1. become
2. countries
3. so much
4. that
5. they

(2) In recent years, people have become more health-conscious and consequently (-----)(--1--)(-----)(--2--)(-----) eat.

4.the amount of

(3) I was thinking of the speech (-----)(--1--)(-----)(--2--)(-----).

1. called
2. I had to
3. make
4. my name
5. when I heard

(4) Speech, as a means of communication, is (-----)(--1--)(-----)(--2--)(-----) and passed on.

1. because
2. culture is shared
3. it is the chief way
4. of major importance
5. through which

(5) It was the control of fire and (-----)(--1--)(-----)(--2--)(-----) in the cold northern areas.

1. allowed
2. humans
3. that
4. the use of clothing
5. to settle