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Start 2/5/2000

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Shakespeare said "the clothes make the man". This is still true today. We judge people we don't know by the clothes they wear. Clothes can show our social status, our level of education and whether we are rich or poor. But it is not fair to judge people by the clothes they wear.

In America it is said that a man is innocent until he is proved guilty. But a well-dressed man has a much better chance of being judged innocent. This is why lawyers tell the people they are defending to dress well. If a man is too poor to dress well or comes to court from jail wearing a prison uniform he is much less likely to be found innocent.

In elementary and junior high schools in America children who do not wear new or expensive clothes are often unpopular and sometimes other children fight with them. Some people say that this would not happen if all students wore school uniforms. But the real problem is not the clothes. We should look at the person behind the clothes.

長文問題true or false

1. It is not true today that "the clothes make the man".

2. Clothes can show whether we are rich or poor.

3. It is important for a man who is being judged to dress well in court.

4. A man coming to court from jail should wear a prison uniform.

5. Children who do not wear new clothes at school are often popular.

6. Some people say all students should wear school uniforms.

7. We should judge a person by his clothes.

See answers.