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2001年9月14日 23時54分
Sep. 14th, Fri.  「人的損害に喘ぐ(あえぐ)消防局」(TA)

©2001 FDNY(便利リンク「テロ関連」をクリック!)
ニューヨーク市消防局 2001年

"What's New: We Need Your Help"

As a result of the attack on New York City, and the burden placed on our resources, we are asking for your assistance.


If you are a Doctor and would like to offer your assistance, please contact (518) 431-7600.


If you are an EMT, Paramedic, Nurse or Nurse's Aide and would like to offer your assistance, please call (800) 628-0193.


Do NOT use the 911 emergency system to seek information on your loved ones and friends. The City has established (212) 447-2998 to report Missing Persons.


Please keep 911 for true emergencies.

2001年9月14日 23時53分
Sep. 14th, Fri.  「人的損害に喘ぐ(あえぐ)消防局」(TA)

©2001 FDNY(便利リンク「テロ関連」をクリック!)
ニューヨーク市消防局 2001年

"What's New: We Need Your Help"

As a result of the attack on New York City, and the burden placed on our resources, we are asking for your assistance.


If you are a Doctor and would like to offer your assistance, please contact (518) 431-7600.


If you are an EMT, Paramedic, Nurse or Nurse's Aide and would like to offer your assistance, please call (800) 628-0193.


Do NOT use the 911 emergency system to seek information on your loved ones and friends. The City has established (212) 447-2998 to report Missing Persons.


Please keep 911 for true emergencies.


2001年9月14日 23時53分
Sep. 14th, Fri.  「人的損害に喘ぐ(あえぐ)消防局」(TA)

©2001 FDNY(便利リンク「テロ関連」をクリック!)
ニューヨーク市消防局 2001年

"What's New: We Need Your Help"

As a result of the attack on New York City, and the burden placed on our resources, we are asking for your assistance.


If you are a Doctor and would like to offer your assistance, please contact (518) 431-7600.


If you are an EMT, Paramedic, Nurse or Nurse's Aide and would like to offer your assistance, please call (800) 628-0193.


Do NOT use the 911 emergency system to seek information on your loved ones and friends. The City has established (212) 447-2998 to report Missing Persons.


Please keep 911 for true emergencies.


2001年9月14日 08時26分
Sep. 14th, Fri.

Congratulations, Mr. Kawahara. Next year you'll be teaching at one of the Kyoto City hifh schools. Greatest possible loss for R High School!

Anyway, keep working hard, Mack!

He made it! He passed the exam for employment of teaching staff for 2002. (TA)
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