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2001年8月9日 18時49分
August 9th, Thurs.



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2001年8月9日 05時57分
August 9th(ninth), Thurs. 2001

Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum(長崎原爆資料館)(×Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Memorial)のご紹介!

At 11:02 a.m. on Ausust 9, 1945, the explosion of an atomic bomb devastated Nagasaki.

The ferocious heat and blast indiscriminately slaughtered its inhabitants. Even the people who managed to survive continue to this day to suffer from late effects.

Five decades have passed since that day. Now the atomic bomb survivors are advancing into old age and their memories are fading into the mist of history. The question of how to inform young people about the horror of war, the threat of nuclear weapons and the importance of the peace is therefore a matter of passing concern.

The citizens of Nagasaki pray that this miserable experience will never be repeated on Earth. We also consider it our duty to ensure that the experience is not forgotten but passed on intact to future generations.

It is imperative that we join hands with all peace-loving people around the world and strive together for the realization of lasting world peace.


TA注; 便利リンク→資料館

2001年8月9日 00時37分
Aug. 9th(ninth), Thurs. 2001 長崎原爆被災56年目

56 years ago another atomic bomb was dropped at Nagasaki.

→ 便利リンク → "Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Memorial"
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