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2001年8月23日 11時03分
August 23rd(twenty-third), Thurs.   夏休み後半13日目
アキー〜 13日目!




Q: 9月16日(日)の記述模試は、どうしたらいいのですか?


  第2回全統マーク模試は受けましたか? 案外、いろいろ言い訳しながら、受験しそこなった受験生もいますが。模試を受け損なっていると、だんだん「きつい」状態になりますよ・・・ 模擬試験は、12月の始めで、「もうおしまい」ですよ。

Q: だから焦って(あせって)いるのです。全統マークでは、「受験した科目順に採点」しました。

英語は158/200, 数学171/200, 化学80/100, 生物72/100 でした。

TA: 現役生の理系なら、「まあOK」ってところでしょう。国語T・Uはどうでしたか?

Q: 「悲惨(ひさん)」の1語です。でも、現国が88%とれました。やはり、牧野(昌子)先生が言われるように、「漢字が満点取れだしてから」現国で80%を超えだしました。漢文・古文の順で、本気でやっていく、いや、絶対にやっていきます。親父もリストラ候補だし・・・・・

TA: 君の戦績から判断すると、記述の英語では、110〜120点/200が狙(ねら)えますね。それには、「『捨てる』問題」を決めておくことです。

Q: 「『捨てる』問題」を決めておくのですか? もったいない・・・

TA: もったいないもったいないと言いながら、自分の目標得点と現実の得票点数の乖離(かいり=不均衡=disPARity)に苦しむのは・・・不健全で無駄ですよ。「学習の手引き」を熟読しよう。次に、問題文の英文を、2〜3回読んでいくのです。設問に先に目を通すのですが、全体像をつかむためにですよ。


  「二兎(にと)を追う者、一兎(いっと)をも得ず」= If you run after two hares(’hare’と’hair’ は同音語), you will catch neither.


身障者・高齢者の方々へ JR東日本








 交通バリアフリー法 昨年11月の施行。既存の駅のうち利用客が1日5000人以上で地上からホームまでの高低差が5メートル以上あるすべての駅で、10年までにエレベーターを完備する目標を掲げている。昨年3月時点のエレベーター設置率は、空港や2階建てのバスターミナルは100%だが、旅客船ターミナルは66.7%、駅は37.5%にとどまっている。



関連語句)ELevator, EScalator, ELevate(-ateの2つ前の音節にアクセント),

JR East to install elevators at 390 train stations

The Asahi Shimbun

In a bid to make stations more accessible to the elderly and the disabled, East Japan Railway Co. (JR East) plans to equip all its stations with elevators by fiscal 2010, company officials said. The move will make JR East the first major railway company to take measures in accordance with discretionary guidelines set out in the Accessible and Usable Transportation Law, which went into force last November.

The law, which aims to make public facilities accessible to the elderly and the disabled, requires new stations to have elevators. In addition, it targets 2,000 existing stations run by various companies for improvement. Although modifications to existing stations are not mandatory, JR East plans to refurbish all 390 of its stations targeted under the law.

" We have tried to speed up installation of escalators at our stations, but wheelchair users have been asking for elevators they can use without assistance,'' JR East President Mutsutake Otsuka said. ``Elevators will be one of the basic facilities at railway stations from now on.'

' Under JR East's plan, 190 stations will be fitted with elevators by fiscal 2005 and the remaining 200 by fiscal 2010. Escalators will also be fitted at 300 of these stations that are used by more than 10,000 people a day. In addition, elevators at 26 stations on the Tohoku and Joetsu Shinkansen lines will be moved so passengers can make their own way directly from the platform to the ticket gate without assistance from station staff. The modifications will be paid for with money invested in the company, including subsidies.

The cost of the alterations is expected to reach 40 billion yen by fiscal 2005 and 100 billion yen by fiscal 2010. JR East's decision will likely have a positive impact on other railway companies, according to the Transportation Consumer Policy Division of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.

But Nobuhiro Hida of the private Japan Traffic Barrier-Free Council, said flagging ticket sales are behind JR East's move. ``JR (East) has done little to date to comply with recommendations made in the Accessible and Usable Transportation Law,'' he said. ``It now seems to be trying to revitalize ticket sales by catering to the aging population.'

' Groups representing the disabled have been fighting to get elevators installed at stations, including those managed by JR East, for more than 10 years. Hideaki Takahashi, a member of the Total Access Support Center, which promotes disabled people's participation in society, said railway companies still have a long way to go. ``I hope the drive will not end with elevators. Railway companies must also remember to deal with more personal matters, such as the attitudes of station staff toward the disabled,'' he said.

As of March last year, only 37.5 percent of railway stations had elevators, compared with 66.7 percent of ferry terminals and 100 percent of airports and bus terminals with two or more floors.


TA追記: Well done! You've made it! You should be proud of it!
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