Start 2/5/2000
- 2003年3月24日 12時42分
- March. 24th(twenty-fourth), Mon. 2003、開戦5日目!
Yahoo Australia & NZ;12:36pm, Mon Mar 24
In The News
• Cameraman to be buried in Australia
• Australian Hornets lead raids in Iraq
• US troops dead and captured in Iraq
• NSL upsets leave finals open
• Kidman to make Oscars appearance
”開戦!=War! ”(その5)
あ)巡航ミサイル=cruise missile
ロシア語直訳では、「有翼ミサイル」="winged missile"
い)"coalItion force"=同盟軍=米、英、オーストラリアの3カ国のみ。豪州軍は3000名(?)
う)"The assEssment(アセッスメンt) is pending."=「評価は未定だ」
suCCEEd, suCCeSS, aCCeSS, aCCeSSory, aSSeSS(ment), coMMiTTEE, embaRRaSS(ment),
pArallel, poSSeSS(sion)(パゼッス;パゼッション)
関連)「米国防総省」=the Department od Defense=the Pentagon
英国国防省=the Ministry of defence→
(1)<イラク戦争>捕虜映像の放映、自粛を要請 米国防総省
馬山=金相軫(キム・サンジン)記者 < >
2003.03.23 20:40
[ 最新ニュース ]
03/23 17:27
03/23 17:20
03/22 16:10
03/21 20:55
03/21 20:05
(3)”Iraq shows dead and captured U.S. soldiers”By Hassan Hafidh;
Sunday March 23, 10:23 PM
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq has displayed five shaken U.S. soldiers apparently
captured in a battle near the southern city of Nassiriya and also filmed
the bloodied bodies of up to eight men they say are dead American soldiers.
The United States denounced the footage of the prisoners on Sunday as
violation of the Geneva Convention and President George W. Bush warned
Iraqis they would be punished as "war criminals" if they mistreated
any U.S. prisoners.
Iraqi television filmed the bodies and prisoners, saying they fell into
Iraqi hands during a battle at the town of Souq al-Shuyukh, southeast
of Nassiriya, where U.S. forces have encountered stiff resistance.
The video showed two rooms each containing what appeared to be two separate
groups of four bodies in uniform, at least two with wounds to the head
and some lying in pools of blood.
The film then showed interviews with five separate captured soldiers,
two of whom appeared to be injured -- one a woman, the other a man lying
on a rug on the floor.
The group, sometimes looking confused and frightened, gave their names
and at least two identified their units.
They were the first U.S. prisoners known to have been taken by Iraq
since U.S.-led forces invaded four days ago to overthrow President Saddam
Lieutenant General John Abizaid, second in command of the invasion force,
told a news briefing that 12 U.S. soldiers were missing after an ambush
near Nassiriya, about 375 km (225 miles) southeast of Baghdad.
He described the pictures of the dead and captured Americans as "disgusting"
and criticised satellite news channel Al-Jazeera for broadcasting the
footage around the Arab world.
U.S. Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said it was a breach of the Geneva
Convention on the treatment of prisoners of war to show "humiliating"
footage of the American military captives.
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) agreed that the
film violated the convention, which says that prisoners of war must
be protected "against insult and public curiosity", and said it would
seek permission to visit the captives.
Television footage of Iraqis surrendering to U.S. and British forces,
and still photographs of Iraqi prisoners, some showing the captives
in humiliating positions, won wide play in the international media on
Iraq's Defence Minister Sultan Hashim Ahmed said Iraq would respect
the Geneva Convention in its treatment of prisoners.
"Iraq will not harm the captured prisoners of war," he said.
The bodies, mostly still fully clothed but some with their shirts pulled
up, were shown strewn on the floor in pools of blood. In the first room,
at least two had wounds to the head and another had a groin wound. In
another room, a smiling Iraqi uncovered more bodies, some with blackened
The first prisoner shown, a nervous soldier in glasses, gave his name
as Miller and said he was from Kansas.
Asked why he had come to Iraq he replied: "Because I was told to come
here. I was just under orders. I was told to shoot -- only if I'm shot
at. I don't want to kill anybody."
Two of the prisoners said they were from the 507th Maintenance Company.
The 507th Corps Support Group provides supplies, equipment, repairs
and maintenance and would usually provide support as far forward as
possible to the 82nd Airborne Division, the 3rd Infantry Division and
the 101st Airborne Division.
The second prisoner shown, who gave his name as Joseph Hudson, said
he came from El Paso, Texas.
Asked why he had come to Iraq, he said: "I follow orders".
He was asked repeatedly whether he was greeted by guns or flowers by
Iraqis, but appeared not to understand the question.
A third man who appeared to have a broken arm, was lying on a red patterned
rug, but was pulled into a sitting position to answer questions. He
gave his name as Edgar from Texas and said only that he had entered
Iraq from Kuwait.
A fourth prisoner gave his name as Sergeant James Riley from New Jersey
and said he was 31 years old. He appeared to be in shock, turning his
head from side to side.
The fifth, a woman who gave her name as Shawna, said she was 30 and
had a bandaged ankle.
Rumsfeld said the United States now had in custody more than 2,000 Iraqis.
He called on Baghdad to abide by international law and treat U.S. captives
"just as we treat Iraqi prisoners according to the Geneva Convention".
TA追記)「メディアへの統制」続く。泥沼化か・・・? 日本メディアは、どこまで追随(ついずい)するか? 日本メディアの得意技(?)は「自粛(じしゅく)」?
- 2003年3月24日 10時41分
- March. 24th(twenty-fourth), Mon. 2003、開戦5日目!
Yahoo! UK & Ireland News Monday March 24, 01:26 AM
Top Stories Updated 01:18 AM
Reuters | Ananova | Sky News | The Scotsman | Photos
'Huge' chemical weapons cache found
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. forces have found a huge cache of what they
believe to be chemical weapons about 100 miles (160 km) south of Baghdad,
according to a report.
More Top Headlines:
キ UK 'friendly fire' airmen dead (Ananova)
キ Iraq Shows Prisoners On TV (Sky News)
”塾生合格発表・総集編/塾生列伝をアップ” Mar/24/2003