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Start 2/5/2000

2002年9月30日 19時33分
Sep.30th(thirtieth), Mon. 2002

[産経新聞]→ http://www.sankei.co.jp/   

次回は第94回 2002年10月27日(日)申し込み期限終了!SORRY!

”竹岡本情報 by 現地特派員KI君”






TA追記)「OBA○ ○○様



Sep. 28, 2002 竹岡広信」

2002年9月30日 09時37分
Sep.30th(thirtieth), Mon. 2002

[産経新聞]→ http://www.sankei.co.jp/   

次回は第94回 2002年10月27日(日)申し込み期限終了!SORRY!

”Kidnapped Japanese Suspected of Being Killed ”
”父「一刻も早く確認を」; 5人目生存「曽我ひとみさん」[産経新聞]”
”ROGUE STATE=ロゥグ・スティト=ならず者国家”
”北朝鮮、日本語放送でも拉致伝える;(09/28 19:58)”

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SEPTEMBER 29, 2002 22:50
by 成東基 (esprit@donga.com)








2)Looks Hard to Implement No-Visa Admission to Shinuiju

SEPTEMBER 29, 2002 22:49
by Dong-Ki Sung (esprit@donga.com)

On September 29, 2002, the government announced, “Any South Korean wishing to visit Shinuijoo area, shall abide by the laws and regulations. Thus, the person has to go through all the necessary procedures for visitation to North and has to apply for the permission for contacting North Koreans, pursuant to the provisions of Act for Exchange between North and South.” A couple of days ago, the head of Shinuiju Special District made public that any visitor to Shinuiju does not have to obtain a visa.

One high-ranking official stressed, “North Korea has not announced details about their ‘no-visa’ plan. Under these circumstances, we cannot bend our principles of law. If a citizen gets in there without the government permission, the person may be prosecuted for violation of law.”

The current provisions of the act penalizes a person up to three years in prison or fines the person up to 10 million won (approximately, $8,800), or both, if the person visits North without a prior government permission.

But, after the “no-visa” announcement by the head of Shinuiju District, in the bordering Chinese City, more and more people including businessmen and reporters, who wish to visit the district, have already been flocking. Thus, it is doubtful whether our government’s policy will be enforced.

In order to obtain the permit to visit North Korea, it is necessary to submit the application, statement of custody and an invitation from North Korean government providing the security of the visitor. But it takes a long time due to the slow reaction on the part of the North Korean government.

In addition, it is practically impossible to check out visitors who visit Shinuiju District without obtaining the permit.

In the meanwhile, the Chinese immigration authority in the bordering city announces that it will not allow entrance to North if a person does not have a visa. Thus, it seems that China, for some time to come, will allow the visit to Shinuijoo by only those who have North Korean visas.


SEPTEMBER 29, 2002 22:59
by 孫曉林 尹相虎 (aryssong@donga.com ysh1005@donga.com)











4) Severe Protest By Agents’ Sent To The North

SEPTEMBER 29, 2002 22:59
by Hyo-Lim Sang-Ho Yun (aryssong@donga.com ysh1005@donga.com)

200 members of ‘Korea HID Sorak community of agents’ sent to the North carried out severe protest for one hour by setting up fire on the streets, thrusting steel pipes, occupying two lanes among 6 lane road in front of Yeongdeungpo station, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul on 29th morning, insisting to admit their identification and improve treatment.

They wore masks and soldier uniforms and put on fire after pouring 10 drums of thinner on the street. Some protestors held out against the police threatening to explode 3 LPG cylinders brought from the nearby shops. Traffic was completely blocked due to demonstration and citizen faced big inconvenience.

Police dispatched 1,500 policemen and took the whole 227 members on arrest, however, 30 policemen and attendants were injured and were being treated in neighboring hospital.

Before this, the police blocked the road in front of the National Assembly by 3,000 soldiers from 26 troops and commandos, where they were supposed to hold the protest in the beginning. As the police took nine attendants who were passing the subway in front of the National Assembly, carrying hand axes, others shifted to Yeongdeungpo Station.

The matter of agents sent to the North started to be made a subject of discussion when MDP member, Kim Sung-ho, said that the number of agents sent to the North from 1952 to 1972 were 10,000 and 7,726 of them died or are missing, in inspection administration report in October, 2000.

200 Agents sent to the North protested several times such as they made fire through LPG cylinders and injured themselves occupying the street in front of Sejong cultural center, Jongru-gu, Seoul, in last march.

However, it is reported that ministries like Defense ministry are under negotiation with them for compensation and preferences but both sides are not able to narrow their opinion.』