Start 2/5/2000
- 2002年9月11日 15時04分
- Sep.10th(tenth), Tues. 2002
竹岡広信著「センター試験が面白いほど分かる本」先行販売!売り切れ!Sold out! 9月19日入荷予定!でも、安心は出来ない!
無題 投稿者:竹岡先生 投稿日:2002/09/06(Fri) 06:58 No.93
Re: 無題 竹岡先生 - 2002/09/08(Sun) 02:55 No.94
9)Make a BEEline to Avantee Book-center!
無題 投稿者:竹岡先生 投稿日:2002/09/06(Fri) 06:58 No.93
Re: 無題 竹岡先生 - 2002/09/08(Sun) 02:55 No.94
- 2002年9月11日 09時58分
- Sep.10th(tenth), Tues. 2002
竹岡広信著「センター試験が面白いほど分かる本」先行販売!売り切れ!Sold out! 9月19日入荷予定!でも、安心は出来ない!
HOME > 過去のメッセージボード>9月
2001年9月12日 23時46分
Sep. 12th(twelfth), Wed. 犠牲者1万名をこえる?
0)"Today we've had a national tragedy. Two airplanes have crashed into
the World Trade Center in an apparent terrorist attack on our country.
"Terrorism against our nation will not stand.
"And now if you would join me in a moment of silence. May God bless
the victims, their families, and America.
Thank you very much."
Chronology of events
8:45 (1.45 BST) plane crashes into one tower of World Trade Center
9:05 plane crashes into second tower of World Trade Center live on television
9:13 reports of plane hijacking before attacks
9:23 US official says attacks were terrorist-related
9:32 President Bush speaking from Florida calls it "apparent terrorist
attack" and pledged to "hunt down" those responsible
9:35 Palestinian Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)
claims responsibility on Abu Dhabi television
9:43 the Pentagon is evacuated
9:44 plane crashes into the Pentagon
9:45 West Wing of White House evacuated
9:52 two further explosions rock the Pentagon
9:52 State Department is evacuated
9:52 all aircraft grounded across the US
9:54 official from Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
denies group was responsible for the attacks
10:00 staff at United Nations headquarters evacuated to the basement
10:01 reports of another explosion hitting building near World Trade
10:02 southern tower of World Trade Centre collapses
10:11 two explosions hit Pentagon
10:15 London stock exchange plunges in afternoon trading
10:17 Tony Blair says he is "terribly shocked"
10:18 Lionel Jospin, the French Prime Minister, says he is "horrified"
10:21 oil prices rise to more than $30 per barrel in London
10:23 President Vladimir Putin of Russia calls the attacks "terrible
10:26 car bomb explodes outside State Department, officials report
10:26 Israel offers aid to US
10:30 second Trade Centre tower collapses
10:31 buildings across America are evacuated
10:32 price of gold surges
10:39 large plane crashes in western Pennsylvania, 80 miles from Pittsburgh
10:46 Palestinian leader Yassir Arafat condemns the attacks
10:47 reports of another aircraft heading towards Washington
10:50 London Stock Exchange evacuates
11:15 Reports of the European Parliament in Brussels being evacuated
11.30 Evacuation of Lower Manhattan begins
12.00 Reports of blood shortages in New York hospitals
12.15 New York National Guard activated
12.17 William Hague announces that the result of the Conservative leadership
election will be delayed as a mark of respect.
2.00 (7.00 BST) The Prime Minister, Tony Blair, says "This is not a
battle between the United States and terrorism, but between the free
world and terrorism." Security is stepped up at all UK airports and
financial institutions. Police on alert.
All times local
Statement by President Bush
Here is what President Bush said this morning at the Emma Booker Elementary
School in Sarasota, Florida:
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is a difficult moment for America. I, unfortunately,
will be going back to Washington after my remarks. Secretary Rod Paige
and the Lt. Governor will take the podium and discuss education. I do
want to thank the folks here at Booker Elementary School for their hospitality.
"Today we've had a national tragedy. Two airplanes have crashed into
the World Trade Center in an apparent terrorist attack on our country.
I have spoken to the Vice-President, to the Governor of New York, to
the Director of the FBI, and have ordered that the full resources of
the federal government go to help the victims and their families, and
to conduct a full-scale investigation to hunt down and to find those
folks who committed this act.
"Terrorism against our nation will not stand.
"And now if you would join me in a moment of silence. May God bless
the victims, their families, and America.
Thank you very much."
Osama bin Laden 'warned of attacks'
Followers of Osama bin Laden, the suspected Saudi terrorist, gave warning
three weeks ago that they would carry out a "huge and unprecedented
attack" on American. interests, a London-based Arab journalist said
Abdel-Bari Atwan, the editor of the Al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper, said
that he received a warning from Islamic fundamentalists close to bin
Laden, but did not take the threat seriously.
"They said it would be a huge and unprecedented attack but they did
not specify," Mr Atwan said in a telephone interview.
"We usually receive this kind of thing. At the time we did not take
the warnings seriously as they had happened several times in the past
and nothing happened. This time it seems his people were accurate and
meant every word they said."
Mr Atwan, who interviewed bin Laden in 1996 and has since maintained
contacts with his followers, said he believed that the attack on the
World Trade Center in New York was the work of "an Islamic fundamentalist
group" very close to bin Laden.
The United States accuses bin Laden of operating a terrorist network
from his bases in Afghanistan, and of blowing up two American embassies
in East Africa in 1998. The Taleban, who have refused to hand him over,
deny the charge.
Mr Atwan said he was surprised by the scale of the attack, but said
it was merely a continuation of bin Laden・/FONT>s "Fatwa" - religious
edict - against America. He said that anti-American sentiment was running
high in the Middle East because of perceived United States support for
4)FEMA(フィーマ)=Federal Emergency Management Agency=(米国)緊急事態管理庁[日本には該当(がいとう)機関なし]
Washington, D.C., September 11, 2001 -- The Emergency Support Team at
FEMA headquarters is activated following the terrorist attacks on New
York and Washington, D.C.
Photo by Alexander Plummer/ FEMA News
President Orders Disaster Aid For New York Terrorist Attack New
FEMA Suggests Donation Avenues To Help Victims of the Terrorist Events
FEMA Mobilizes Twelve Urban Search and Rescue Teams New
FEMA's Role in the Federal Response Plan for Recent Attacks New
FEMA Fully Activated in Response to Apparent Terrorist Events New
FEMA Responds to Terrorism Attacks New
Louisiana Tropical Storm Allison Recovery Update New
Kentucky Disaster Recovery Update
Federal Funds Authorized To Help Wyoming Fight The McFarland Divide
Federal Disasters Declared in 2001
Tropical Storm Watch Page
Cerro Grande Fire Assistance Act Program
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President Orders Disaster Aid For New York Terrorist Attack
For Complete Coverage of this Disaster
Washington, D.C., September 11, 2001 -- The head of the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) reported today that President Bush has ordered
the release of federal disaster resources and funds for New York to
support emergency response efforts and aid victims of the catastrophic
terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center this morning.
FEMA Director Joe M. Allbaugh said the President took the action based
on New York Gov. George E. Pataki's expedited request for federal assistance.
"My heart and prayers are with the families of those who were killed
and injured today, especially with the families that are waiting for
news of loved ones," Allbaugh said. "All of the resources of FEMA, including
our 5,000 employees, are at the President's disposal. Eight Urban Search
and Rescue teams are en route to New York, as are medical teams. We
will do all we can."
Allbaugh said the emergency resources released by the President's major
disaster declaration can range from the use of federal personnel, equipment
and lifesaving systems to the delivery of food, water, medical supplies
and other essential materials as required for sustaining human life.
In addition, federal assistance will be available to supplement the
recovery needs of stricken individuals, families and business owners
in the counties of Bronx, Kings, New York (boroughs of Brooklyn and
Manhattan), Queens and Richmond.
The assistance, to be coordinated by FEMA, can include funds to help
meet temporary housing needs, grants for medical, funeral and other
serious disaster-related expenses, and low-interest loans from the U.S.
Small Business Administration to cover residential and business losses
not fully compensated by insurance. Unemployment assistance and funding
for crisis counseling services also will be available under the declaration.
Additionally, Allbaugh said federal funds will be provided to the state
and affected local governments in the designated counties to pay 75
percent of the eligible costs for debris removal, emergency services
related to the disaster, and repairing or replacing public facilities
damaged by the explosions and fires. The state also can apply for funding
on a cost-shared basis for approved projects that reduce future disaster
Allbaugh, who designated the counties eligible for federal aid following
the declaration, indicated that assistance may be made available to
additional jurisdictions as soon as damage can be assessed throughout
the stricken area.
Theodore A. Monette of FEMA was named by Allbaugh to coordinate the
federal relief effort. Monette said that residents and business owners
who sustained losses in the designated counties can begin the disaster
application process on Wednesday, September 12, by calling 1-800-462-9029,
or 1-800-462-7585 (TTY) for the hearing and speech impaired. The toll-free
telephone numbers will operate from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. seven days a week
until further notice.
Updated: September 11, 2001
FEMA Suggests Donation Avenues To Help Victims Of The Terrorist Events
Washington, D.C. September 11, 2001 -- The Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA) is urging those interested in helping victims of the apparent
terrorist events to give blood or cash donations. Those interested in
giving blood should call the American Red Cross blood donation hotline,
at 1-800-448-3543. The American Red Cross can accept cash donations
through 1-800-HELP NOW, and the Salvation Army can accept financial
contributions through 1-800-SAL ARMY. Persons who wish to donate their
services should contact their local American Red Cross office.
FEMA does not accept donations, but works closely with volunteer agencies
that provide a wide variety of services after emergencies, including
childcare, crisis counseling, sheltering and food.
For more information about voluntary organizations active in disasters,
go to
Updated: September 11, 2001
5)テロ事件関連 (復刻版)
アフガン現地情報への道 (CNNやホワイトハウスが全てじゃない!)
ペシャワール会のホームページ - パキスタン及びアフガニスタンでハンセン病患者を中心に医療援助活動を行う。
2)ソ連介入後のアフガニスタン内戦 〜ムジャヒディン闘争史〜
3)パレスチナ子供のキャンペーン アフガン情報もかなり充実
A. :マンハッタンから約30キロの消防士の町。25歳のキーファーの所属する第132はしご班は、燃えさかる世界貿易センタービル南棟に
送り込まれ、階段を上っていった。それを最後に、彼の姿を見たものはいない。(ニューズウィーク10.10)) is raising money for the tragedy of September
11, 2001.
B. Franklin Square & Munson Fire Department :具体的な"Fire Prevention &
Safety Checklist"は有用。Franklin Square は消防士(firefighters)の町。
C. Newspaper Links :CNNやBBC,ABC,VOAが全てではない! ... . AsahiShimbun International,Inc.(USA,日本語);
サンパウロ新聞(ブラジル)( 日本語); JNet(豪州情報通信社)(オーストラリア)(日本語); バンクー バー新報(カナダ)(日本語);
ニュースネットアジア・タイ支局(日本 語) ...
White House for Kids
New York Army National Guard(ニューヨーク州陸軍州兵部隊)
New Jersey Army National Guard(ニュージャージー州陸軍州兵部隊)
Defense Link(Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard)
Air Force Link
Marines(USMC=United States Marine Corps=海兵隊)
U.S. Coast Guard(コゥストガード=沿岸警備隊=海上保安庁のモデル)
NYS(New York State) Emergency Management Office
American Red Cross of Greater New York
Salvation Army National Headquarters
WHITE HOUSE (ホワイトハウス)
FBI (米国連邦捜査局):Federal Bureau of Investigation
CIA (米国中央情報局):Central Intelligence Agency
Secret Service(米国シークレットサービス;財務省の1部局)
FEMA(フィーマ)=Federal Emergency Management Agency
=(米国)連邦緊急事 態管理庁[長官には救援部隊の指揮権も与えられている]
FDNY=Fire Department of New York(ニューヨーク市消防局)
=世界貿易セン タービル救援活動中に2番目のハイジャック旅客機に
激突され、百名以上の人的損害 を出している
Unofficial Homepage of FDNY
NYPD(ニューヨーク市警):New York City Police Department
D.C. Metropolitan Police Department(ワシントン特別区警察署)
The Pentagon=Ministry of Defence(米国国防総省)
NSA=National Security Agency(国家安全保障局)
VOA=Voice of America(ヴォイスオヴアメリカ=「アメリカの声」)
Yahoo! News
- 2002年9月11日 08時29分
- Sep.11th(eleventh), Wed. 2002
中経出版 竹岡広信著
pp93〜100 ”対話文頻出表現”→『英会話表現”上級編”』だ! (TA)
=That's right.
=(That's) All right.
=How are you (--ing)?
=How's (--) going?
=How are (th---s)?
=(---) (----) S + V ?
竹岡注)How should it come about?=「なぜそんなことが生じるのか」の省略形と考えるとわかりやすい。shouldは『感情の'should'』と呼ばれるもの。
=What (----) you (d---) with A?
=What did you do (----) A?
=That depends./It depends.
=Go ahead.
=Thank you just the same.
=Thanks anyway.
=I (w---) I (c---d).
=I'll miss you.
第一部 文整序問題編
第二部 読解問題編
p107 ”お役立ちコラム”:『反復』することはなぜ必要か
"Practice makes p--fect."=「習うより慣れよ」
表紙から ・・・
TA追記)「竹岡せんせい」のサイン(=AUtograph=オートグラフ=自署=じしょ)が欲しい、ほしい、欲しいのよ! K女高の『未来のF類看護師』にたくさん頼まれているが、肝心の本が手に入らない。
中経出版 竹岡広信著
pp93〜100 ”対話文頻出表現”→『英会話表現”上級編”』だ!
=How are you doing?
=How's it going?
=How are things?
=How come S + V ?
竹岡注)How should it come about?=「なぜそんなことが生じるのか」の省略形と考えるとわかりやすい。shouldは『感情の'should'』と呼ばれるもの。
=What have you done with A?
=What did you do with A?
=I wish I could.
第一部 文整序問題編
第二部 読解問題編
p107 ”お役立ちコラム”:『反復』することはなぜ必要か
"Practice makes perfect."=「習うより慣れよ」
表紙から ・・・
TA追記)「竹岡せんせい」のサイン(=AUtograph=オートグラフ=自署=じしょ)が欲しい、ほしい、欲しいのよ! K女高の『未来のF類看護師』にたくさん頼まれているが、肝心の本が手に入らない。