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Start 2/5/2000

2002年6月7日 18時55分
June 7th(seventh), Fri. 2002
「耳より英語」登場! 読み上げソフト使用者の皆様にも「使いやすい」サイトを目指します。 TAhira + Eriko(デザイナー)

6月8日(土)13:10〜14:40 R高黒帯英語特訓!


1)Masaru and Kyoko live in the (s---) neighborhood. They were (b---) there and have (g----) up there. The (p-----) are good (n-------s) (--) one (a------). Both Masaru and Kyoko know (m---) (--) them, and they love this neighborhood. They have always wanted to do something (help---) (---) the neighborhood.

2)When you are thirteen or fourteen years of (---), you begin to think about your (fu----) (car---). When you were younger, the (wh---) world (s-----) to be (o---) (--) you. In (th---) days you said to yourself, "I'll be (----) to do anything." (--) you grow older, (h------), you begin to think (m---) about your interests and (t-----s). You begin to (---) yourself, "What can a person (l---) me do when (--) is (g----) up? What can he do (---) other people?" (Gr-----ly), you (---d) the best answers (--) these questions.

3)Ken wanted to become a (s--------) when he was an elementary school student. He was interested in the stars, (pl----s), comets, and the wonders of the (u-------). He (----) to watch the stars (th-----) a telescope whenever the night is clear. He (ch-----) his mind two years ago, (h------), when he read the lives(ライヴズ) of Albert Schweizer and Hideyo (N------). He has decided to become a doctor and help sick people.

2002年6月7日 03時49分
June 7th(seventh), Fri. 2002
「耳より英語」登場! 読み上げソフト使用者の皆様にも「使いやすい」サイトを目指します。 TAhira + Eriko(デザイナー)

大感謝!ありがとうございました。KIDS世話人;TAhira Minoru

→ http://www.impulse-jp.net/
→ ”こってりリンク”をクリック!


1)Masaru and Kyoko live in the (same) neighborhood. They were (born) there and have (grown) up there. The (people) are good (neighbors) (to) one (another). Both Masaru and Kyoko know (most) (of) them, and they love this neighborhood. They have always wanted to do something (helpful) (for) the neighborhood.

2)When you are thirteen or fourteen years of (age), you begin to think about your (future) (career). When you were younger, the (whole) world (seemed) to be (open) (to) you. In (those) days you said to yourself, "I'll be (able) to do anything." (As) you grow older, (however), you begin to think (more) about your interests and (talents). You begin to (ask) yourself, "What can a person (like) me do when (he) is (grown) up? What can he do (for) other people?" (Gradually), you (find) the best answers (to) these questions.