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Start 2/5/2000

2002年6月27日 23時24分
June 27th (twenty-seventh), Thurs. 2002
「まとしぼれ 君がやらずに 誰がやる その気になれば 岩に花咲く」(韓先生)


11)This is my room.

It is (up-----s).
I (k---) my (th---s) here.
I study here.
I sleep here.
Sometimes my friends (v----) me here.

(Th---) are many (th----) in my room.
There is (-) desk by the window.
There is a wastepaper (b-----) (n---) to the desk.
I keep a lot of things in the (dr----s) of this desk.

There is a desk lamp on the desk.
I read and write by (i--) light.
There is a chair by the desk.
I sit on the chair.
I sit (--) the desk.
I study there.

12)In the Evening

Ken: Hello, Mother.

Mother: Oh, hello, Ken. You're (b---) (e----), aren't you?

Ken: No, I'm not, Mother.

Mother: What time is it?

Ken: It's five O'clock.

Mother (----) down her knitting. She goes into the kitchen.

Mother: Come here, Ken. You're hungry, aren't you? Eat a (-----) of aoole pie. Drink a glass of milk, too.

Ken: Mmm...., this pie is very good. Mother, you're a (----) (----). You make cakes and pies very (----), don't you?

Mother: Thanks, Ken. But I have a good cook book. It (---) all kinds of (re--pies). Look.



TA追追記)「男のくせに、うじうじうじうじしてたらあかん!」 said one of Rika-sans, whom TAhira knows very well. 「トロトロトロトロ登呂遺跡!とっろいなあ!」, said TA's daughter ten years ago.



インター語学塾 塾長 韓 誠
 私は大阪外国語大学ロシア語科を卒業して以来,約30年間語学教育にたずさわってき ました。高校生に英語とロシア語,大学生や社会人に韓国語,外国人留学生に日本語を教えてまいりましたが、韓国語ほど身近で、学びやすい言葉はありません。その理由の第一は語順,文法,助詞の用法まで日本語とほとんど同じだからです。第二は漢字が共通しているという事です。

韓 誠塾長の今週の応援歌・「まとしぼれ 君がやらずに 誰がやる その気になれば 岩に花咲く」