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2002年3月20日 15時11分
March. 20th(twentieth), Wed. 2002
Eleven days after "京・阪・神大合格発表"!

"30年前の英語教材より”[Linguaphone Junior American English Course]


(1)"An English Class in the dark"

Toshio (l---) his umbrella in his classroom.
"I'll need it tomorrow," he thought.
"It may rain hard all day.
I must go back to the school for my umbrella."

Toshio hurried to the school.
It was getting dark outside.
He turned the first corner and passed the stationery store.

Soon he was at the school gate.
He went into the school building.
There was no one in the building.
It was quiet and dark.

He walked toward his classroom.
Then he heard a voice.
"There must be (s------) in the classroom," he thought.

Toshio stopped for a moment.
"Who (---) it be?" he said to himself.
"A classmate? At this time of the day?
A teacher? In this darkness?
Someone else? But, why?
A ghost? A ghooost?

Toshio's heart was beating fast.
He couldn't (t---) another step forward.
He couldn't step back, (------).
He couldn't move.

Then the light went on.
He heard English words.
Someone was speaking English in the classroom.
Toshio knew the voice very well.
It was Mr. Suzuki, Toshio's English teacher.

Toshio stood outside the classroom.
He (l-----ed) to Mr. Suzuki.
He saw Mr. Suzuki at the teacher's desk.
Mr Suzuki was reading an English story.
Then he wrote some English sentences on the (b---d).
He asked a question in English.
Then he answered the question (h------).

The voice stopped suddenly.
Mr. Suzuki said (--) a loud voice, "Who is it?"
Toshio could not open his mouth.
He could not say a word.
Mr. Suzuki shouted again, "Who is out there?"

Toshio slowly walked into the room.
"Why, it's (---), Toshio!" said Mr. Suzuki.
"What's the matter?"
Toshio said, "I'm sorry but I had to come back here.
I'm here (---) my umbrella.
I left it in this room.
I'll need it tomorrow morning."

"Is that so?" said Mr. Suzuki.
"Well, you (s---ed) me, Toshio."
"You (sc--ed) me, Mr. Suzuki," said Toshio.
They both laughed.

(2)"A Changed Boy"

Mother: Are you still (--), Toshio? What are you doing? It's almost midnight.

Toshio: I'm studying English, Mother. I'm going to study a little more. Please (l----) me alone.

Mother: Well, what a change, Toshio! You didn't like English. And you didn't study English. What happened?

Toshio: (N------), Mother. I like English tonight, that's all. Don't worry.

Mother: A sudden change (----) worry me, Toshio. What happened? You have to tell me.

Toshio: Well, it's (l---) this. I saw Mr. Suzuki today.

Mother: You saw Mr. Suzuki? You see him every day at school, don't you? He is your (h-------) teacher.

Toshio: Yes. And he is our English teacher.

Mother: Well, tell me the (wh---) story, Toshio.

Toshio: Today I left my umbrella in the classroom. So I went back to the school (---) it. It was quiet and dark in the school. When I was close to our classroom, I (h----) someone.

Mother: Who was it?

Toshio: It was Mr. Suzuki.

Mother: Well, what was he doing?

Toshio: He was teaching English. But there were (--) students in the classroom. He was practicing.

Mother: I see. So the (sc---) changed you?

Toshio: Yes. I said to myself, "Even Mr. Suzuki studies and practices. You must study harder, Toshio!"

Mother: I'm so glad. But, Toshio, there will be (t-------), the day (-----) tomorrow, and many other days, too. You can't learn everything in (---) day. You will become ill. You must go to bed now.

Toshio: All right, Mother. I understand. And I will study English every day. I promise.

2002年3月20日 14時19分
March. 20th(twentieth), Wed. 2002
Nine days after "京・阪・神大合格発表"!
Percentage of Successful Candidates for Kyoto University:31.5%!
No news is sad news at this time of the year!




R高02年度京都府立医科大前期合格者08名 [01年度前期・後期総計04名]

R高02年度大阪市立大前期合格者08名 [01年度前期・後期総計07名]



R高02年度立命館大合格者108名(2/19,20,22合格発表分)[01年度総計154名] 第13位

R高02年度関西学院大(Kwanseigakuin University)(除くセンター)合格者36名[01年度総計51名]


"Practice makes perfect"=「習うより慣れよ」[ことわざ=PROverb]
「一番大事なことは・・・」=What matters/counts most is to discover your English. =「・・・君の英語を発見することだ」(TA)

TA追記)○日制・・・? 通学定期、発行してもらえるのか? その予備校、そこの校舎(=支部)だけの、今年度(=02年度)の合格者名が貼り出してあるか?