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2002年11月22日 19時11分

”Keep your eyes wide open! Don't look away from what is happening!”

訂正! My DEEP apOlogy!


「(警察の)機動隊」=×riat police

          → ○ riot police=「[韓国]戦闘警察(部隊)」

2002年11月22日 18時46分
Nov.22nd(twenty-second), Fri. 2002

代ゼミ「センター試験プレテスト」 11/23(祝) まであと12時間!


センター本試まで『あと8週+α』!=8 weeks and something to go!

K女高予定:センター英語特訓→Jan10,Fri.5-6 period; Jan15, Wed.1-2;
Jan 17, Fri. 5-6→センター英語190点/200最終調整!

Jump-english.com改修中!Message Board:毎日更新中!


”Keep your eyes wide open! Don't look away from what is happening!”

(1)”<ナイジェリア>ミスコンテスト開催に反対 イスラム教徒が暴動”






前後の記事 - [海外]

英フィナンシャル・タイムズ紙ヘッドライン(22日付)(ロイター) - 11時9分

<米比両国>相互軍事補給協定を結ぶ 米軍に対し物資供給可能に(毎日新聞) - 10時52分

<ナイジェリア>ミスコンテスト開催に反対 イスラム教徒が暴動(毎日新聞)

<米大統領>チェチェン紛争、平和的解決を 露TVとの会見で(毎日新聞) - 10時50分

<ナイジェリア>空港貨物ターミナルで爆発 重傷者多数か(毎日新聞) - 10時46分

(2)50 Killed Over Miss World Article; World - AP Africa
Thu Nov 21, 8:30 PM ET, 2002

By GLENN McKENZIE, Associated Press Writer

LAGOS, Nigeria - Angry mobs stabbed and set fire to bystanders Thursday in rioting that erupted after a newspaper suggested Islam's founding prophet would have approved of the Miss World (news - web sites) beauty pageant. At least 50 people were killed and 200 injured.

The violent demonstrators in the northern city of Kaduna burned churches and rampaged through the streets until hundreds of soldiers were deployed to restore calm and enforce a dusk-to-dawn curfew.

"A lot of people died. We don't know yet exactly how many ... more than 50," said Emmanuel Ijewere, the president of the Nigerian Red Cross.

Street demonstrations began Wednesday with the burning of an office of ThisDay newspaper in Kaduna after it published an article questioning Muslim groups that have condemned the Miss World pageant, to be held Dec. 7 in the Nigerian capital, Abuja.

Muslim groups say the pageant promotes sexual promiscuity and indecency.

"What would (the prophet) Muhammad think? In all honesty, he would probably have chosen a wife from among them (the contestants)," Isioma Daniel wrote in Saturday's article.

The newspaper ran a brief front-page apology on Monday, followed by a more lengthy retraction on Thursday, saying the offending passage had run by mistake.

In Thursday's rioting, more than 50 people were stabbed, bludgeoned or burned to death and 200 were seriously injured, Ijewere told The Associated Press.

At least four churches were destroyed, he said.

Many of the bodies were taken by Red Cross workers and other volunteers to local mortuaries. Many people remained inside homes that were set afire by the demonstrators, Ijewere said.

Shehu Sani of the Kaduna-based Civil Rights Congress said he watched a crowd stab one young man, then force a tire filled with gasoline around his neck and burn him alive. Sani said he saw three other bodies elsewhere in the city.

Alsa Hassan, founder of another human rights group, Alsa Care, said he saw a commuter being dragged out of his car and beaten to death by protesters.

Schools and shops hurriedly closed as hordes of young men, shouting "Allahu Akhbar," or "God is great," ignited makeshift street barricades made of tires and garbage, sending plumes of black smoke rising above the city. Others were heard chanting, "Down with beauty" and "Miss World is sin."

Hundreds of police and soldiers were deployed to restore calm. Riding in pickup trucks, they fired tear gas at protesters marching through otherwise abandoned streets waving tree branches and palm fronds.

State government officials declared a curfew of 6 p.m. to 6 a.m.

Previous riots in Kaduna, a largely Muslim city with a sizable Christian minority, have escalated into religious battles that killed hundreds since civilian government replaced military rule in 1999.

Islamic fundamentalist groups have for several months warned of protests against the Miss World pageant, prompting organizers to postpone the finale until after the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.

The pageant has also drawn protests from other parts of the world.

Contestants from five countries — Costa Rica, Denmark, Switzerland, South Africa and Panama — are boycotting the event because Islamic courts in Nigeria have sentenced several unmarried women to death by stoning for conceiving babies outside wedlock. Nigeria's government insists none of the judgments will be carried out, although it has refused to intervene directly.

Miss World publicist Stella Din said pageant organizers hoped calm would quickly return to Kaduna.

"We are very, very sad that it has come to this — even if there is a loss of one life, it makes us sad. We are appealing to all to please exercise restraint," Din said.


「(警察の)機動隊」=riat police

2002年11月22日 13時18分
Nov.22nd(twenty-second), Fri. 2002

代ゼミ「センター試験プレテスト」 11/23(祝) まであと1日!


センター本試まで『あと8週+α』!=8 weeks and something to go!

K女高予定:センター英語特訓→Jan10,Fri.5-6 period; Jan15, Wed.1-2;
Jan 17, Fri. 5-6→センター英語190点/200最終調整!

Jump-english.com改修中!Message Board:毎日更新中!



0. Time flies!→Time flies very fast!→How fast time flies!

→How time flies!→How (----) time (---)!=光陰矢のごとし!


A: What are you going to buy?

B: A tennis racket. [(1)What] are [(2)正解→YOU] [(3)going] to [(4)buy]?





3. ”活用すべき中学英語問題”;(問)最も強く発音するモノを一つ選べ。

A: How are you?

B: I'm fine, thank you, (1)and (2)how (3)are (4)you?

A: I'm fine, too, thank you.




正解→(4) "you"



6.「ほとんどの場合」=”in most cases”、題1問目に「難問」あり!

7. 第1問で90%;第2問で80%;第6問で70%を死守したら勝ち!


問)Look! There's a dog in the hall. Someone must have left the door (空所).

1. be opened
2. (空所)
3. opening
4. to open


問)After a lot of problems she (空所) to learn to drive a car.

1. gave up
2. (空所)
3. put off
4. succeeded


11.→How (does) time (fly)!=光陰矢のごとし

『強調』の"do", "does", "did" の後は”原形”!



2002年11月22日 09時02分


0. 君の時計、進むの、それとも、遅れるの?

=Does your watch (---n) or (l---)?

"(--n) 反意語(l--e)";"(g--n)反意語(--s-)"


=Does your watch (gain) or (lose)?

"(win=勝つ) 反意語(lose=負ける)";"winner=勝者"反意語"loser=敗者"


訂正→2.Time flies!→Time flies very fast!→How fast time flies!

→How time flies!→How does time ×flies!=光陰矢のごとし!

   ○→How does time fly[”強調”の助動詞”does”のあとは原形の"fly"]

TA追記)My deep apOlogy!(TA)

2002年11月22日 01時53分
Nov.22nd(twenty-second), Fri. 2002
代ゼミ「センター試験プレテスト」 11/23(祝) まであと1日!


センター本試まで『あと8週+α』!=8 weeks and something to go!

『Yahoo!ニュース [北朝鮮日本人拉致事件:注目の記事]

- <拉致被害者>支援法案明らかに 適用対象、首相が認定(毎日新聞) (21日3時5分)
- 週末にも政府特使、北朝鮮と協議へ(読売新聞) (21日3時4分)

- 中山参与「拉致被害者と家族、全員帰してもらう」(読売新聞) (20日14時1分) 』

K女高予定:センター英語特訓→Jan10,Fri.5-6 period; Jan15, Wed.1-2;
Jan 17, Fri. 5-6→センター英語190点/200最終調整!

Jump-english.com改修中!Message Board:毎日更新中!



0. 君の時計、進むの、それとも、遅れるの?

=Does your watch (---n) or (l---)?

"(--n) 反意語(l--e)";"(g--n)反意語(--s-)"


=Does your watch (gain) or (lose)?

"(win=勝つ) 反意語(lose=負ける)";"winner=勝者"反意語"loser=敗者"


2.Time flies!→Time flies very fast!→How fast time flies!

→How time flies!→How does time flies!=光陰矢のごとし!


A: What are you going to buy?

B: A tennis racket. [(1)What] are [(2)you] [(3)going] to [(4)buy]?



6.「ほとんどの場合」=”in most cases”、題1問目に「難問」あり!

7. 第1問で90%;第2問で80%;第6問で70%を死守したら勝ち!

”ごぼう抜き”を狙う!ブツブツ"whisper"=ウィスパァ=[ささやいている]と、運、ウンがつくぞぅ、パゥオーー! クソがついたくらいであわてるな!未来の看護師諸君!


2002年11月22日 01時24分
Nov.22nd(twenty-second), Fri. 2002


センター本試まで『あと8週+α』!=8 weeks and something to go!

『Yahoo!ニュース [北朝鮮日本人拉致事件:注目の記事]

- <拉致被害者>支援法案明らかに 適用対象、首相が認定(毎日新聞) (21日3時5分)
- 週末にも政府特使、北朝鮮と協議へ(読売新聞) (21日3時4分)
- <拉致被害者>「北朝鮮に戻すべき」元外務省職員が家族らに手紙(毎日新聞) (21日1時30分)
<元工作員>民主党が聞き取り調査 北朝鮮の実情など語る(毎日新聞)
- 中山参与「拉致被害者と家族、全員帰してもらう」(読売新聞) (20日14時1分) 』

K女高予定:センター英語特訓→Jan10,Fri.5-6 period; Jan15, Wed.1-2;
Jan 17, Fri. 5-6→センター英語190点/200最終調整!

Jump-english.com改修中!Message Board:毎日更新中!


”北朝鮮の子供400万人、餓死の危機”:2002.11.21 18:27
         →『中央日報』→ http://japanese.joins.com/




東京=呉デ泳(オ・デヨン)特派員 < dayyoung@joongang.co.kr >

2002.11.21 18:27

[ 最新ニュース ]
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