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2002年10月25日 15時37分
センター本試まで『あと12週』!=12 weeks to go!

TOEIC第94回 10月27日(日)

"民主・石井紘基衆院議員、刺され死亡";社会ニュース - 10月25日(金)13時4分
”米の連続狙撃 容疑者逮捕、元陸軍の名狙撃手だった”(25日14時9分)


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2002年10月25日 15時24分
センター本試まで『あと12週』!=12 weeks to go!

TOEIC第94回 10月27日(日)

"民主・石井紘基衆院議員、刺され死亡";社会ニュース - 10月25日(金)13時4分
”米の連続狙撃 容疑者逮捕、元陸軍の名狙撃手だった”(25日14時9分)


緊急!”米の連続狙撃 容疑者逮捕、元陸軍の名狙撃手だった”

(1)”米の連続狙撃 容疑者逮捕、元陸軍の名狙撃手だった”

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海外トピックス - 10月25日(金)14時 9分 更新 ニュース

米の連続狙撃 容疑者逮捕、元陸軍の名狙撃手だった

- 米の連続狙撃 容疑者逮捕、元陸軍の名狙撃手だった(読売新聞) (25日14時9分)
- ブッシュ大統領、米連続狙撃犯の逮捕を賞賛(ロイター) (25日12時46分)
- <米狙撃事件>元陸軍兵士と少年の犯行と断定 線条痕が一致(毎日新聞) (25日12時3分)
- 押収のライフル、ワシントン連続狙撃犯のもの=米当局(ロイター) (25日11時16分)
- 逮捕の2人を犯人と断定=押収銃の線条痕が一致−米連続狙撃事件で捜査当局(時事通信) (25日11時6分)
- 恐怖の3週間に幕=買い物・給油、ようやく安ど−米首都圏・米連続狙撃事件(時事通信) (25日11時4分)
- <米狙撃事件>元陸軍兵士と少年の犯行と断定 線条痕が一致(毎日新聞) (25日11時3分)
- 米当局、身柄拘束の狙撃容疑者を銃規制法違反で起訴(ロイター) (25日8時58分)
- 米連続狙撃事件の容疑者、組織との関連性薄い=警察(ロイター) (25日8時31分)
- 米連続狙撃事件、容疑者はアラバマ強盗殺人に関与の可能性(ロイター) (25日7時48分)

- なぜ、なくならないの? 銃乱射事件 - 毎日新聞
- Yahoo! News Photos (英語) - 米首都圏で起きている無差別射殺事件に関する写真の検索結果。
- Yahoo! News Story Matches (英語) - 米首都圏で起きている無差別射殺事件に関する記事の検索結果。

(2)”Tests Link Gun to Sniper Shootings”;1 hour, 47 minutes ago
By STEPHEN MANNING, Associated Press Writer
Yahoo! News Thu, Oct 24, 2002 ; U.S. National - AP

One of America's most extraordinary manhunts culminated Thursday in the arrests of an Army veteran and a teenager, asleep at a roadside rest stop — perpetrators, authorities believe, of a bloody, three-week sniping spree that left 10 people dead and multitudes paralyzed by fear.

John Allen Muhammad, 41 — arrested with 17-year-old John Lee Malvo — appeared in court, and was ordered held without bail. Both, said Montgomery County Police Chief Charles Moose, are considered suspects in the sniper attacks.

A gun found in the suspects' car — a Bushmaster AR-15 rifle — had been linked by ballistics to 11 of the 14 Washington-are shootings, including one in which no one was injured, said Michael Bouchard, an agent with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

The AR-15 is the civilian form of the M-16 military assault rifle. As a soldier, Muhammad received a Marksmanship Badge with expert rating — the highest of three ratings — in use of the M-16, according to Army records. Police also found a scope and tripod in the car, a law enforcement source said.

In handcuffs and a green prison jumpsuit, Muhammad appeared in a Baltimore federal courthouse patrolled by a dozen federal marshals armed with high-powered rifles.

Muhammad is due back in court Tuesday on a federal firearms charge stemming from a 2000 court order in Tacoma, Wash., that barred Muhammad from harassing or using force against an ex-wife and their children.

U.S. District Court Magistrate Beth P. Gesner made no mention of the sniper killings. Muhammad spoke little during the 10-minute hearing. When Gesner asked if he understood the charge, he quietly answered, "Yes, ma'am."

Malvo is considered by the court to be a juvenile, and all of his proceedings are closed. Police said he was being held as a material witness, pending charges, and they did not identify him.

A law enforcement official, speaking on condition of anonymity, outlined developments that led to the arrests:

On Thursday, Oct. 17, a Montgomery County, Md., public information officer received a call from someone they now believe was the sniper. The caller referred to a robbery-homicide in "Montgomery" — not, in itself, enough to prompt authorities to call police in that Alabama city.

The next day, a priest in Ashland, Va., received a call from someone who said he was God and mentioned a crime in Montgomery, Ala., according to the Rev. Pat Apuzzo, spokesman for the Catholic Diocese of Richmond. Apuzzo said the priest, Monsignor William V. Sullivan, dismissed the call as a prank.

After a shooting in Ashland Saturday, task force members visited Sullivan at his church Sunday, according to Apuzzo, and the priest told them about the call.

Montgomery, Ala., police said they were contacted by the task force Sunday.

However, the law enforcement source gave a different account. The source said a priest contacted the task force Friday after getting a call from the sniper.

Fingerprint evidence from a Sept. 21 robbery attempt outside a liquor store in Montgomery, which killed one employee and wounded another, then led police to Malvo and Muhammad.

Two senior federal law enforcement officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said investigators hadn't ruled out other accomplices, including some who may have provided vehicles or other support.

Moose said the investigation was continuing. He bowed his head and fought back tears as he recalled the victims and their families.

"We have not given in to the terror," he said. "Yes, we have all experienced anxiety, but in the end resiliency has won out."

President Bush (news - web sites) called Moose and told him "you have lifted a shadow of fear for many families," White House spokesman Ari Fleischer (news - web sites) said.

But who were these two, and why might they have unleashed terror on Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia?

Muhammad, a veteran of the Gulf War (news - web sites), converted to Islam, according to The Seattle Times. Malvo is a citizen of Jamaica. The Times quoted federal sources as saying the two had been known to speak sympathetically about the hijackers who attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon (news - web sites).

But there was no indication, authorities said, that they were linked to al-Qaida or any terrorist group.

The two were arrested without incident by members of the sniper task force at a rest stop in Frederick County, 50 miles northwest of Washington. The time was 3:19 a.m.

Three hours earlier, Moose had announced that Muhammad and a juvenile were being sought and issued a nationwide alert for a blue, 1990 Chevrolet Caprice with New Jersey plates. A motorist and an attendant spotted the car and called police.

The Caprice is co-owned by a New Jersey resident, Nathanel O. Osbourne; FBI (news - web sites) officials said he was being sought as a witness.

The car has an opening in its trunk that would permit someone to lie inside and fire the rifle while remaining hidden, two federal law enforcement sources told The Associated Press. That could explain the lack of spent shell casings in most of the shootings, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Investigators now believe that the Caprice was involved in all the shootings. Sightings of white vans and box trucks were attributed to erroneous witness accounts.

That confusion may have cost lives. On Oct. 8, Baltimore police officers approached the Caprice and found Muhammad sleeping in the vehicle, spokeswoman Ragina Averella said. That was the day after a 13-year-old boy in Bowie was wounded as he arrived at school.

But no action was taken, sources told the The (Baltimore) Sun, because investigators were looking for a white van. In the weeks after, four more people were shot by the sniper, three fatally.

All told, 13 people were shot; three survived. The sniper left notes claiming to be God, and warning that children were not safe "anywhere, at any time."

Thousands of children stayed home from school, and motorists avoided filling their tanks at gas stations where they might be vulnerable to a shot.

Some residents greeted Thursday's news as if it was the first glimmer of sunrise after the darkness that stretched three weeks.

"I feel a lot safer today," said Mary Beth Roberts of Stafford County, Va. "Everyone's smiling and getting out more."

She was shopping at the Michaels craft store in Fredericksburg, Va., where a 43-year-old woman was critically wounded on Oct. 4; a regular customer, Roberts felt safe to return only after news of the arrests.

Schools kept kids inside for recess again, just to be certain. But La Plata, Md., where the town council had voted to "strongly discourage" trick-or-treating, reversed course.

"I told my wife she better go out and buy some candy," Town Manager Douglas Miller said Thursday.

Police, who had been under enormous pressure, turned their attention to gathering evidence that Muhammad and Malvo were responsible. The first item was Malvo's fingerprint, found at the Alabama scene on a magazine about weapons, according to Montgomery Mayor Bobby Bright.

A composite sketch of the suspect in the liquor-store shootings was made and "there are some very good similarities" to Malvo, Montgomery Police Chief John Wilson said. But he said the gun used in Alabama was not the same as the one in the Washington, D.C.-area shootings.

Police traced Malvo to a house in Tacoma, Wash. He had been living in the house with Muhammad, a source told the AP.

FBI agents searched the house and carted away potential evidence, including a tree stump from the yard that investigators planned to examine for bullets or bullet fragments.

Pfc. Chris Waters, a Fort Lewis soldier who lives across the street, said he called police after hearing gunshots in the neighborhood nearly every day in January.

"It sounded like a high-powered rifle such as an M-16," he said. "Never more than three shots at a time. Pow. Pow. Pow."

Muhammad did not receive sniper training during his Army career. Muhammad had training in three areas, mainly as a combat engineer, which was his specialty during the time he served in the 1991 Gulf War.

Muhammad enlisted in the Army on Nov. 6, 1985, and was honorably discharged at Fort Lewis on April 26, 1994. After leaving active duty he served in the Oregon National Guard until 1995. Before coming on active duty, he served in the Louisiana National Guard from 1978 to 1985.

His highest ranking on active duty was sergeant.

Muhammad changed his name last year from John Allen Williams, years after he converted to Islam, investigators told the Times.

FBI agents visited Bellingham High School, 90 miles north of Seattle, on Wednesday. Mayor Mark Asmundson said Muhammad and Malvo had been in the area until about nine months ago.

A senior law enforcement source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said police believe Malvo became like an informal stepson to Muhammad because Muhammad had a relationship with the boy's mother and for a time the three lived together as a family.

"The boy eventually latched onto Muhammad. We don't have evidence it was formalized but it was almost like an informal or common-law stepson," the source said.

Malvo attended high school in Bellingham last year. Police Chief Randy Carroll said his force had known about Malvo since December 2001, when the high school reported the youth arrived at the school without transcripts or other papers.

At one point, he lived with Muhammad at the Lighthouse Mission, a homeless shelter, Carroll said.

TA追記)The AR-15 is the civilian form of the M-16 military assault rifle.=ARー15は軍用A−16突撃銃の民間用ライフル。

”激突!AK−100 vs. M−16”ビッグコミック10月25日・11月10日号;小学館

2002年10月25日 13時57分
センター本試まで『あと12週』!=12 weeks to go!

TOEIC第94回 10月27日(日)

"民主・石井紘基衆院議員、刺され死亡";社会ニュース - 10月25日(金)13時4分


"民主・石井紘基衆院議員、刺され死亡";社会ニュース - 10月25日(金)13時4分















前後の記事 - [社会]

<石井議員刺殺>外国通信社も速報(毎日新聞) - 13時9分

現職議員の刺殺、浅沼氏ら(時事通信) - 13時5分


曽我さんと面談、意向確認=内閣府支援室、佐渡の自宅訪れ(時事通信) - 13時3分

ネットでミニチュア拳銃販売=実弾発射可能、67丁押収−愛知県警(時事通信) - 13時2分

TA追記)Violence invites violence.

2002年10月25日 09時17分
センター本試まで『あと12週』!=12 weeks to go!

TOEIC第94回 10月27日(日)



2002年10月25日 09時05分
センター本試まで『あと12週』!=12 weeks to go!

TOEIC第94回 10月27日(日)

”5人戻さず子供呼び寄せ…政府、北朝鮮と交渉へ”10.24 1:40
政治ニュース - 10月24日(木)13時21分

”米の連続狙撃、2容疑者拘束(読売新聞) - 18時20分”
”露の占拠、人質女性射殺か(読売新聞) - 24日(木)23時59分”


”(続×27);北朝鮮「核問題、堂々と明らかにする」;2002.10.24 20:01"

政治ニュース - 10月24日(木)13時21分
”5人戻さず子供呼び寄せ…政府、北朝鮮と交渉へ”10.24 1:40
”北朝鮮「拉致被害者家族の早期永住帰国は無理」”;2002.10.23 12:29
”拉致された日本人ら、当時の状況を初めて発言;2002.10.22 20:54”
”拉致された日本人5人、日本旅券取得; 2002.10.18 20:02”
”日本人の寺越武志氏が北朝鮮に行った理由;2002.10.16 22:04”
”日本人拉致被害者5人が24年ぶりに一時帰国;2002.10.15 18:28”
”日本政府、拉致被害者の永久帰国を準備;2002.10.14 13:34”
”日本、「北朝鮮マツタケ」焼却か;2002.10.13 18:29”
”日本政府、北朝鮮のマツタケ贈呈に困惑;2002.10.11 20:41”

”総連議長「拉致問題は遺憾」;2002.10.10 21:15”
”日本人拉致生存者5人、15日に一時帰国;2002.10.09 17:34”
”Kidnapped Japanese Suspected of Being Killed ”
”父「一刻も早く確認を」; 5人目生存「曽我ひとみさん」[産経新聞]”
”ROGUE STATE=ロゥグ・スティト=ならず者国家;洗脳=brainwashing”
”北朝鮮、日本語放送でも拉致伝える;(09/28 19:58)”
”社民党、日本人拉致事件に困惑; 2002.10.08 17:58”

→ http://japanese.joins.com/  

『東亜日報』→ http://japanese.donga.com/

『産経新聞』→ http://www.sankei.co.jp/   


 ■朝鮮日報(The Digital Chosun)
 ■現代コリア・オンライン  <2001.12.15new!>
 ■京都ウトロ(英語版あり)  <2001.12.15new!>

(1)北朝鮮「核問題、堂々と明らかにする」;2002.10.24 20:01






2002.10.24 20:01

(2)5 abductees in Japan will not be made to go to North

by Oh Day-young
Octorber 25, 2002

TOKYO -- The Japanese government plans not to send back five Japanese who were kidnapped to North Korea in 1978, despite an earlier agreement with Pyeongyang, Japanese media reported yesterday.

According to the Yomiuri Shimbun, the Japanese government intends to negotiate with North Korea to allow the five to remain in Japan beyond the resumption of the two countries' normalization talks scheduled to take place Tuesday.

The five abductees came home for the first time in 24 years on Oct. 15. North Korea had stipulated that they should return to the communist country by Monday and that their relatives in Japan could visit them in the North in the future, a senior Japanese government official was quoted as saying.

Tokyo apparently is favoring the hopes of the returnees' families. According to the Yomiuri, they petitioned the government not to make the returnees go back to the North. The families reportedly asked that the abductees' families in North Korea be brought to Japan.

The returnees' family members include Charles Jenkins, a former U.S. soldier who defected to the North while stationed in South Korea after the Korean War. He married one of the Japanese abductees, Hitomi Soga, in the North. He has said he does not want to leave North Korea.

Shinzo Abe, deputy chief cabinet secretary, was quoted by the Yomiuri Wednesday as saying that he does not believe it necessary for the five to return to the North before Tuesday, when Tokyo and Pyeongyang officials will meet in Kuala Lumpur to discuss the restoration of bilateral relations.

Tokyo notified Pyeongyang Wednesday night that it has not prepared a charter plane to send the five back to the North. "North Korea said it respects the intentions of the five in Japan," a Japanese Foreign Ministry official said. But not all of the five want to remain in Japan, he added.

Another daily, Mainichi, reported yesterday that Tokyo wants to dispatch a fact-finding team to the North for a second investigation on the deaths of 8 of the 13 abductees.

(3)モスクワに武装集団、史上最悪の人質事件;2002.10.24 21:39





崔源起(チェ・ウォンギ)記者 < brent1@joongang.co.kr >

2002.10.24 21:39

[ 最新ニュース ]
10/24 20:11
10/24 20:03
10/24 17:32
10/24 14:46
10/24 12:53

2002年10月25日 01時57分
Oct. 25th(twenty-fifth), Fri. 2002

センター本試まで『あと12週』!=12 weeks to go!

”5人戻さず子供呼び寄せ…政府、北朝鮮と交渉へ”10.24 1:40
政治ニュース - 10月24日(木)13時21分

”米の連続狙撃、2容疑者拘束(読売新聞) - 18時20分”
”露の占拠、人質女性射殺か(読売新聞) - 24日(木)23時59分”





1)Parents must (register) the names of their children at a local government office soon after they are born.

1. resume
2. detect
3. encounter


2)The bus driver was (considerate)enough to let me know when we reached the place where I wanted to get off.

1. separate
正解)2. consIderate=コンシスィダァリット=思いやりがある=kind
3. continuous
4. suspicious


'let 人 know=tell 人=人に知らせる

3)If you want to reduce your weight, there is no need to give up all the foods that you enjoy or to exercise yourself to (exhaustion).

2. completion
3. consumption
4. purpose



