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2002年1月1日 21時46分
Jan. 1st, 2002! R高次回センター練習会第6日は2002年1月4日(金)!
Just take it easy!(落ち着け!)

正解・解説)新春センターテスト (その2)[interMEdiate COURSE] 


(0)"Do you know that Jean has got a new Job?"

"No, she (--0--) us nothing about it."

(1) said (2) spoke (3) talked (4) 正解

正解→(4) told

解法→ "tell + 人”=「人に言う/命じる」

(1)"I like this photograph. Your children look really cute."

"Thanks. I had (--1--) at a studio."

(1) done it (2) it does (3) 正解 (4) it to do

正解→(3) it done

解説→"have +物+過去分詞”=「物を〜してもらう/〜させる」

I had it done at a studio.=I had the photograph taken at a studio.

(2)"Do I have to make an appointment to see the doctor?"

"No, it (--2--). When you go in, just give your name. Then wait until you're called."

(1) doesn't have to (2) 正解 (3) isn't wanted (4) must not

正解→(2) isn't necessary (to make an appointment to see the doctor)

解説→No, it isn't necessary (to make an appointment).

= No, you don't have to (make an appointment).

× ”No, it doesn't have to”とは、言わない。

(3)"I'm still thirsty. Is there anything to drink?"

"Well, there is (--3--) apple juice in the refrigerator."

(1) a few (2) a few of (3) 正解  (4) a little of

正解→(3) a little=「ちょっぴりの」⇔much=「多量の」

(4)"John (--4--) to like the fried rice."

"He sure does! That's his third helping."

(1) dares (2) looks (3) 正解 (4) wants

正解→(3) seems

解説→ "seem to + 原形”=「〜するようだ/〜するらしい」

John seems to like the fried rice.=ジョンは焼き飯が好きらしい。

He sure does!= He sure likes the fried rice.=彼は確かに焼き飯が大好きだ。

That's his third helping.=それはかれの3杯目だ。=御代わり2杯目だ。

(5)"What did you think of last night's game?"

"The team played well, but they (--5--) better in the first twenty minutes."

(1) 正解  (2) didn't do (3) hadn't done (4) must've done

正解→(1) could've done

解説→”could have 過去分詞”=「(もし・・・であったなら)〜できていただろうに」

they(=the team) could have done better in the first twenty minutes=彼ら(=チームの選手達)は最初の20分間にもっとうまく出来ていたと思う

× must have 過去分詞=〜したに違いない

(6)"May I use your phone."

"Sure, (--6--). I'm not expecting any calls right now."

(1) come about (2) 正解  (3) put it on (4) take it up

正解→(2) go ahead=どうぞ

解説→Sure(シュァ)=Of course=Certainly(サーtンリィ)=もちろん=Yes

I'm not expecting any calls right now.=今電話がかかる予定はありません。

(7)"I'm not used to this computer. Do you (--7--) to know a person who could tell me how to use it?"

"Oh, Mr. Suzuki uses this machine all the time."

(1) 正解  (2) manage (3) see (4) want

正解→(1) happen

解説→”happen to 原形”=「たまたま/ひょっとして〜する」

(8)Mr. Roberts did not choose any of the three jackets because he found (--8--) them satisfactory.

(1) both of them (2) either of (3) neither of (4) 正解

正解→(4) none of

解説→them=the three jackets=ジャケット3着


(9)Although my trip to Hokkaido was very (--9--), I enjoyed it.

(1) excited (2) exciting (3) tired (4) 正解

正解→(4) tiring(タィアリンg)=「疲れさせる/骨の折れる」

解説→”人 be動詞 + tired"=「人が疲れている」

(10) "Our trip to Tokyo was fun, wasn't it?"

"Yes, it was great! I'm looking forward (--10--) there again sometime!"

(1) go (2) going (3) to go (4) 正解

正解→(4) to going

解説→"look forward to 〜ing"=「〜することを楽しみに待つ」




2002年1月1日 11時43分
Jan. 1st, 2002! R高次回センター練習会第6日は2002年1月4日(金)!
Just take it easy!(落ち着け!)

新春センターテスト (その2)[interMEdiate COURSE](インタミーディイット) 


(0)"Do you know that Jean has got a new Job?"

"No, she (--0--) us nothing about it."

(1) said (2) spoke (3) talked (4) 正解

正解→(4) told

解法→ "tell + 人”=「人に言う/命じる」

(1)"I like this photograph. Your children look really cute."

"Thanks. I had (--1--) at a studio."

(1) done it (2) it does (3) 正解 (4) it to do

(2)"Do I have to make an appointment to see the doctor?"

"No, it (--2--). When you go in, just give your name. Then wait until you're called."

(1) doesn't have to (2) 正解 (3) isn't wanted (4) must not

(3)"I'm still thirsty. Is there anything to drink?"

"Well, there is (--3--) apple juice in the refrigerator."

(1) a few (2) a few of (3) 正解  (4) a little of

(4)"John (--4--) to like the fried rice."

"He sure does! That's his third helping."

(1) dares (2) looks (3) 正解 (4) wants

(5)"What did you think of last night's game?"

"The team played well, but they (--5--) better in the first twenty minutes."

(1) 正解  (2) didn't do (3) hadn't done (4) must've done

(6)"May I use your phone."

"Sure, (--6--). I'm not expecting any calls right now."

(1) come about (2) 正解  (3) put it on (4) take it up

(7)"I'm not used to this computer. Do you (--7--) to know a person who could tell me how to use it?"

"Oh, Mr. Suzuki uses this machine all the time."

(1) 正解  (2) manage (3) see (4) want

(8)Mr. Roberts did not choose any of the three jackets because he found (--8--) them satisfactory.

(1) both of them (2) either of (3) neither of (4) 正解

(9)Although my trip to Hokkaido was very (--9--), I enjoyed it.

(1) excited (2) exciting (3) tired (4) 正解

(10) "Our trip to Tokyo was fun, wasn't it?"

"Yes, it was great! I'm looking forward (--10--) there again sometime!"

(1) go (2) going (3) to go (4) 正解




2002年1月1日 07時47分
Jan. 1st, 2002! R高次回センター練習会第6日は2002年1月4日(金)!
Just take it easy!(落ち着け!)




- Yamanoi Kazunori Mail Magazine - 第217号(2002/01/01)


2002年1月1日 07時27分
Jan. 1st, 2002! R高次回センター練習会第6日は2002年1月4日(金)!
Just take it easy!(落ち着け!)

新春センターテスト (その1)[ADVANCED COURSE] 

問)(空所)に適当な(=suitable)1語を入れよ。但し don't は1語、do notは2語と数える。また文字数は示されていない。(7分)

(1)"I like this photograph. Your children look really cute."

"Thanks. I had (--1--)(d--2--) at a studio."

正解→"Thanks. I had (it)(done) at a studio."

(2)"Do I have to make an appointment to see the doctor?"

"No, it (--3--)(n--4--). When you go in, just give your name. Then wait until you're called."

正解→"No, it (isn't)(necessary). When you go in, just give your name. Then wait until you're called."

(3)"I'm still thirsty. Is there anything to drink?"

"Well, there is (--5--)(--6--) apple juice in the refrigerator."

正解→"Well, there is (a)(little) apple juice in the refrigerator."

解説→'apple juice'は不可算名詞、即ち「数」では無く「量」を示す数量詞を入れる。

(4)"John (--7--)(--8--) like the fried rice."

"He sure does! That's his third helping."

正解→)"John (seems)(to) like the fried rice."

"He sure likes the fried rice! That's his third helping."

(5)"What did you think of last night's game?"

"The team played well, but they (--9--)(--10--) better in the first twenty minutes."

正解→"The team played well, but they (could've)(done) better in the first twenty minutes."

(6)"May I use your phone."

"Sure, (--11--)(a--12--). I'm not expecting any calls right now."

正解→"Sure, (go)(ahead). I'm not expecting any calls right now."

(7)"I'm not used to this computer. Do you (--13--)(--14--) know a person who could tell me how to use it?"

"Oh, Mr. Suzuki uses this machine all the time."

正解→)"I'm not used to this computer. Do you (happen)(to) know a person who could tell me how to use it?"

(8)Mr. Roberts did not choose any of the three jackets because he found (--15--)(--16--) them satisfactory.

正解→Mr. Roberts did not choose any of the three jackets because he found (none)(of) them satisfactory.

解説→jackets は 3つ以上あった。「2つ」の場合の"neither of"は不可。

(9)Although my trip to Hokkaido was very (t--17--), I enjoyed it.

正解→Although my trip to Hokkaido was very (tiring), I enjoyed it.

(10) "Our trip to Tokyo was fun, wasn't it?"

"Yes, it was great! I'm looking forward (--18--)(--19--) there again sometime!"

正解→"Yes, it was great! I'm looking forward (to)(going) there again sometime!"




2002年1月1日 02時54分
Jan. 1st, 2002!


問)(空所)に適当な(=suitable)1語を入れよ。但し don't は1語、do notは2語と数える。また文字数は示されていない。(7分)

(1)"I like this photograph. Your children look really cute."

"Thanks. I had (--1--)(d--2--) at a studio."

(2)"Do I have to make an appointment to see the doctor?"

"No, it (--3--)(n--4--). When you go in, just give your name. Then wait until you're called."

(3)"I'm still thirsty. Is there anything to drink?"

"Well, there is (--5--)(--6--) apple juice in the refrigerator."

(4)"John (--7--)(--8--) like the fried rice."

"He sure does! That's his third helping."

(5)"What did you think of last night's game?"

"The team played well, but they (--9--)(--10--) better in the first twenty minutes."

(6)"May I use your phone."

"Sure, (--11--)(a--12--). I'm not expecting any calls right now."

(7)"I'm not used to this computer. Do you (--13--)(--14--) know a person who could tell me how to use it?"

"Oh, Mr. Suzuki uses this machine all the time."

(8)Mr. Roberts did not choose any of the three jackets because he found (--15--)(--16--) them satisfactory.

(9)Although my trip to Hokkaido was very (t--17--), I enjoyed it.

(10) "Our trip to Tokyo was fun, wasn't it?"

"Yes, it was great! I'm looking forward (--18--)(--19--) there again sometime!"
