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Start 2/5/2000

2001年4月2日 00時57分
April 2nd, Mon.

It cost TAhira \13,440 to make a circular trip starting from Kyoto and finishing at Kyoto. It cost me in addition \1,260 and \4,410 for Express 'Kitaguni' and 'Shinkansen(=Bullet Train)' respectively for second-class, non-reserved seat, of course!

It took me about one day to make this trip. I enjoyed every minute of it.

On the way I met one of my former students and his partner. He is known as 'kingfisher' meaning 'カワセミ'. The couple may well be described as a boy who needs four alarm clocks and a girl who needs no alarm clock at all because she is equipped with a 'built-in' clock.

2001年4月2日 00時57分
April 2nd, Mon.

It cost TAhira \13,440 to make a circular trip starting from Kyoto and finishing at Kyoto. It cost me in addition \1,260 and \4,410 for Express 'Kitaguni' and 'Shinkansen(=Bullet Train)' respectively for second-class, non-reserved seat, of course!

It took me about one day to make this trip. I enjoyed every minute of it.

On the way I met one of my former students and his partner. He is known as 'kingfisher' meaning 'カワセミ'. The couple may well be described as a boy who needs four alarm clocks and a girl who needs no alarm clock at all because she is equipped with a 'built-in' clock.

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