Start 2/5/2000 |
2001年1月7日 16時31分 Jan. 7th, Sun. "Let's have a snowball fight!"「雪合戦(ゆきがっせん)をやろうよ!」 It has been snowing heavily in this southern part of Kyoto. Due to this heavy snowfall mail services will be expected to delay for today and tomorrow. 大学入試願書などは、期限内『到着』でないと無効の場合があるよ!急げ、とにかく郵便局に!急いだからといって、滑って転ぶな! Understood? 2001年1月7日 00時15分 Jan. 7th, Sun. "I met Mr. Yamanoi in person for the first time in ...2 weeks!" About 9 hours ago I paid a visit to Mr Yamanoi's office along Prefectural Route in Uji City. I was quite impressed with his message given to our HP viewers, which I hope you have read through already. I did not waste my golden opportunity to make some donation to him in order to express my support for him. He looked lively as usual. I was happy because he looked optimistic somehow concerning the way Japan is facing now. I'd better go into details some day. 1月のカレンダーに戻る ----次の日を見る