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Start 2/5/2000

2001年1月7日 16時31分
Jan. 7th, Sun.

"Let's have a snowball fight!"「雪合戦(ゆきがっせん)をやろうよ!」

It has been snowing heavily in this southern part of Kyoto. Due to this heavy snowfall mail services will be expected to delay for today and tomorrow.



2001年1月7日 00時15分
Jan. 7th, Sun.

"I met Mr. Yamanoi in person for the first time in ...2 weeks!"

About 9 hours ago I paid a visit to Mr Yamanoi's office along Prefectural Route in Uji City. I was quite impressed with his message given to our HP viewers, which I hope you have read through already.
I did not waste my golden opportunity to make some donation to him in order to express my support for him. He looked lively as usual. I was happy because he looked optimistic somehow concerning the way Japan is facing now. I'd better go into details some day.

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