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2001年12月3日 23時48分
Dec.3rd, Mon.  ”えっ!ほぼ72万人も韓国版センター試験を受験?”

1) 修能平均点、66.5点下落 ; 2001/12/03-19:31(MON)







梁根晩(ヤン・グンマン)記者 ; 2001/12/03-19:31(MON)

2) Lower CSAT Results Cause Major Chaos ;12/03(Mon)19:21

The average score for College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) for 2002 university admission dropped by 66.5 points compared to last year, the lowest since 1998 it was reported Monday as the Korea Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation (KICE) sent out scores to some 718,441 test-takers through their high schools.

The notoriously difficult CSAT this year resulted in an average 66.8 points drop in the upper 50% group, despite the agency intending a 16 to 37 point fall across grades to produce a more comprehensive assessment.

The unprecedented lower scores confused students and parents in predicting minimum scores for various universities and their departments. In addition, KICE did not release the cumulative frequency distribution, which used to be made public every year, adding even more chaos in college counseling.

Test-takers and parents showed anxiety, as they cannot predict their position in the score distribution with such unexpected results, without a standard measure.

(Yang Geun-man, yangkm@chosun.com)


2001年12月3日 18時44分
Dec.3rd, Mon.  ”なるほど時間は貴重ではあるが・・・”


Time is very (--1--), it is (--2--), but you shouldn't (--3--) your health (--4--) working
continuously (--5--) a moment's rest.












2001年12月3日 07時53分
Dec.3rd, Mon.   Time is very pre- ・・・・・







2001年12月3日 07時47分
Dec.3rd, Mon. Human History is paved by millions of gallons of blood.(TA)

1) エルサレムで連鎖自爆テロ ;2001.12.02 21:48






柳権夏(ユ・クォンハ)記者 < khyou@joongang.co.kr >

2001.12.02 21:48

2)Terror attacks kill at least 28 in Israel
December 2, 2001 Posted: 5:13 p.m. EST (2213 GMT)

(CNN) -- Suicide attacks in Jerusalem and Haifa, Israel, on Saturday and Sunday left at least 25 victims dead, authorities said. Three suicide bombers also died.

A powerful bomb ripped through a bus Sunday in the Israeli port city of Haifa, police said, killing at least 16 people, including a suicide bomber, and injuring about 35 others.

The suicide bomber detonated the bomb on the bus shortly after noon Sunday local time at a busy intersection in downtown Haifa, police said. (Full story)

And late Saturday night in Jerusalem, police said two terrorists' bombs were detonated near the Zion Square shopping complex killing 12 people -- including two suicide bombers -- and injuring about 180 others. A third explosion about 10 minutes later came from a car bomb that was timed to explode as rescue workers arrived to tend to casualties, police said.

"We didn't know what to do," said an unidentified woman who witnessed the Jerusalem attacks. "And then we see all these people running, and we see the fire ... and I ran into a store 'cause I was so scared, and I saw this person full of blood. ... I saw all these people crying and screaming.

"I call up my mother and tell her I'm OK. Then the police told us to run, run, run, but we didn't know where to run." (Full story)

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the Jerusalem attacks; however, a call in Arabic was placed to the Jerusalem bureau of the BBC. The caller identified himself as being from the Islamic Jihad and said the group was behind the Jerusalem bombings. But a Web site claiming to represent the radical Islamic group Hamas said it was responsible for the Jerusalem and Haifa attacks.

On Sunday morning, the Israeli army shot and killed two Palestinian gunmen who they said were shooting at cars in northern Gaza. The gunmen shot dead one Israeli civilian, the army said.

Latest developments
• President Bush met for about an hour Sunday in the Oval Office with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to discuss ways to "intensify their counterterrorism cooperation," U.S. officials said. Before the meeting, Bush condemned the weekend bombings and said the crisis represents a "moment where the advocates of peace must rise up and fight terror." (Full story)

• Sharon plans to convene an emergency meeting of the Israeli Cabinet Monday to decide how Israel will respond to the latest terror bombings. Sharon is on his way home after cutting short his visit to the United States.

• Palestinian security forces arrested two Hamas leaders Sunday and dozens of members of Hamas and Islamic Jihad after Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat declared a state of emergency in response to the bombings. Arafat ordered his security forces to pursue those people involved in planning and carrying out the attacks and bring them to justice.

• Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat said Arafat condemns the attacks "in the strongest possible terms."

• Hassan Abdel Rahman, Palestine Liberation Organization representative to the United States, said the responsibility for controlling terrorists shouldn't rest solely with the Palestinian Authority. "It is unfair to put the blame on Yasser Arafat and the authority alone without looking at what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians," Abdel Rahman said. "The conditions that are created by Israel makes the Palestinian people very angry and very frustrated."

• Retired U.S. Marine Gen. Anthony Zinni, who is in the region to broker a cease-fire between the Israelis and Palestinians, said he condemned "in the strongest possible terms the vicious and evil terrorist attacks in Jerusalem."

• The attacks came on the heels of the arrest of more than a dozen members of the Islamic Jihad after the group claimed responsibility for two recent suicide attacks in Israel. Palestinian authorities said many of the arrests occurred in the West Bank, including the arrest of Mohammed al-Hindi, a top operative of the group.

2001年12月3日 06時07分
Dec.3rd, Mon. 「歴史は繰り返す」か? History is being made day by day.(TA)

1)と3)は「中央日報 (The JoongAng Ilbo)」[日本経済新聞・時事通信社と提携関係](→ http://japanese.joins.com/ )

2001.12.02 21:14






姜賛昊(カン・チャンホ)記者 < stoncold@joongang.co.kr >

2001.12.02 21:14

2)SAS to assault Bin Laden cave ;SUNDAY DECEMBER 02 2001
(Sunday Times, the → http://www.sunday-times.co.uk/)


BRITAIN'S SAS is poised to lead an attack on the underground fortress in the White Mountains of eastern Afghanistan where Osama Bin Laden is thought to be preparing for a last stand.

The 60-strong SAS Sabre squadron that captured a cave complex near the southern city of Kandahar last month has been told to prepare for the even tougher mission of hunting down Bin Laden in his Tora Bora stronghold.

A senior British defence source said yesterday that the SAS soldiers had "honed and developed unique skills and experience" during the raid, in which 18 Afghans were killed and four Britons injured. The British troops are planning a joint attack with American special forces on Tora Bora, where Bin Laden is reported to be surrounded by hundreds of followers ready to fight to the death.

"It will be in partnership with the Americans, who have some very good people, but what we learnt in the other cave was crucial," the British source said.

The most seriously injured SAS soldier was hit in the leg and abdomen by enemy fire. A 26-year-old married man, he recovered consciousness last Wednesday and is expected to survive, but may lose a leg.

SAS commanders in Afghanistan and Britain are briefing American Delta Force officers on the lessons of the earlier raid in preparation for an assault on Tora Bora, which is likely to follow an exhaustive intelligence effort.

Dr Abdullah Abdullah, the foreign minister of Afghanistan's Northern Alliance, said last night he believed Bin Laden was still hiding in the south of the country, where coalition intelligence agencies thought they had him cornered two weeks ago. However, senior figures on both sides of the Atlantic indicated they were confident Bin Laden had since reached Tora Bora. Planning for an attack intensified as it emerged that Britain is to double the strength of its special forces, partly to cope with an expansion of the war on terrorism in other countries next year.

Geoff Hoon, the defence secretary, will say in a speech on Wednesday that a review of UK armed forces following the September 11 terrorist attacks on America had shown the need for an urgent reorganisation.

Although the SAS and the Special Boat Squadron (SBS) will remain virtually unchanged for fear that their expertise would be diluted if they were enlarged, a new tier of special forces will be formed as part of a 」100m initiative.

The defence review has concluded that the Parachute Regiment and Royal Marines have been overstretched by events. Hoon wants entire regiments retrained to similar standards, creating more "elite infantry" to fulfil difficult roles abroad. They could be asked to assist states such as Yemen, whose government has been unable to prevent terrorists from controlling large areas of the country. Under the plans Britain's 2,000-strong rapid-reaction force, dominated by marines and paratroopers, would be bolstered by about 1,800 more elite infantry.

Candidates for retraining and re-equipping include the Hampshire-based Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment and the Royal Green Jackets.

The review will also see an important change in the ethos of the Territorial Army (TA). Since 1996 it has been sent to serve abroad as much as possible. Hoon will say this week that it should make "homeland defence" its priority. The 1997 strategic defence review suggested that the UK did not face the possibility of attacks from the air, a perception transformed by the events of September 11.

The reorganisation to meet new threats will represent a victory for the Ministry of Defence over the Treasury. In recent weeks Gordon Brown, the chancellor, has resisted Hoon's calls for extra money to fund the expansion of special forces. But, after consulting senior military advisers, Tony Blair, the prime minister, has ruled that the expansion should go ahead. He believes the war against international terrorism has demonstrated the need for more flexible fighting forces.

Blair has also written to security and intelligence chiefs, praising them for their work during the conflict. He has told the heads of MI5, MI6, the joint intelligence committee and GCHQ, the communications centre, that "the government and British people are fortunate to be served by security and intelligence organisations whose professionalism is admired by our enemies and feared throughout the world".
Brown, however, is annoyed by a section of the defence review that says MI5, MI6 and GCHQ, as well as military intelligence, will need far more money in next summer's spending round to protect the UK against terror threats.

The review concludes that if the regular army is tied up on home defence, and intelligence services are so overworked preventing attacks here that they cannot focus on the enemy abroad, then the terrorists have already achieved a victory. Instead, it says, the TA should guard the UK while intelligence agencies and elite troops take the fight to the enemy.

The plan may not please many TA soldiers who have seen more action in the past five years than for decades. One senior NCO who returned recently from the Balkans said:

"For some time the TA has been about serving alongside the regular army, and I think that's why a lot of people enjoy it."

More than 80 foreign Taliban fighters emerged alive yesterday from a bunker inside the fort in northern Afghanistan where the bloodiest battle of the war took place last week, writes Matthew Campbell. They included Yemenis, Chechens, Pakistanis, Saudisand one who said he had been born in the United States.

Northern Alliance troops, suspecting that one or two fighters were still in the bunker in the Qala-i-Janghi fort near Mazar-i-Sharif, had flooded it overnight. At 7.30am yesterday 13 Arab fighters were flushed out by the freezing water.

Others remained inside, though it had seemed inconceivable that anybody could have lived through the battle that followed the uprising by prisoners in the fort last Sunday. At 10am, the remainder agreed to surrender, coming out one by one to hand over their weapons and be tied up. Then, in a parade of limping, tattered individuals, the soldiers of Osama Bin Laden's Al-Qaeda network were led barefoot down a dirt path towards a red lorry container.

At least 84 men emerged, some severely wounded, others apparently unscathed. Most either ignored questions or were too shell-shocked to notice them. But the 44th man stopped and claimed that he had been born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He spoke perfect English with an American accent but was herded away before he could say how he came to be fighting for the Taliban.

The Red Cross tended to the injured and supplied the starving men with fruit. Northern Alliance soldiers were bewildered and angry. "They will eat your apples and bananas and then blow us all up," said one.

3) 映画『007』、北素材の新作を制作; 金永哲(キム・ヨンチョル)





2001.12.02 21:29
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