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2001年12月12日 18時03分
Dec.12th, Wed.   英作文!理科・社会科・英作文!まだまだ上昇中!
明日はR高は2学期期末考査第5日(最終日)! 新聞も読もう!

東亜日報 (The Dong-a Ilbo);朝日新聞と提携関係。
→ http://english.donga.com/


DECEMBER 12, 2001 10:13;by Shim Kyu-Sun (ksshim@donga.com)









2)Japan Will Aid Overseas Atomic Bomb Victims

DECEMBER 12, 2001 09:21
by Shim Kyu-Sun (ksshim@donga.com)

Japanese reporters revealed that the Japanese government began establishing funds to support the atomic bomb victims who live outside Japan, such as Korea and North Korea.

The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in Japan plans to make a fund of 500 million yen to support the a-victims who live abroad or to pay for the expenses that the victims may spend for the medical treatment in Japan.

Consequently, 4.400 to 5.000 people including 2,200 Koreans and 900 North Koreans, who were injured by the atomic bomb dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, will benefit.

A-victims in Japan, most of whom are Japanese, have received health allowances of 34,000 yen and free medical treatment according to the `a-victim relief law`. However, overseas a-victims have been excluded from the benefit.

This decision of Japanese government is a result of continuous legal struggles of the Korean victims and by the realization of the Japanese government that it is morally and ethically impossible to ignore the problem.

Especially legal struggles of the Korean victims were influential. There has been 34 `post-war compensation litigation` by the Koreans till October this year since the World War II. The first lawsuit was made by a Korean victim, Mr. Son Jin-Du, in March 1972. He appealed that the `a-victims allowance` should be offered to the Korean victims as well and finally he won the first trial.

Mr. Kwak Gui-Hoon, who couldn`t receive the health allowance after he returned to Korea, won at the trial in 1998. Their wins in the first trial are significant because only those three victims won at the first trials for the post-war compensation (one lost at the high court).

However, Japan does not apply the `a-victim relief law` to the victims but just create a new fund to escape from the international criticisms, while preserving its current position.

Kim Jong-Dae, the chairperson of ` The Pacific War Victims` Bereaved Families Meeting` pointed out that "It is far from the principle that the compensation must be the same as of the Japanese a-victims." A member of Korea A-victims Association(chairperson Lee Ho-Kyung) said, " Minimum 10 billion yen is required for sufficient compensation for the overseas a-victims. The fund of 500 million yen is only for self-proud."


2001年12月12日 17時38分
Dec.12th, Wed.   英作文!理科・社会科・英作文!まだまだ上昇中!

One year ago .....

『Dec. 12th, Tues. 2000

「糠雨(ぬかあめ)ですね」="It's drizzling."

1)履歴書(job application form)を買いにいった、R高校近くの文房具屋さんの若奥さん(?)の言葉。


3)「糠雨」とは、この三年間で初めて聞いた。いつも行くR高卒業生のコンビニ(convenience store)では決してない。悪いね、おじさん。(Y氏のことは、どうかヨロシク。)


5)'heavy rain'の反対だから、'light rain'だ。

6)"Light rain, isn't it?"

7)そう言って、奥さんはTAの半袖姿(はんそですがた)に気づき、...she stared at me, gaped..., and then started laughing. She seemed to be unable to stop laughing. I'm sorry, sir, I didn't mean it. You...marvelous! She wanted to leave the scene as soon as possible.
Poor young lady! Poor me! 』

2001年12月12日(水)追記)「むべ」(=なるほど)、「すきずきし」(風流だ)。[M塾U君、あと25時間で、古文単語+100!No excuse!=ノゥエクスキュース!=言い訳無用!]

2001年12月12日 15時56分
Dec.12th, Wed.   英作文!理科・社会科・英作文!まだまだ上昇中!
R高校第二学期期末考査第4日;本日T類高3第1時限目は英語W(田平)担当! 範囲は授業中の発表通りB4×7面(両面刷り×3+片面刷り×1)+ANSWER SHEET!


但し don't は1語、do notは2語と数える。また文字数は示されていない。文字指定があれば従え。


= My grandmother (--1--)(--2--) very well.

= My grandmother is (h--3--)(--4--) hearing.

正解→ (1)can't (2)hear(3)hard(4)of

考え方)「耳が遠い」=「よく聞こえない」= can't hear (very) well=be hard of hearing


= (O--5--) upon a time (t--6--) lived an (--7--) man and an (--7--) woman.


考え方)「昔々(むかしむかし)」= Once upon a time=Long, long ago

「(血縁関係のない)おじいさん」= 老人 = an old man


= Crown Princess Masako (g--8--)(b--9--) to a girl.

→ Now Crown Princess Masako is a mother of one daughter.

正解→(8)gave (9) birth

解説)「出産する」=「〜を生む」= give birth to 〜

2001年12月12日 08時07分
Dec.12th, Wed.   英作文!理科・社会科・英作文!まだまだ上昇中!
R高校第二学期期末考査第4日;本日T類高3第1時限目は英語W(田平)担当! 範囲は授業中の発表通りB4×7面(両面刷り×3+片面刷り×1)+ANSWER SHEET!


但し don't は1語、do notは2語と数える。また文字数は示されていない。文字指定があれば従え。


= My grandmother (--1--)(--2--) very well.

= My grandmother is (h--3--)(--4--) hearing.


= (O--5--) upon a time (t--6--) lived an (--7--) man and an (--7--) woman.


= Crown Princess Masako (g--8--)(b--9--) to a girl.

→ Now Crown Princess Masako is a mother of one daughter.


= I'm (--13--) my (--14--), but even now I (s--15--) dream about examinations at school.
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