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2001年11月27日 23時11分
Nov.27th,Tue. 「河合塾センタープレ」まであと4.5日!


但し don't は1語、do notは2語と数える。


2.彼女は料理が下手だ。(a を含めて計5語で)

3.母のほうが私より泳ぎが上手だ。(My mother, a を含めて計8語で )

1.What makes you think so?

2.She is a poor cook.=She is a bad cook.

3.My mother is a better swimmer than I.

”make+ O + 原形”= 「OにVさせる」

疑問詞の "what" 主語のなると「3人称単数扱い」になる→makes

正解→ What makes you think so?


彼女は料理が上手だ。=She is good at cooking.=She is a good cook.


"a good cook"=「料理が上手な人」

"a poor(プゥァ) cook"="a bad cook"=「料理が下手な人」


My mother is a good swimmer.→My mother is a better swimmer than I.

TA注)英米共に、口語では、My mother is a better swimmer than me.


TA試訳)"You're the worst lover (I've had sex with)!"

→ Practice makes perfect.=(ことわざ)習うより慣れよ。

2001年11月27日 21時47分
Nov.27th,Tue. 「河合塾センタープレ」まであと4.5日!


但し don't は1語、do notは2語と数える。


2.彼女は料理が下手だ。(a を含めて計5語で)

3.母のほうが私より泳ぎが上手だ。(My mother, a を含めて計8語で )

2001年11月27日 12時44分


但し don't は1語、do notは2語と数える。






How + 形容詞 〜 ?=「どれほど 〜?」
How + 副詞 〜 ?=「どれほど 〜?」

How tall are you?=What is your height(ハィt)?

正解(1)How heavy are you?(4語)
=How much do you weigh?(ウェイ)→但し5語になってしまい不適!

正解(2)What is your weight?(ウェィト)

2001年11月27日 07時51分
Nov. 27th, Tue.  河合塾センタープレは12月2日(日)実施!


「2000年11月27日 07時36分 11月27日 (月曜)





2000年11月27日 02時33分 11月26日(日)26:00



(2)LINK経由「MAYUMI」は、大韓民国・京畿道(キョンギド)広州郡(クワンジュグン)退村面(テュェソンミョン)の、「ナヌムの家=the House of Sharing(シェアリング)」から、現地’生(なま)’中継の、「元気印(げんきじるし)」に、ウーロン茶(=Oolong Tea)にて、乾杯(かんぱーーい)!



(5)みんな、元気で頑張ろう! Good luck!


2000年11月27日 01時42分 Nov. 26th Sun. 25:40

It has been only a week since I left all the food including ice creams at the cashier of the nearest convenience store. The ice cream was in such messy state.

I kept trying to talk to myself,"Somehow I must change my fate!"
Just when I was about to leave home with my wife, I caught my underpants on a nail in the kitchen-corridor. Though I didn't hurt at all, I had to hear some complaint from her. She kept telling me that I was the one who should be on a diet by some means or other and that at once! But she made a prediction that I would be the last to reduce my weight since I was always a good eater. In her opinion I am the worst eater because I'm a midnight eater just before my sleep. No chance at all to lose weight.

Remembering what happened to me within 24 hours has almost made me sleepy. I'd better say good-night to have good sleep. Bye 」


2001年11月27日 00時44分
Nov. 27th(twenty-seventh), Tue.  ?今やるべきこと?

1)日本、戦後初めて自衛隊を海外に派遣; NOVEMBER 26, 2001 10:03









2)Japan`s First Overseas Deployment Since World War II

NOVEMBER 26, 2001 09:20

Three Japanese naval vessels left three Maritime Self-Defense Force bases in Yokosuka, Kure and Sasebo for the Indian Ocean on Nov. 25 to supports the U.S.-led anti-terrorism war.

The dispatch of Japanese Self-Defense Force troops to a battlefield marks the first time since Japan`s defeat at World War II. Even though the dispatch was undertaken in compliance with the `law of special measures against terrorism` that had been recently enacted to support the U.S., neighboring East-Asian countries expressed their concerns about a possibility for Japan to become a great military power.

The minesweeper `Uraga` (5,650t) departed form Yokosuka base carrying 200 tons of relief supplies for refugees to Karachi, Pakistan, while the supply ship `Towada` (8,100t) and the escort warship `Sawakiri` (3,550t) left the Kure and the Sasebo naval bases respectively on that day.

Nakatani said at the send-off ceremony at the Yokosuka base, "I am convinced that the dispatched Self-Defense Force troops will carry out their duties sincerely as representatives of the nation, and all of them will return safely." and added, "Japan will continue to support the U.S. in its activities against terrorism."

`Towada` and `Sawakiri`, which left on that day, will join three escort and supply ships that departed on Nov 9 to conduct information-collecting operations in the Indian Ocean and be involved in supplying fuel and materials to the U.S. forces. The mission of the three warships dispatched earlier on Nov. 9 was changed to supporting the U.S. forces as result of the order of dispatch given by the Defense Agency Chief on Nov. 20.

Civil organizations protested on the sea against the deployment of the Self-Defense Force at the three bases where send-off ceremonies were conducted, mobilizing small fishing-boats but there was no clash.

The number of the dispatched Self-Defense Force troops amounted to over 1,200, and will reach over 1,500 when the personnel of six transport planes of the Self-Defense Aviation Force scheduled to begin operations from the next month. The deadline for their operations is the end of next March, but it can be extended if necessary.

Since the special law against terrorism provides that the dispatch of Self-Defense Force need ex post facto approval, not prior approval, the Japanese parliament will begin to examine it from Nov. 26. Though those dispatched warships and planes should stop their operations and return when their dispatch is not approved by the parliament, there is no such possibility since even the first opposition Democratic Party is agreeing on the dispatch of Self-Defense Force.

3)日の丸の歓送 ;NOVEMBER 26, 2001 10:03


4)Japanese Flags Waving Farewell ;NOVEMBER 26, 2001 09:21

Relatives of crew aboard the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force minesweeper Uraga wave Japanese flags and naval flags to bid farewell to the vessel as it leaves Yokosuka Naval Base south of Tokyo November 25, 2001.

1.自衛隊=Self Defense Force(s)
4.空軍=air force(エァフォース)
5.掃海艇=mine sweeper(マインスゥィーパァ)
7.force O to 原形=compel O to 原形=「Oに無理やりVさせる」
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