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2001年11月13日 23時57分
Nov.13th(thirteenth), Tues.  ”大爆発?テロ否定の根拠なし”



2001年11月13日 23時32分
Nov.13th(thirteenth), Tues. お待たせしました。ようやく修理完了!


"不眠症(ふみんしょう)=insomnia(インソムニァ/インサムニァ)(inSOMnia)" を吹っ飛ばせ!






0. Go to see your psychiatrist(psyCHIatrist=サイかいァトリスト=精神科医).

1.宇宙船「地球号」を眺める。→ Earth View

2.『じゃリン子チエ』(アクション オリジナル=ACTION COMICS)双葉(ふたば)社¥286+税(TAX)をなるべく多く読む。


→人気サイト(site; 同音語は sight, cite「引用する」)の理由を考えてみる。


... 昭和50年5月18日 血液型:B型 生息地:ニュージーランド 迫田家一番の国際派。現在ニュージーランドで青春を謳歌しています。 英語でジョ ークを飛ばして外人さんを笑わせている隣で私は姉だと言えませんでした ...」 → 

3b) 「マイクロソフト・ジョークス」
 . ... 念のために言ってるんだ --- も、リンゴしかかじらない君も買って読んでくれたまえ。CU ビル・ゲイツの秘密の日記.
TA注:the bridal(ブライドゥウ)night/the wedding night/the first night
「どうしてあなたが自分の会社に 『マイクロソフト』という名前をつけたのか、やっとわかったわ」

... ビル・ゲイツの秘密の日記の本 「ビル・ゲイツの秘密の日記」がついに本になりました(98/11/30発売)。 このページはUSAの超人気サイト、The Secret Diary of Bill Gatesを、作者の許可を得て翻訳したものです。現在、オリジナル .....

TA注:男性専科かも?下手に”English is here"など開けるな!自己責任!自己責任!自己責任!

3d) 藤咲理香さんホームページ




目が痛いっていう昨日のとは違う痛さ。 今朝の出来事です。」   


What is ”東寺庵(とうじあん)”?

   HERE! 敷居をまたぐと、そこには地球があった

3g) ”DX○×” ?????

  Help yourself! Your decision, OK?

4. The Nasty(ナースティ) Joke Page


2001年11月13日 23時32分
Nov.13th(thirteenth), Tues. お待たせしました。ようやく修理完了!


"不眠症(ふみんしょう)=insomnia(インソムニァ/インサムニァ)(inSOMnia)" を吹っ飛ばせ!






0. Go to see your psychiatrist(psyCHIatrist=サイかいァトリスト=精神科医).

1.宇宙船「地球号」を眺める。→ Earth View

2.『じゃリン子チエ』(アクション オリジナル=ACTION COMICS)双葉(ふたば)社¥286+税(TAX)をなるべく多く読む。


→人気サイト(site; 同音語は sight, cite「引用する」)の理由を考えてみる。


... 昭和50年5月18日 血液型:B型 生息地:ニュージーランド 迫田家一番の国際派。現在ニュージーランドで青春を謳歌しています。 英語でジョ ークを飛ばして外人さんを笑わせている隣で私は姉だと言えませんでした ...」 → 

3b) 「マイクロソフト・ジョークス」
 . ... 念のために言ってるんだ --- も、リンゴしかかじらない君も買って読んでくれたまえ。CU ビル・ゲイツの秘密の日記.
TA注:the bridal(ブライドゥウ)night/the wedding night/the first night
「どうしてあなたが自分の会社に 『マイクロソフト』という名前をつけたのか、やっとわかったわ」

... ビル・ゲイツの秘密の日記の本 「ビル・ゲイツの秘密の日記」がついに本になりました(98/11/30発売)。 このページはUSAの超人気サイト、The Secret Diary of Bill Gatesを、作者の許可を得て翻訳したものです。現在、オリジナル .....

TA注:男性専科かも?下手に”English is here"など開けるな!自己責任!自己責任!自己責任!

3d) 藤咲理香さんホームページ




目が痛いっていう昨日のとは違う痛さ。 今朝の出来事です。」   


What is ”東寺庵(とうじあん)”?

   HERE! 敷居をまたぐと、そこには地球があった

3g) ”DX○×” ?????

  Help yourself! Your decision, OK?

4. The Nasty(ナースティ) Joke Page


2001年11月13日 18時17分

 YOSSHY'S 高1生しっかりしいや! 〜教員免許取得まであと一歩!〜(第4回)






おけば、No〜 problem!

 (1)まずは、 SMILE!(笑)…
     理解できていなければ"Could you repeat the question, please?"とでも
     "When did Mrs.Smith meet the doctor?" なんて質問があったとして答え
     "She met him 2 days ago. "と即座に文がつくれなければ、"2 days ago"
   それでは、みなさん2次面接頑張ってください。Take it easy! Bye!


2001年11月13日 18時15分
Nov.13th(thirteenth), Tues.   NY Plane Crash!


→ http://www.whitehouse.gov/

President Calls Airline Crash Heartbreaking
Remarks by the President and Former President of South Africa
Nelson Mandela in Photo Opportunity
The Rose Garden

4:10 P.M. EST

PRESIDENT BUSH: It's been my honor to welcome a man whose name
symbolizes freedom and courage, to the Oval Office. President
Mandela is going to say a few words, and I will say some after
he finishes.


PRESIDENT MANDELA: Well, firstly, I would like to express my deepest
sympathies for the crash that took place today. It's unfortunate
that that would happen at this time, when the United States lost
so many people on the 11th of September. But I know that you have
quite a strong leader, and the people of the United States of
America can face disaster, and I'm sure that they will overcome
this unfortunate incident.

I also want to say that one of the reasons for coming here is to
be able to express my support for the President for his action in
Afghanistan. The United States of America lost 5,000 people,
innocent people, and it is quite correct for the President to
ensure that the terrorists, those masterminds, as well as those
who have executed the action and survived, are to be punished

And it would be disastrous if the President gave in to the call
that the army must now withdraw, before he has actually flushed out
the terrorists. That would be disaster. They will claim that they
have defeated the United States of America, and they will continue
doing the same thing. So I support him to continue until those
terrorists have been tracked down.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Mr. President, you don't have to worry about me.
We are going to bring them to justice. And I want to thank you
for your support. I also want to thank you for your wisdom and
your leadership in Burundi. You made a huge difference.

The President said, why would I welcome a pensioner to the Oval
Office, and the reason why is because he is such a strong man.
And it's been my honor to greet you and welcome you. And thank
you for your words of condolences.

I, too, want to express my heartfelt sympathies for the citizens
of New York, those on the airplane, those whose houses were
damaged, those who were hurt on the ground, for the recent
incident that took place. It is heartbreaking to have picked up
the phone and called my friend, Rudy Giuliani and Governor George
Pataki and once again expressed our condolences, and at the same
time, assured the people of New York our federal government will
respond as quickly as possible.

We sent our FEMA teams over; the FBI is over there. And this
investigation is being led by the National Transportation Safety
Board, to make sure that the facts are fully known to the
American people.

The New York people have suffered mightily; they suffer again.
But there's no doubt in my mind that the New Yorkers are
resilient and strong and courageous people, and will help
their neighbors overcome this recent incident that took place.

May God bless the victims and their families.

Mr. President, welcome to Washington, and thank you for coming.


END 4:15 P.M. EST


A: I'm really worried about my exam tomorrow.

B: (空所)

A: Really?

B: Sure. I'd be glad to.

1.Leave me alone.
2.Put it off.
3.Want me to help you?
4.Want to know something?  




正解) 3;Want me to help you?=Do you want me to help you?







A: I'm really worried about my exam tomorrow.

B: (空所)

A: Really?

B: Sure. I'd be glad to.

1.Leave me alone.
2.Put it off.
3.Want me to help you?
4.Want to know something?  

まず、1.と2.を消去! 3.と4.を『代入』して、空所の下の英文を


A: I'm really worried about my exam tomorrow.

B: (Do you want me to help you?)

A: Really? (Will you help me?)

B: Sure=Certainly=Of course=Yes. 
I'd be glad to (help you).

1.Leave me alone.
2.Put it off.
3.Want me to help you?
4.Want to know something?  


TA追追記)選択肢をチョッとみたら、こんなん、3 OR 4に決まってるやんけ・・・ (だって、見た目にもこんなに似ているもん)

3.Want me to help you?
4.Want to know something?  

え〜っ、2.「延期しろ」を選んだ!You're kidding!=You're joking!
=ご冗談を! 絶句!だまされやすいなー!

ブッシュ:ありがとう。Don't worry about me. 私はテロの当事者、支援者を

場違いにも・・・ I personally wish to express my deepest condolences
for what happened to both the U.S. and Dominican citizens, flight
crew and innocent victims on the ground. (TAhira)

2001年11月13日 12時18分
Nov.13th(thirteenth), Tues.  (Continued) NY Plane Crash!

1)Chosun Ilbo(朝鮮日報)より:日本の毎日新聞と提携関係あり

NYに米旅客機が墜落   2001/11/13-03:56(TUE)








Monday November 12 9:34 PM ET
Jet Falls Apart, Crashes in NYC
By DIEGO IBARGUEN, Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK (AP) - A jetliner en route to the Dominican Republic broke apart minutes after takeoff and crashed in a waterfront neighborhood Monday, engulfing homes in flames and sowing initial fears of a new terrorist atrocity. All 260 people aboard were killed, and at least six others were reported missing on the ground.

``All information we have currently is that this is an accident,'' said Marion Blakey, chairwoman of the National Transportation Safety Board (news - web sites). If there was an explosion on the plane - and many witnesses heard one - it was probably caused by a mechanical failure, investigators said.

As night fell, several hundred people working under the glare of klieg lights formed bucket brigades and separated debris into gruesome piles of luggage, plane parts and human remains. Police said bodies were being recovered intact; one victim, a man, was found clutching a baby.

American Airlines Flight 587, a European-made Airbus A300, left Kennedy Airport at 9:14 a.m., 74 minutes late because of security checks put in place after the World Trade Center attack, according to American Airlines chairman Don Carty. It took off into a clear blue sky.

Three minutes later, it spiraled nose-first into the Rockaway Beach section of Queens - a middle-class neiited. Another American jet crashed into the Pentagon (news - web sites) that day.

Jackie Weiss, 50, a secretary at Rockaway High School, said: ``I'm really devastated. My own son was telling me, when I was upset by the World Trade Center, `But you didn't lose any family members.' But seeing something like this ... I feel the world is coming to an end.''

All 260 Aboard Die in NY Plane Crash (November 12)
All 255 Aboard Die in NY Plane Crash (November 12)
American Airlines Jet Crashes in NYC (November 12)
Plane Crashes Near Kennedy Airport (November 12)
Plane Crashed Near Kennedy Airport (November 12)
Passenger Jet Crashes in Queens, NYC (November 12)

2001年11月13日 08時33分
Nov.13th(thirteenth), Tues. 163 BODIES FOUND, SIX RESIDENTS MISSING!


1)〜3)YAHOO NEWSより(トップページ”テロ関連”からYahoo Newsをクリック!)
(→ http://dailynews.yahoo.com/)

Monday November 12 9:59 AM ET
Plane Crashes in Queens, New York

NEW YORK (AP) - An American Airlines flight from New York to the Dominican Republic crashed after takeoff Monday, and buildings reportedly were on fire in the Queens section of New York City.

The Airbus A300 crashed shortly after 9 a.m. and thick, black smoke could be seen miles away.

Bill Schumann of the Federal Aviation Administration (news - web sites) said there was no immediate indication of what caused the crash. He said the plane could hold up to 275 passengers, and crashed about five miles from Kennedy Airport.

All metro area airports were closed following the crash, in the Rockaways section of Queens.

The mayor canceled his morning events and headed to the scene.

One eyewitness reported debris falling from sky, and told the Fox News Channel four homes were on fire.

Another told CNN he was 40 blocks away and saw ``Just a lot of smoke. Tons and tons of smoke. You can see emergency vehicles heading to area. Lots of people are standing in the streets. It's very tense.''

The crash came two months after the attack on the World Trade Center, which was destroyed by two Boeing 767s hijacked out of Boston's Logan Airport. One of the planes was operated by American, the other by United.


Monday November 12 4:27 PM ET
NTSB Chief: Crash Probably Accident

By RON FOURNIER, AP White House Correspondent

WASHINGTON (AP) - White House spokesman Ari Fleischer (news - web sites) said there were no unusual communications from the cockpit of an American Airlines plane that crashed Monday in New York. The head of the U.S. safety board said, ``All information we have currently is that this is an accident.''

``The New York people have suffered mightily,'' President Bush (news - web sites) said several hours after the crash. ``They suffer again, but there's no doubt in my mind that the New Yorkers are a resilient and strong and courageous people and will help their neighbors overcome this recent incident.''

Bush declined to answer a question about whether the crash was an act of terrorism. Other officials said evidence pointed to an accident.

Fleischer said Bush was informed of the crash within minutes of its occurrence in a residential section of Queens, and that Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge hastened to the White House Situation Room to confer with other senior officials on a conference call.

At a White House briefing, Fleischer said the National Transportation Safety Board (news - web sites) had been named the lead investigative agency into the crash, in which an Airbus crashed shortly after takeoff from John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York.

The crash triggered moments of intense concern inside the administration, struggling to cope with the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks and the anthrax outbreak that followed a few weeks later.

But initial information seemed to allay concern that the American Airlines crash was another bout of terrorism. Several administration officials, including some at the White House, said the incident did not appear to be a terrorist attack.

Marion Blakey, chairwoman of the NTSB (news - web sites), said preliminary evidence suggests the crash was an accident. She announced that the plane's flight data recorder has been recovered.

Fleischer said there had been no credible threats against airplanes in advance of the crash. The White House spokesman declined to rule terrorism in or out as a possible cause of the crash but said he would not dispute the assessment of U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, who said there was no preliminary evidence of terrorism.

The airlines have taken a financial beating since the suicide hijackings of Sept. 11, and officials have worked to rebuild public confidence in the industry. ``The president continues to believe that people need to travel,'' said Fleischer.

An administration source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said preliminary reports led the FBI (news - web sites) to believe there was an explosion aboard the plane, and was investigating whether it was an accident, mechanical failure or an act of sabotage. Fleischer said he could not confirm the report.

``There have been, according to eyewitnesses, information that an engine was seen being detached from the plane and that it landed separately from the main body of the airplane,'' he said.

With the nation on high alert, a result of the Sept. 11 attacks, Fleischer said Bush was in the Situation Room, convening a national security meeting, when he was handed a note shortly before 9:30 a.m. that a plane had gone down.

Bush spoke with New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani (news - web sites) and Gov. George Pataki and ``expressed to both of them his deepest sympathy for the people of New York to be enduring any other trauma,'' Fleischer said.

The president also spoke with British Prime Minister Tony Blair (news - web sites), who called to discuss U.S.-led military action in Afghanistan (news - web sites). Bush told Blair what he knew about the crash, a White House aide said.

The spokesman stepped to the microphones in the White House briefing room less than three hours after the plane crashed with 255 passengers and crew members aboard. Several eyewitnesses reported hearing explosions aboard the plane, and a piece of an engine came to rest outside a gas station in the Queens section of New York.

``There were no unusual communications with the cockpit,'' Fleischer said. He said investigators had not yet found the ``black box'' that records important in-flight information.

He also said Bush had dispatched federal investigators and search-and-rescue personnel to the scene.

New York area airports were closed in the wake of the crash, and federal officials briefly considered a nationwide shutdown. But Fleischer said officials did not intend to do that, and indicated the New York airports wouldn't be closed for long.

Bush postponed a scheduled interview with Russian and American reporters so he could monitor the investigation into the crash of Flight 587, which had just taken off from John F. Kennedy International Airport en route to the Dominican Republic. He meets Tuesday with Russian President Vladimir Putin (news - web sites), opening three days of talks in Washington and Texas.

Intelligence agencies, the FBI and the Federal Aviation Administration (news - web sites) were reviewing all recent intelligence for any signs that terrorism was involved but an hour after the crash there was no evidence pointing to an attack, said a U.S. official speaking only on condition of anonymity.

``They are comparing information to see if it provides any insight into what transpired. At this point, there's no indication of a terrorist attack, but it certainly can't be ruled out in current environment,'' the official said.


Monday November 12 5:33 PM ET
All 255 Aboard Die in NY Plane Crash

By DIEGO IBARGUEN, Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK (AP) - A jetliner en route to the Dominican Republic broke apart minutes after takeoff and crashed in a waterfront neighborhood Monday, engulfing homes in flames and sowing initial fears of a new terrorist atrocity. All 255 people aboard were killed, and at least six others were reported missing on the ground.

``It's looking like it's not a terrorist attack,'' said a senior Bush administration official who spoke on condition of anonymity. If there was an explosion on the plane - and many bystanders heard one - it was probably caused by a catastrophic mechanical failure, investigators said.

American Airlines Flight 587, a European-made Airbus A300, left Kennedy Airport at 9:14 a.m., 74 minutes late, lifting off into a clear blue sky. It nose-dived three minutes later into the Rockaway Beach section of Queens - a middle-class neighborhood, 15 miles from Manhattan, that had lost scores of its people, firefighters and financial workers among them, in the World Trade Center catastrophe just two months ago.

``I just thought, `Oh, no, not again,''' said Milena Owens, who was putting up Thanksgiving decorations when she heard an explosion.

Furious orange flames towered above the treetops, and a plume of thick, black smoke could be seen mdition of anonymity, said intelligence agencies, the FBI (news - web sites) and the Federal Aviation Administration (news - web sites) were reviewing recent intelligence for signs that terrorism was involved.

But White House spokesman Ari Fleischer (news - web sites) said there were no ``unusual communications'' from the cockpit. And a senior administration official said that no threats against airplanes had been received.

Gov. George Pataki said the pilot dumped fuel in Jamaica Bay before the plane went down - indicating the crew knew the jet was in trouble.

The National Transportation Safety Board (news - web sites) was designated the lead agency in the investigation, signaling that authorities have no information other than that a mechanical malfunction - and not a terrorist attack - brought down the plane.

A law enforcement source at the scene told The Associated Press that the likelihood of a mechanical problem stemmed from the fact that flames were seen shooting out of the left engine and that witnesses reported the plane had difficulty climbing and was banking to the left.

Jet engines have been known to break up catastrophically, throwing shrapnel into a plane. In 1989, for example, United Airlines DC-10 crashed in Sioux City, Iowa, killing 112, after the metal hub that holds the engine's fan blades shattered and ruptured the jet's hydraulic lines.

Jennifer Rivara said she was looking out a window from her home about five blocks from Monday's crash. ``I saw pieces falling out of the sky,'' she said. ``And then I looked over to my left and I saw this huge fireball, and the next thing I know, I hear this big rumbling sound. I ran to the door and all I saw was big black smoke.''

The plane was lying on top of about 12 homes, said Ed Williams, community liaison for Rep. Gregory Meeks (news - bio - voting record).

Giuliani said his first thought upon hearing about the crash was ```Oh, my God.' I just passed the church in which I've been to, I think, 10 funerals here. Rockaway was particularly hard hit'' in the Trade Center disaster, he said.

The mayor went to an airport hotel where hundreds of family members of those on board the plane had assembled; he led them in a moment of silent prayer.

``This is a horrible, horrible day,'' the governor told them.

The Trade Center was destroyed by two Boeing 767s hijacked out of Boston's Logan Airport. One of the planes was operated by American, the other by United.

Jackie Weiss, 50, a secretary at Rockaway High School, said: ``I'm really devastated. My own son was telling me, when I was upset by the World Trade Center, `But you didn't lose any family members.' But seeing something like this ... I feel the world is coming to an end.''

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Earlier Stories
American Airlines Jet Crashes in NYC (November 12)
Plane Crashes Near Kennedy Airport (November 12)
Plane Crashed Near Kennedy Airport (November 12)
Passenger Jet Crashes in Queens, NYC (November 12)
Passenger Jet Crashes in Queens, NY (November 12)
Plane Crashes in Queens, New York (November 12)


→ http://www.whitehouse.gov/

President Calls Airline Crash Heartbreaking
Remarks by the President and Former President of South Africa Nelson Mandela in Photo Opportunity
The Rose Garden

4:10 P.M. EST

PRESIDENT BUSH: It's been my honor to welcome a man whose name symbolizes freedom and courage, to the Oval Office. President Mandela is going to say a few words, and I will say some after he finishes.


PRESIDENT MANDELA: Well, firstly, I would like to express my deepest sympathies for the crash that took place today. It's unfortunate that that would happen at this time, when the United States lost so many people on the 11th of September. But I know that you have quite a strong leader, and the people of the United States of America can face disaster, and I'm sure that they will overcome this unfortunate incident.

I also want to say that one of the reasons for coming here is to be able to express my support for the President for his action in Afghanistan. The United States of America lost 5,000 people, innocent people, and it is quite correct for the President to ensure that the terrorists, those masterminds, as well as those who have executed the action and survived, are to be punished heavily.

And it would be disastrous if the President gave in to the call that the army must now withdraw, before he has actually flushed out the terrorists. That would be disaster. They will claim that they have defeated the United States of America, and they will continue doing the same thing. So I support him to continue until those terrorists have been tracked down.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Mr. President, you don't have to worry about me. We are going to bring them to justice. And I want to thank you for your support. I also want to thank you for your wisdom and your leadership in Burundi. You made a huge difference.

The President said, why would I welcome a pensioner to the Oval Office, and the reason why is because he is such a strong man. And it's been my honor to greet you and welcome you. And thank you for your words of condolences.

I, too, want to express my heartfelt sympathies for the citizens of New York, those on the airplane, those whose houses were damaged, those who were hurt on the ground, for the recent incident that took place. It is heartbreaking to have picked up the phone and called my friend, Rudy Giuliani and Governor George Pataki and once again expressed our condolences, and at the same time, assured the people of New York our federal government will respond as quickly as possible.

We sent our FEMA teams over; the FBI is over there. And this investigation is being led by the National Transportation Safety Board, to make sure that the facts are fully known to the American people.

The New York people have suffered mightily; they suffer again. But there's no doubt in my mind that the New Yorkers are resilient and strong and courageous people, and will help their neighbors overcome this recent incident that took place.

May God bless the victims and their families.

Mr. President, welcome to Washington, and thank you for coming.


END 4:15 P.M. EST
11月のカレンダーに戻る >次の日を見る