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Start 2/5/2000

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1. Let the fish (---1---) for half an hour before you add the wine.

A. to cook
B. cooking
C. cook
正解→D. cooked ;「fish(魚肉)を調理させなさい[受け身]」→「過去分詞」

2. Don't you hate it when someone (---2---) before you've finished speaking?

A. hung up
正解→B. hangs up ;「電話をきる[反意語=hold on=(電話を)切らずにそのまま待つ]」[hang-hung-hung][× 英語でC,Dの言い方はしない]
C. puts the telephone
D. cuts the phone

3. He put salt into the sugar bowl (---3---).

A. by an error
B. in a mistake
正解→C. by mistake ;[× 英語でA,Bの言い方はしない]
D. at fault 「罪がある」

4.My mother has become very (---4---) recently.

正解→A. forgetful;「忘れっぽい」[センター既出]
B. absent-mind
C. negligence
D. forgetting

5. For reasons (---5---) I could not understood I felt happier among those people.

A. because
B. why
C. for
正解→D. that ;"I could not understand"はO[目的語]が欠如の不完全文→○ 関係代名詞;× 関係副詞の"why"

6. I (---6---) ten lines of Shakespeare by heart yesterday.

正解→A. learned ;;「暗記する」[=learn O by heart]のO[目的語]が少し(?)離れているだけ・・・
B. remembered
C. studied
D. memorized

7. I was (---7---) of the dark as a child.

A. frightening
B. feared →"I feared(フィァd) the dark"ならOK
C. frightful
正解→D. frightened ;"be frightened"で「おびえる」;"frighten[フラィトン]=「〜を怯(おび)えさせる」


