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2001年2月21日 01時03分
Thursday, July 3, 1997
School Trip To Kyoto
We went to Kyoto on our school trip.
Ken, Yumiko, Hiroshi and Emi were in my group.
We had a very good time on the trip.
On the first day we went to Kinkakuji Temple.
Kinkakuji was built by Ashikaga Yoshimitsu.
It looked bright
in the sun.=それは、日の光の中に輝いていた。
1.〜新聞社=〜 Newspaper Office
〜 放送局=〜 TV Station
〜 野球場=〜 Baseball Stadium
〜 美術館=〜 Art Museum
=Everyone looked busy in that office.
スタジアムは大きく、人がいっぱいでした。=The stadium was big and full of people.
多くの作品を見ました。それらは印象的でした。=I saw many works of art. They were impressive.
=go to Kyoto on the Shinkansen
観光バス=sightseeing bus
午後は自由行動でした。=We were free in the afternoon.」