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Start 2/5/2000

HOME > 国公立・私大対策 > 英作文小テスト

問)(空所)に適当な(=suitable)1語を入れよ。但し don't は1語、do notは2語と数える。また文字数は示されていない。(3分)


正解→ What time is (your(appointment)(with) Mr. Miura?


正解→ Did Arase come at the (appointed)(time)?


正解→ You are (to)(blame).
= (It)(is) you (that/who)(are)(to)(blame).


正解→ We (had)(to) stand (all)(the)(way) from Kyoto to Odawara.


正解→ A girl (with) books (under) her (arm) was standing there.


正解→ (There)(is)(no) telling what will happen tomorrow.
=(It)(is)(impossible)(to) tell what will happen tomorrow.
=We (cannot/can't) tell what will happen tomorrow.



正解→ (It)(is) often (said) that (there)(is) very (little)(difference)(between) success (and)(failure).