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Start 2/5/2000

問)(空所)に適当な(=suitable)1語を入れよ。但し don't は1語、do notは2語と数える。また文字数は示されていない。(3分)

@ It is terrible to (1.get)(2.lost) in an (3.unfamilia) place.

A You will feel scared if you (4.lose) your (5.way) in a place where you are a complete (6.stranger).


Time seems to (7.fly) when you are (8.absorbed) in doing something,
(9.while) it seems to (10.crawl) when you are having a (11.hard) time.


(12.What) (13.impressed) me most when I visited Nagasaki was (14.how)(15.blue) the sky was, and how kind and (16.friendly) the people were.